# Custom authentication It is possible to provide custom Zero Trust Authentication (ZTA) inside Livebook's Docker images. To do so, you must define a file with the `.exs` extension inside the `/app/user/extensions` of your Livebook image, for example, `/app/user/extensions/my_auth.exs`. This file should define at least one module, which implements the ZTA skeleton below: ```elixir defmodule MyAuth do use GenServer @spec start_link(keyword) :: {:ok, pid()} def start_link(opts) do identity_key = opts[:identity_key] GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, identity_key, Keyword.take(opts, [:name])) end @spec authenticate(GenServer.server(), Plug.Conn.t(), keyword()) :: {Plug.Conn.t(), map() | nil} def authenticate(server, conn, opts \\ []) do # Connects to the GenServer given by `server` and returns the user information. # See `opts[:fields]` for the fields to be returned in the map. # Return nil if the user cannot be authenticated. end end ``` Then you must configure Livebook to use the module above as your identity provider: ```bash LIVEBOOK_IDENTITY_PROVIDER="custom:MyAuth" ``` Or, if you want to pass a custom identity key: ```bash LIVEBOOK_IDENTITY_PROVIDER="custom:MyAuth:my-key" ``` Keep in mind that the identity provider contract in Livebook is still evolving and it may change in future releases. Additionally, your code may rely on two dependencies: [Req ~> 0.4](https://hexdocs.pm/req) and [JOSE ~> 1.11](https://hexdocs.pm/jose). ## Development If you want to try your custom identity provider in development, you can [clone Livebook's git repository](https://github.com/livebook-dev/livebook) and then execute the following command inside Livebook's root folder: ```elixir $ mix setup $ LIVEBOOK_IDENTITY_PROVIDER="custom:MyAuth" elixir -r path/to/my_auth.exs -S mix phx.server ```