defmodule LivebookWeb.SessionLive.MixStandaloneLive do use LivebookWeb, :live_view alias Livebook.{Session, Runtime, Utils, FileSystem} @type status :: :initial | :initializing | :finished @impl true def mount(_params, %{"session_id" => session_id, "current_runtime" => current_runtime}, socket) do if connected?(socket) do Phoenix.PubSub.subscribe(Livebook.PubSub, "sessions:#{session_id}") end {:ok, assign(socket, session_id: session_id, status: :initial, current_runtime: current_runtime, file: initial_file(current_runtime), outputs: [], emitter: nil ), temporary_assigns: [outputs: []]} end @impl true def render(assigns) do ~H"""

Start a new local node in the context of a Mix project. This way all your code and dependencies will be available within the notebook.

Warning: Notebooks that use Mix.install/1 do not work inside a Mix project because the dependencies of the project itself have been installed instead.

<%= if @status == :initial do %>
<%= live_component LivebookWeb.FileSelectComponent, id: "mix-project-dir", file: @file, extnames: [], running_files: [], submit_event: if(disabled?(@file.path), do: nil, else: :init), file_system_select_disabled: true %>
<% end %> <%= if @status != :initial do %>
<%= for {output, i} <- @outputs do %><%= ansi_string_to_html(output) %><% end %>
<% end %>
""" end @impl true def handle_event("init", _params, socket) do handle_init(socket) end @impl true def handle_info({:set_file, file, _info}, socket) do {:noreply, assign(socket, :file, file)} end def handle_info(:init, socket) do handle_init(socket) end def handle_info({:emitter, ref, message}, %{assigns: %{emitter: %{ref: ref}}} = socket) do case message do {:output, output} -> {:noreply, add_output(socket, output)} {:ok, runtime} -> Session.connect_runtime(socket.assigns.session_id, runtime) {:noreply, socket |> assign(status: :finished) |> add_output("Connected successfully")} {:error, error} -> {:noreply, socket |> assign(status: :finished) |> add_output("Error: #{error}")} end end def handle_info({:operation, {:set_runtime, _pid, runtime}}, socket) do {:noreply, assign(socket, current_runtime: runtime)} end def handle_info(_, socket), do: {:noreply, socket} defp handle_init(socket) do emitter = Runtime.MixStandalone.init_async(socket.assigns.file.path, emitter) {:noreply, assign(socket, status: :initializing, emitter: emitter)} end defp add_output(socket, output) do assign(socket, outputs: socket.assigns.outputs ++ [{output, Utils.random_id()}]) end defp initial_file(%Runtime.MixStandalone{} = current_runtime) do FileSystem.File.local(current_runtime.project_path) end defp initial_file(_runtime) do Livebook.Config.file_systems() |> Enum.find(&is_struct(&1, FileSystem.Local)) |> end defp matching_runtime?(%Runtime.MixStandalone{} = runtime, path) do Path.expand(runtime.project_path) == Path.expand(path) end defp matching_runtime?(_runtime, _path), do: false defp disabled?(path) do not mix_project_root?(path) end defp mix_project_root?(path) do File.dir?(path) and File.exists?(Path.join(path, "mix.exs")) end end