# Start manager on the current node and configure it not to # terminate automatically, so there is no race condition # when starting/stopping Embedded runtimes in parallel Livebook.Runtime.ErlDist.NodeManager.start( auto_termination: false, unload_modules_on_termination: false ) # Use the embedded runtime in tests by default, so they are # cheaper to run. Other runtimes can be tested by starting # and setting them explicitly Application.put_env(:livebook, :default_runtime, Livebook.Runtime.Embedded.new()) Application.put_env(:livebook, :runtime_modules, [ Livebook.Runtime.ElixirStandalone, Livebook.Runtime.Attached, Livebook.Runtime.Embedded ]) defmodule Livebook.Runtime.Embedded.Packages do def list() do [ %{ dependency: %{dep: {:jason, "~> 1.3.0"}, config: []}, description: "A blazing fast JSON parser and generator in pure Elixir", name: "jason", url: "https://hex.pm/packages/jason", version: "1.3.0" } ] end end # Enable dependency saerch for the embedded runtime Application.put_env(:livebook, Livebook.Runtime.Embedded, load_packages: {Livebook.Runtime.Embedded.Packages, :list, []} ) # Disable autosaving Livebook.Storage.insert(:settings, "global", autosave_path: nil) erl_docs_available? = Code.fetch_docs(:gen_server) != {:error, :chunk_not_found} enterprise_path = System.get_env("ENTERPRISE_PATH", "../enterprise") enterprise_available? = File.exists?(enterprise_path) ExUnit.start( assert_receive_timeout: 1_500, exclude: [erl_docs: erl_docs_available?, enterprise_integration: !enterprise_available?] )