defmodule Livebook do @moduledoc """ Livebook is an interactive notebook system for Elixir. This module includes the public API. """ @doc """ Executes Livebook's config/runtime.exs. If you use Livebook as a dependency, you can add the following to your `config/runtime.exs` to trigger Livebook's config/runtime.exs configuration: Livebook.config_runtime() """ def config_runtime do import Config config :livebook, LivebookWeb.Endpoint, secret_key_base: Livebook.Config.secret!("LIVEBOOK_SECRET_KEY_BASE") || Base.encode64(:crypto.strong_rand_bytes(48)) if port = Livebook.Config.port!("LIVEBOOK_PORT") do config :livebook, LivebookWeb.Endpoint, http: [port: port] end if ip = Livebook.Config.ip!("LIVEBOOK_IP") do config :livebook, LivebookWeb.Endpoint, http: [ip: ip] end cond do password = Livebook.Config.password!("LIVEBOOK_PASSWORD") -> config :livebook, authentication_mode: :password, password: password Livebook.Config.token_enabled!("LIVEBOOK_TOKEN_ENABLED") -> config :livebook, token: Livebook.Utils.random_id() true -> config :livebook, authentication_mode: :disabled end if port = Livebook.Config.port!("LIVEBOOK_IFRAME_PORT") do config :livebook, :iframe_port, port end if runtime = Livebook.Config.default_runtime!("LIVEBOOK_DEFAULT_RUNTIME") do config :livebook, :default_runtime, runtime end if home = Livebook.Config.writable_dir!("LIVEBOOK_HOME") do config :livebook, :home, home end if data_path = Livebook.Config.writable_dir!("LIVEBOOK_DATA_PATH") do config :livebook, :data_path, data_path end config :livebook, :cookie, Livebook.Config.cookie!("LIVEBOOK_COOKIE") || Livebook.Config.cookie!("RELEASE_COOKIE") || Livebook.Utils.random_cookie() end @doc """ Parses the given Live Markdown document and converts it to Elixir source code. ## Limitations Note that the resulting script may not compile in some cases, for example if you define a macro in one cell and import it in another cell, it works fine in Livebook, because each cell is compiled separately. However, when running the script it gets compiled as a whole and consequently doing so doesn't work. Additionally, branching sections are commented out. """ @spec live_markdown_to_elixir(String.t()) :: String.t() def live_markdown_to_elixir(markdown) do {notebook, _messages} = Livebook.LiveMarkdown.notebook_from_livemd(markdown) Livebook.Notebook.Export.Elixir.notebook_to_elixir(notebook) end end