import monaco from "./live_editor/monaco"; import EditorClient from "./live_editor/editor_client"; import MonacoEditorAdapter from "./live_editor/monaco_editor_adapter"; import HookServerAdapter from "./live_editor/hook_server_adapter"; /** * Mounts cell source editor with real-time collaboration mechanism. */ class LiveEditor { constructor(hook, container, cellId, type, source, revision) { this.hook = hook; this.container = container; this.cellId = cellId; this.type = type; this.source = source; this._onChange = null; this._onBlur = null; this.__mountEditor(); if (type === "elixir") { this.__setupCompletion(); } const serverAdapter = new HookServerAdapter(hook, cellId); const editorAdapter = new MonacoEditorAdapter(this.editor); this.editorClient = new EditorClient( serverAdapter, editorAdapter, revision ); this.editorClient.onDelta((delta) => { this.source = delta.applyToString(this.source); this._onChange && this._onChange(this.source); }); this.editor.onDidBlurEditorWidget(() => { this._onBlur && this._onBlur(); }); } /** * Registers a callback called with a new cell content whenever it changes. */ onChange(callback) { this._onChange = callback; } /** * Registers a callback called whenever the editor loses focus. */ onBlur(callback) { this._onBlur = callback; } focus() { this.editor.focus(); } blur() { if (this.editor.hasTextFocus()) { document.activeElement.blur(); } } insert(text) { const range = this.editor.getSelection(); this.editor .getModel() .pushEditOperations([], [{ forceMoveMarkers: true, range, text }]); } /** * Performs necessary cleanup actions. */ destroy() { // Explicitly destroy the editor instance and its text model. this.editor.dispose(); const model = this.editor.getModel(); if (model) { model.dispose(); } } __mountEditor() { this.editor = monaco.editor.create(this.container, { language: this.type, value: this.source, scrollbar: { vertical: "hidden", alwaysConsumeMouseWheel: false, }, minimap: { enabled: false, }, overviewRulerLanes: 0, scrollBeyondLastLine: false, renderIndentGuides: false, occurrencesHighlight: false, renderLineHighlight: "none", theme: "custom", fontFamily: "JetBrains Mono", tabIndex: -1, quickSuggestions: false, tabCompletion: "on", suggestSelection: "first", }); this.editor.getModel().updateOptions({ tabSize: 2, }); this.editor.updateOptions({ autoIndent: true, tabSize: 2, formatOnType: true, }); // Automatically adjust the editor size to fit the container. const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver((entries) => { entries.forEach((entry) => { // Ignore hidden container. if (this.container.offsetHeight > 0) { this.editor.layout(); } }); }); resizeObserver.observe(this.container); // Whenever editor content size changes (new line is added/removed) // update the container height. Thanks to the above observer // the editor is resized to fill the container. // Related: this.editor.onDidContentSizeChange(() => { const contentHeight = this.editor.getContentHeight(); = `${contentHeight}px`; }); } __setupCompletion() { /** * Completion happens asynchronously, the flow goes as follows: * * * the user opens the completion list, which triggers the global * completion provider registered in `live_editor/monaco.js` * * * the global provider delegates to the cell-specific `__getCompletionItems` * defined below. That's a little bit hacky, but this way we make * completion cell-specific * * * then `__getCompletionItems` sends a completion request to the LV process * and gets a unique reference, under which it keeps completion callback * * * finally the hook receives the "completion_response" event with completion items, * it looks up completion callback for the received reference and calls it * with the received items list */ const completionHandlerByRef = {}; this.editor.getModel().__getCompletionItems = (model, position) => { const line = model.getLineContent(position.lineNumber); const lineUntilCursor = line.slice(0, position.column - 1); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.hook.pushEvent( "completion_request", { hint: lineUntilCursor, cell_id: this.cellId, }, ({ completion_ref: completionRef }) => { if (completionRef) { completionHandlerByRef[completionRef] = (items) => { const suggestions = completionItemsToSuggestions(items); resolve({ suggestions }); }; } else { resolve({ suggestions: [] }); } } ); }); }; this.hook.handleEvent( "completion_response", ({ completion_ref: completionRef, items }) => { const handler = completionHandlerByRef[completionRef]; if (handler) { handler(items); delete completionHandlerByRef[completionRef]; } } ); } } function completionItemsToSuggestions(items) { return, index) => ({ ...suggestion, sortText: numberToSortableString(index, items.length), })); } // See `Livebook.Runtime` for completion item definition function parseItem(item) { return { label: item.label, kind: parseItemKind(item.kind), detail: item.detail, documentation: item.documentation && { value: item.documentation, isTrusted: true, }, insertText: item.insert_text, }; } function parseItemKind(kind) { switch (kind) { case "function": return monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Function; case "module": return monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Module; case "type": return monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Class; case "variable": return monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Variable; case "field": return monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Field; default: return null; } } function numberToSortableString(number, maxNumber) { return String(number).padStart(maxNumber, "0"); } export default LiveEditor;