defmodule LivebookWeb.FileSystemProvider do @moduledoc false # Configurable implementation of `LivebookWeb.StaticPlug.Provider` behaviour, # that loads files directly from the file system. # # ## `use` options # # * `:from` (**required**) - where to read the static files from. See `Plug.Static` for more details. defmacro __using__(opts) do quote bind_quoted: [opts: opts] do @behaviour LivebookWeb.StaticPlug.Provider from = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :from) static_path = LivebookWeb.StaticPlug.Provider.static_path(from) @impl true def get_file(segments, compression) do LivebookWeb.FileSystemProvider.__get_file__(unquote(static_path), segments, compression) end end end def __get_file__(static_path, segments, nil) do abs_path = Path.join([static_path | segments]) if File.regular?(abs_path) do content =!(abs_path) digest = content |> :erlang.md5() |> Base.encode16(case: :lower) %LivebookWeb.StaticPlug.File{content: content, digest: digest} else nil end end def __get_file__(_static_path, _segments, _compression), do: nil end