defmodule LivebookWeb.CodecHelpers do @wav_header_size 44 @doc """ Returns the size of a WAV binary that would wrap PCM data of the given size. This size matches the result of `encode_pcm_as_wav_stream!/6`. """ @spec pcm_as_wav_size(pos_integer()) :: pos_integer() def pcm_as_wav_size(pcm_size) do @wav_header_size + pcm_size end @doc """ Encodes PCM float-32 in native endianness into a WAV binary. Accepts a range of the WAV binary that should be returned. Returns a stream, where the PCM binary is streamed from the given file. """ @spec encode_pcm_as_wav_stream!( Path.t(), non_neg_integer(), pos_integer(), pos_integer(), non_neg_integer(), pos_integer() ) :: Enumerable.t() def encode_pcm_as_wav_stream!(path, file_size, num_channels, sampling_rate, offset, length) do {header_enum, file_length} = if offset < @wav_header_size do header = encode_pcm_as_wav_header(file_size, num_channels, sampling_rate) header_length = min(@wav_header_size - offset, length) header_slice = binary_slice(header, offset, header_length) {[header_slice], length - header_length} else {[], length} end file_offset = max(offset - @wav_header_size, 0) # TODO: use!(path, [{:read_offset, file_offset}]) once we require Elixir v1.16+ file_stream = raw_file_range_stream!(path, file_offset, file_length) file_stream = case System.endianness() do :little -> file_stream :big ->, fn binary -> for <>, reduce: <<>> do acc -> <> end end) end Stream.concat(header_enum, file_stream) end defp encode_pcm_as_wav_header(pcm_size, num_channels, sampling_rate) do # See num_frames = div(pcm_size, 4) bytes_per_sample = 4 block_align = num_channels * bytes_per_sample byte_rate = sampling_rate * block_align data_size = num_frames * block_align << "RIFF", 36 + data_size::32-unsigned-integer-little, "WAVE", "fmt ", 16::32-unsigned-integer-little, # 3 indicates 32-bit float PCM 3::16-unsigned-integer-little, num_channels::16-unsigned-integer-little, sampling_rate::32-unsigned-integer-little, byte_rate::32-unsigned-integer-little, block_align::16-unsigned-integer-little, bytes_per_sample * 8::16-unsigned-integer-little, "data", data_size::32-unsigned-integer-little >> end # We assume a local path and open a raw file for efficiency defp raw_file_range_stream!(path, offset, length) do chunk_size = 64_000 Stream.resource( fn -> {:ok, fd} =, [:raw, :binary, :read, :read_ahead]) {:ok, _} = :file.position(fd, offset) {fd, length} end, fn {fd, 0} -> {:halt, {fd, 0}} {fd, length} -> size = min(chunk_size, length) {:ok, chunk} =, size) {[chunk], {fd, length - size}} end, fn {fd, _} -> :file.close(fd) end ) end @doc """ Builds a single binary with JSON-serialized `meta` and `binary`. """ @spec encode_annotated_binary!(term(), binary()) :: binary() def encode_annotated_binary!(meta, binary) do meta = Jason.encode!(meta) meta_size = byte_size(meta) <> end @doc """ Decodes binary annotated with JSON-serialized metadata. """ @spec decode_annotated_binary!(binary()) :: {term(), binary()} def decode_annotated_binary!(raw) do <> = raw meta = Jason.decode!(meta) {meta, binary} end end