defmodule LivebookWeb.AppAuthHook do import Phoenix.Component import Phoenix.LiveView use LivebookWeb, :verified_routes # For apps with password, we want to store the hashed password # (let's call it token) in the session, as we do for the main auth. # However, the session uses cookies, which have a ~4kb size limit. # We could use multiple cookies, however there are also limits on # the number of cookies, and we don't want the browser to clear # them all at some point. Additionally, accumulating cookies for # all apps would imply larger payloads on every regular request. # # Since we don't have any persistence on the server side, the other # option is to use the browser local storage and manage it through # JavaScript. Therefore, the whole auth is built using LiveView. # The flows are: # # * unauthenticated - the auth LiveView shows a regular form and # validates the user-provided password. Once the password is # correct, it pushes an event to the client to store the token. # Once the token is stored it redirects to the app page. # # * authenticated - on dead render the app LiveView renders just # a loading screen. On the client side, provided it's the app # page, we read the token from local storage (if stored) and # send it in mount connect params via the socket. Then on the # server we use that token to authenticate. # # This module defines a hook that sets the `:app_authenticated?` # assign to reflect the current authentication state. For public # apps (or in case the user has full access) it is set to `true` # on both dead and live render. def on_mount(:default, %{"slug" => slug}, session, socket) do case Livebook.Apps.fetch_settings_by_slug(slug) do {:ok, %{access_type: :public} = app_settings} -> {:cont, assign(socket, app_authenticated?: true, app_settings: app_settings)} {:ok, %{access_type: :protected} = app_settings} -> app_authenticated? = livebook_authenticated?(session, socket) or has_valid_token?(socket, app_settings) {:cont, assign(socket, app_authenticated?: app_authenticated?, app_settings: app_settings)} :error -> {:halt, redirect(socket, to: ~p"/")} end end defp livebook_authenticated?(session, socket) do uri = get_connect_info(socket, :uri) LivebookWeb.AuthPlug.authenticated?(session, uri.port, Livebook.Config.auth_mode()) end defp has_valid_token?(socket, app_settings) do connect_params = get_connect_params(socket) || %{} if token = connect_params["app_auth_token"] do valid_auth_token?(token, app_settings) else false end end @doc """ Generates auth token that can be sent to the client. """ @spec get_auth_token(Livebook.Notebook.AppSettings.t()) :: String.t() def get_auth_token(app_settings) do :crypto.hash(:sha256, app_settings.password) |> Base.encode64() end @doc """ Checks the given token is valid. """ @spec valid_auth_token?(String.t(), Livebook.Notebook.AppSettings.t()) :: boolean() def valid_auth_token?(token, app_settings) do Plug.Crypto.secure_compare(token, get_auth_token(app_settings)) end @doc """ Checks if the given password is valid. """ @spec valid_password?(String.t(), Livebook.Notebook.AppSettings.t()) :: boolean() def valid_password?(password, app_settings) do Plug.Crypto.secure_compare(password, app_settings.password) end end