<%= live_patch to: Routes.home_path(@socket, :import, "url"),
class: "button button-outlined-gray whitespace-nowrap" do %>
<% end %>
<%= live_component @socket, LivebookWeb.PathSelectComponent,
id: "path_select",
path: @path,
extnames: [LiveMarkdown.extension()],
running_paths: paths(@session_summaries),
phx_target: nil,
phx_submit: nil do %>
<%= content_tag :button,
class: "button button-outlined-gray whitespace-nowrap",
phx_click: "fork",
disabled: not path_forkable?(@path) do %>
<%= remix_icon("git-branch-line", class: "align-middle mr-1") %>
<% end %>
<%= if path_running?(@path, @session_summaries) do %>
<%= live_redirect "Join session", to: Routes.session_path(@socket, :page, session_id_by_path(@path, @session_summaries)),
class: "button button-blue" %>
<% else %>
<%= tag :span, if(File.regular?(@path) and not file_writable?(@path),
do: [class: "tooltip top", aria_label: "This file is write-protected, please fork instead"],
else: []
) %>
<%= content_tag :button, "Open",
class: "button button-blue",
phx_click: "open",
disabled: not path_openable?(@path, @session_summaries) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Running sessions
<%= if @session_summaries == [] do %>
<%= remix_icon("windy-line", class: "text-gray-400 text-xl") %>
You do not have any running sessions.
Please create a new one by clicking “New notebook”
<% else %>
<%= live_component @socket, LivebookWeb.HomeLive.SessionsComponent,
id: "sessions_list",
session_summaries: @session_summaries %>
<% end %>