defmodule LivebookWeb.MemoryProvider do @moduledoc false @gzippable_exts ~w(.js .css .txt .text .html .json .svg .eot .ttf) # Configurable implementation of `LivebookWeb.StaticPlug.Provider` behaviour, # that bundles the files into the module compiled source. # # ## `use` options # # * `:from` (**required**) - where to read the static files from. See `Plug.Static` for more details. # # * `:gzip` - whether to bundle gzipped version of the files, # in which case the uncompressed files are not included. Defaults to `false`. defmacro __using__(opts) do quote bind_quoted: [opts: opts] do @behaviour LivebookWeb.StaticPlug.Provider from = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :from) static_path = LivebookWeb.StaticPlug.Provider.static_path(from) paths = LivebookWeb.MemoryProvider.__paths__(static_path) files = LivebookWeb.MemoryProvider.__preload_files__!(static_path, paths, opts) for path <- paths do abs_path = Path.join(static_path, path) @external_resource Path.relative_to_cwd(abs_path) end @impl true def get_file(segments, compression) for {segments, compression, file} <- files do def get_file(unquote(segments), unquote(compression)), do: unquote(Macro.escape(file)) end def get_file(_, _), do: nil # Force recompilation if the static files change. def __mix_recompile__? do current_paths = LivebookWeb.MemoryProvider.__paths__(unquote(static_path)) :erlang.md5(current_paths) != unquote(:erlang.md5(paths)) end end end def __preload_files__!(static_path, paths, opts) do gzip? = Keyword.get(opts, :gzip, false), fn path -> segments = Path.split(path) abs_path = Path.join(static_path, path) content =!(abs_path) digest = content |> :erlang.md5() |> Base.encode16(case: :lower) if gzip? and Path.extname(path) in @gzippable_exts do gzipped_content = :zlib.gzip(content) {segments, :gzip, %LivebookWeb.StaticPlug.File{content: gzipped_content, digest: digest}} else {segments, nil, %LivebookWeb.StaticPlug.File{content: content, digest: digest}} end end) end def __paths__(static_path) do Path.join(static_path, "**") |> Path.wildcard() |> Enum.reject(&File.dir?/1) |>, static_path <> "/", "")) |> Enum.sort() end end