defmodule LivebookWeb.Helpers do use Phoenix.Component alias Phoenix.LiveView.JS alias LivebookWeb.Router.Helpers, as: Routes alias Livebook.FileSystem @doc """ Wraps the given content in a modal dialog. When closed, the modal redirects to the given `:return_to` URL. ## Example <.modal return_to={...}> <.live_component module={MyComponent} /> </.modal> """ def modal(assigns) do assigns = assigns |> assign_new(:class, fn -> "" end) ~H""" <div class="fixed z-[10000] inset-0 fade-in" phx-remove={JS.transition("fade-out")}> <!-- Modal container --> <div class="h-screen flex items-center justify-center p-4"> <!-- Overlay --> <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gray-500 opacity-75 z-0" aria-hidden="true"></div> <!-- Modal box --> <div class={"relative max-h-full overflow-y-auto bg-white rounded-lg shadow-xl #{@class}"} role="dialog" aria-modal="true" tabindex="0" autofocus phx-window-keydown={click_modal_close()} phx-click-away={click_modal_close()} phx-key="escape"> <%= live_patch to: @return_to, class: "absolute top-6 right-6 text-gray-400 flex space-x-1 items-center", aria_label: "close modal", id: "close-modal-button" do %> <span class="text-sm">(esc)</span> <.remix_icon icon="close-line" class="text-2xl" /> <% end %> <%= render_slot(@inner_block) %> </div> </div> </div> """ end defp click_modal_close(js \\ %JS{}) do JS.dispatch(js, "click", to: "#close-modal-button") end @doc """ Determines user platform based on the given *User-Agent* header. """ @spec platform_from_user_agent(String.t()) :: :linux | :mac | :windows | :other def platform_from_user_agent(user_agent) when is_binary(user_agent) do cond do linux?(user_agent) -> :linux mac?(user_agent) -> :mac windows?(user_agent) -> :windows true -> :other end end defp linux?(user_agent), do: String.match?(user_agent, ~r/Linux/) defp mac?(user_agent), do: String.match?(user_agent, ~r/Mac OS X/) defp windows?(user_agent), do: String.match?(user_agent, ~r/Windows/) @doc """ Returns path to specific process dialog within LiveDashboard. """ def live_dashboard_process_path(socket, pid) do pid_str = Phoenix.LiveDashboard.PageBuilder.encode_pid(pid) Routes.live_dashboard_path(socket, :page, node(), "processes", info: pid_str) end @doc """ Converts human-readable strings to strings which can be used as HTML element IDs (compatible with HTML5) At the same time duplicate IDs are enumerated to avoid duplicates """ @spec names_to_html_ids(list(String.t())) :: list(String.t()) def names_to_html_ids(names) do names |> |> Enum.map_reduce(%{}, fn html_id, counts -> counts = Map.update(counts, html_id, 1, &(&1 + 1)) case counts[html_id] do 1 -> {html_id, counts} count -> {"#{html_id}-#{count}", counts} end end) |> elem(0) end defp name_to_html_id(name) do name |> String.trim() |> String.downcase() |> String.replace(~r/\s+/u, "-") end @doc """ Renders [Remix]( icon. ## Examples <.remix_icon icon="cpu-line" /> <.remix_icon icon="cpu-line" class="align-middle mr-1" /> """ def remix_icon(assigns) do assigns = assigns |> assign_new(:class, fn -> "" end) |> assign(:attrs, assigns_to_attributes(assigns, [:icon, :class])) ~H""" <i class={"ri-#{@icon} #{@class}"} aria-hidden="true" {@attrs}></i> """ end @doc """ Renders a list of select input options with the given one selected. ## Examples <.select name="language" selected={@language} options={[en: "English", pl: "Polski", fr: "Français"]} /> """ def select(assigns) do ~H""" <select class="input" name={@name}> <%= for {value, label} <- @options do %> <option value={value} selected={value == @selected}> <%= label %> </option> <% end %> </select> """ end @doc """ Renders a checkbox input styled as a switch. Also, a hidden input with the same name is rendered alongside the checkbox, so the submitted value is always either `"true"` or `"false"`. ## Examples <.switch_checkbox name="likes_cats" label="I very much like cats" checked={@likes_cats} /> """ def switch_checkbox(assigns) do assigns = assigns |> assign_new(:label, fn -> nil end) |> assign_new(:disabled, fn -> false end) |> assign_new(:class, fn -> "" end) |> assign( :attrs, assigns_to_attributes(assigns, [:label, :name, :checked, :disabled, :class]) ) ~H""" <div class="flex space-x-3 items-center justify-between"> <%= if @label do %> <span class="text-gray-700"><%= @label %></span> <% end %> <label class={"switch-button #{if(@disabled, do: "switch-button--disabled")}"}> <input type="hidden" value="false" name={@name} /> <input type="checkbox" value="true" class={"switch-button__checkbox #{@class}"} name={@name} checked={@checked} {@attrs} /> <div class="switch-button__bg"></div> </label> </div> """ end @doc """ Renders a choice button that is either active or not. ## Examples <.choice_button active={@tab == "my_tab"} phx-click="set_my_tab"> My tab </.choice_button> """ def choice_button(assigns) do assigns = assigns |> assign_new(:class, fn -> "" end) |> assign_new(:disabled, fn -> end) |> assign(:attrs, assigns_to_attributes(assigns, [:active, :class, :disabled])) ~H""" <button class={"choice-button #{if(@active, do: "active")} #{@class}"} disabled={@disabled} {@attrs}> <%= render_slot(@inner_block) %> </button> """ end @doc """ Renders a highlighted code snippet. ## Examples <.code_preview source_id="my-snippet" language="elixir" source="System.version()" /> """ def code_preview(assigns) do ~H""" <div class="markdown"> <pre><code class="tiny-scrollbar" id={"#{@source_id}-highlight"} phx-hook="Highlight" data-language={@language}><div id={@source_id} data-source><%= @source %></div><div data-target></div></code></pre> </div> """ end @doc """ Renders text with a tiny label. ## Examples <.labeled_text label="Name" text="Sherlock Holmes" /> """ def labeled_text(assigns) do assigns = assign_new(assigns, :one_line, fn -> false end) ~H""" <div class="flex flex-col space-y-1"> <span class="text-sm text-gray-500"> <%= @label %> </span> <span class={"text-gray-800 text-sm font-semibold #{if @one_line, do: "whitespace-nowrap overflow-auto tiny-scrollbar"}"}> <%= @text %> </span> </div> """ end @doc """ Renders a wrapper around password input with an added visibility toggle button. The toggle switches the input's type between `password` and `text`. ## Examples <.with_password_toggle id="input-id"> <input type="password" ...> </.with_password_toggle> """ def with_password_toggle(assigns) do ~H""" <div id={"password-toggle-#{@id}"} class="relative inline w-min" phx-hook="PasswordToggle"> <!-- render password input --> <%= render_slot(@inner_block) %> <button class="bg-gray-50 p-1 icon-button absolute inset-y-0 right-1" type="button" aria-label="toggle password visibility" phx-change="ignore"> <.remix_icon icon="eye-line" class="text-xl" /> </button> </div> """ end @doc """ Renders a popup menu that shows up on toggle click. ## Assigns * `:id` - unique HTML id * `:disabled` - whether the menu is active. Defaults to `false` * `:position` - which side of the clickable the menu menu should be attached to, either `"left"` or `"right"`. Defaults to `"right"` * `:secondary_click` - whether secondary click (usually right mouse click) should open the menu. Defaults to `false` ## Examples <.menu id="my-menu"> <:toggle> <button>Open</button> </:toggle> <:content> <button class"menu-item" role="menuitem">Option 1</button> </:content> </.menu> """ def menu(assigns) do assigns = assigns |> assign_new(:disabled, fn -> false end) |> assign_new(:position, fn -> "right" end) |> assign_new(:secondary_click, fn -> false end) ~H""" <div class="relative" id={@id}> <div phx-click={not @disabled && JS.toggle(to: "##{@id}-content")} phx-click-away={JS.hide(to: "##{@id}-content")} data-contextmenu-trigger-click={@secondary_click} phx-window-keydown={JS.hide(to: "##{@id}-content")} phx-key="escape"> <%= render_slot(@toggle) %> </div> <menu id={"#{@id}-content"} class={"hidden menu #{@position}"} role="menu"> <%= render_slot(@content) %> </menu> </div> """ end defdelegate ansi_string_to_html(string), to: LivebookWeb.Helpers.ANSI defdelegate ansi_string_to_html_lines(string), to: LivebookWeb.Helpers.ANSI @doc """ Renders an icon representing the given file system. """ def file_system_icon(assigns) def file_system_icon(%{file_system: %FileSystem.Local{}} = assigns) do ~H""" <.remix_icon icon="hard-drive-2-line leading-none" /> """ end def file_system_icon(%{file_system: %FileSystem.S3{}} = assigns) do ~H""" <i class="not-italic"> <span class="text-[0.75em] font-semibold align-middle">S3</span> </i> """ end @doc """ Formats the given file system into a descriptive label. """ def file_system_label(file_system) def file_system_label(%FileSystem.Local{}), do: "Local disk" def file_system_label(%FileSystem.S3{} = fs), do: fs.bucket_url end