@doc """
Shows the flash group with standard titles and content.
## Examples
<.flash_group flash={@flash} />
attr :flash, :map, required: true, doc: "the map of flash messages"
def flash_group(assigns) do
@doc """
Creates a live region with the given role.
## Examples
<.live_region role="alert" />
<.live_region role="status" />
def live_region(assigns) do
@doc """
Sends a message to be read by the screen reader by changing the text content of the live region
def sr_message(js \\ %JS{}, message) do
JS.dispatch(js, "lb:set_text", to: "#live-region", detail: %{value: message})
@doc """
Wraps the given content in a modal dialog.
## Example
<.modal id="edit-modal" patch={...}>
<.live_component module={MyComponent} />
attr :id, :string, required: true
attr :show, :boolean, default: false
attr :patch, :string, default: nil
attr :navigate, :string, default: nil
attr :class, :string, default: nil
attr :width, :atom, values: [:small, :medium, :big, :large], required: true
attr :rest, :global
slot :inner_block, required: true
def modal(assigns) do
defp modal_width_class(:small), do: "max-w-sm"
defp modal_width_class(:medium), do: "max-w-xl"
defp modal_width_class(:big), do: "max-w-4xl"
defp modal_width_class(:large), do: "max-w-6xl"
@doc """
Shows a modal rendered with `modal/1`.
def show_modal(js \\ %JS{}, id) do
|> JS.show(
to: "##{id}",
transition: {"ease-out duration-200", "opacity-0", "opacity-100"}
@doc """
Hides a modal rendered with `modal/1`.
def hide_modal(js \\ %JS{}, id) do
|> JS.hide(
to: "##{id}",
transition: {"ease-in duration-200", "opacity-100", "opacity-0"}
|> JS.dispatch("click", to: "##{id}-return")
@doc """
Renders the confirmation modal for `with_confirm/3`.
attr :id, :string, required: true
def confirm_modal(assigns) do
<.modal id={@id} width={:medium} phx-hook="ConfirmModal" data-js-show={show_modal(@id)}>
@doc """
Shows a confirmation modal before executing the given JS action.
The modal template must already be on the page, see `confirm_modal/1`.
## Options
* `:title` - title of the confirmation modal. Defaults to `"Are you sure?"`
* `:description` - content of the confirmation modal. Required
* `:confirm_text` - text of the confirm button. Defaults to `"Yes"`
* `:confirm_icon` - icon in the confirm button. Optional
* `:danger` - whether the action is destructive or regular. Defaults to `true`
* `:html` - whether the `:description` is a raw HTML. Defaults to `false`
* `:opt_out_id` - enables the "Don't show this message again"
checkbox. Once checked by the user, the confirmation with this
id is never shown again. Optional
## Examples
def with_confirm(js \\ %JS{}, on_confirm, opts) do
opts =
title: "Are you sure?",
confirm_text: "Yes",
danger: true,
html: false
JS.dispatch(js, "lb:confirm_request",
detail: %{
on_confirm: Jason.encode!(on_confirm.ops),
title: opts[:title],
description: Keyword.fetch!(opts, :description),
confirm_text: opts[:confirm_text],
confirm_icon: opts[:confirm_icon],
danger: opts[:danger],
html: opts[:html],
opt_out_id: opts[:opt_out_id]
@doc """
Renders a popup menu that shows up on toggle click.
## Examples
<.menu id="my-menu">
attr :id, :string, required: true
attr :disabled, :boolean, default: false, doc: "whether the menu is active"
attr :position, :atom,
default: :bottom_right,
values: [:top_left, :top_right, :bottom_left, :bottom_right]
attr :distant, :boolean,
default: false,
doc: "whether the menu should be further from the anchor element"
attr :secondary_click, :boolean,
default: false,
doc: "whether secondary click (usually right mouse click) should open the menu"
slot :toggle, required: true
slot :inner_block, required: true
def menu(assigns) do
<%= render_slot(@toggle) %>
defp show_menu(id) do
JS.show(to: "##{id}-overlay")
|> JS.show(to: "##{id}-content", display: "flex")
defp hide_menu(id) do
JS.hide(to: "##{id}-overlay")
|> JS.hide(to: "##{id}-content")
defp menu_position_class(:top_left), do: "top-0 left-0 transform -translate-y-full -mt-1"
defp menu_position_class(:top_right), do: "top-0 right-0 transform -translate-y-full -mt-1"
defp menu_position_class(:bottom_left), do: "bottom-0 left-0 transform translate-y-full -mb-1"
defp menu_position_class(:bottom_right), do: "bottom-0 right-0 transform translate-y-full -mb-1"
defp menu_distant_class(position) when position in [:top_left, :top_right], do: "-mt-2"
defp menu_distant_class(position) when position in [:bottom_left, :bottom_right], do: "-mb-2"
@doc """
Wraps a menu item that shows a submenu on hover.
This component should be used within `menu/1` content.
## Example
slot :primary, required: true
slot :inner_block, required: true
def submenu(assigns) do
<%= render_slot(@primary) %>
@doc """
Renders a menu item used in `menu/1` and `submenu/1`.
attr :disabled, :boolean, default: false
attr :variant, :atom, default: :default, values: [:default, :selected, :danger]
slot :inner_block, required: true
def menu_item(assigns) do
defp menu_item_class(:default), do: "text-gray-500"
defp menu_item_class(:selected), do: "text-gray-900"
defp menu_item_class(:danger), do: "text-red-600"
@doc """
Renders a text content skeleton.
attr :empty, :boolean, default: false, doc: "if the source is empty"
attr :bg_class, :string, default: "bg-gray-200", doc: "the skeleton background color"
def content_skeleton(assigns) do
<%= if @empty do %>
<% else %>
<% end %>
@doc """
Renders a highlighted code snippet.
## Examples
source="System.version()" />
attr :source_id, :string, required: true
attr :language, :string, required: true
attr :source, :string, required: true
def code_preview(assigns) do
<%= @source %>
@doc """
Renders text with a tiny label.
## Examples
<.labeled_text label="Name">Sherlock Holmes
attr :label, :string, required: true
attr :one_line, :boolean,
default: false,
doc: "whether to force the text into a single scrollable line"
slot :inner_block, required: true
def labeled_text(assigns) do
<%= @label %>
<%= render_slot(@inner_block) %>
@doc """
Renders a choice button that is either active or not.
## Examples
<.choice_button active={@tab == "my_tab"} phx-click="set_my_tab">
My tab
attr :active, :boolean, required: true
attr :disabled, :boolean
attr :class, :string, default: nil
attr :rest, :global
slot :inner_block, required: true
def choice_button(assigns) do
assigns =
|> assign_new(:disabled, fn -> assigns.active end)
@doc """
Renders an status indicator circle.
attr :variant, :atom,
required: true,
values: [:success, :warning, :error, :inactive, :waiting, :progressing]
def status_indicator(assigns) do
defp circle_class(:success), do: "bg-green-bright-400"
defp circle_class(:warning), do: "bg-yellow-bright-200"
defp circle_class(:error), do: "bg-red-400"
defp circle_class(:inactive), do: "bg-gray-500"
defp circle_class(:waiting), do: "bg-gray-400"
defp circle_class(:progressing), do: "bg-blue-500"
defp animated_circle_class(:waiting), do: "bg-gray-300"
defp animated_circle_class(:progressing), do: "bg-blue-400"
defp animated_circle_class(_other), do: nil
@doc """
Renders an informative box as a placeholder for a list.
slot :inner_block, required: true
slot :actions
def no_entries(assigns) do