if Mix.target() == :app do defmodule LivebookApp do @moduledoc false @behaviour :wx_object # https://github.com/erlang/otp/blob/OTP-24.1.2/lib/wx/include/wx.hrl#L1314 @wx_id_exit 5006 @wx_id_osx_hide 5250 def start_link(_) do {:wx_ref, _, _, pid} = :wx_object.start_link(__MODULE__, [], []) {:ok, pid} end def child_spec(init_arg) do %{ id: __MODULE__, start: {__MODULE__, :start_link, [init_arg]}, restart: :transient } end def windows_connected(url) do url |> String.trim() |> String.trim_leading("\"") |> String.trim_trailing("\"") |> windows_to_wx() end @impl true def init(_) do app_name = "Livebook" true = Process.register(self(), __MODULE__) os = os() # TODO: on all platforms either add a basic window with some buttons OR a wxwebview size = if os == :macos, do: {0, 0}, else: {100, 100} wx = :wx.new() frame = :wxFrame.new(wx, -1, app_name, size: size) if os == :macos do fixup_macos_menubar(frame, app_name) end :wxFrame.show(frame) :wxFrame.connect(frame, :command_menu_selected, skip: true) :wxFrame.connect(frame, :close_window, skip: true) case os do :macos -> :wx.subscribe_events() :windows -> windows_to_wx(System.get_env("LIVEBOOK_URL") || "") end state = %{frame: frame} {frame, state} end @impl true def handle_event({:wx, @wx_id_exit, _, _, _}, state) do :init.stop() {:stop, :shutdown, state} end @impl true def handle_event({:wx, _, _, _, {:wxClose, :close_window}}, state) do :init.stop() {:stop, :shutdown, state} end # This event is triggered when the application is opened for the first time @impl true def handle_info({:new_file, ''}, state) do Livebook.Utils.browser_open(LivebookWeb.Endpoint.access_url()) {:noreply, state} end # TODO: investigate "Universal Links" [1], that is, instead of livebook://foo, we have # https://livebook.dev/foo, which means the link works with and without Livebook.app. # # [1] https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/allowing-apps-and-websites-to-link-to-your-content @impl true def handle_info({:open_url, 'livebook://' ++ rest}, state) do "https://#{rest}" |> Livebook.Utils.notebook_import_url() |> Livebook.Utils.browser_open() {:noreply, state} end @impl true def handle_info({:open_file, path}, state) do path |> List.to_string() |> Livebook.Utils.notebook_open_url() |> Livebook.Utils.browser_open() {:noreply, state} end @impl true def handle_info({:reopen_app, _}, state) do Livebook.Utils.browser_open(LivebookWeb.Endpoint.access_url()) {:noreply, state} end # ignore other events @impl true def handle_info(_event, state) do {:noreply, state} end # 1. WxeApp attaches event handler to "Quit" menu item that does nothing (to not accidentally bring # down the VM). Let's create a fresh menu bar without that caveat. # 2. Fix app name defp fixup_macos_menubar(frame, app_name) do menubar = :wxMenuBar.new() :wxFrame.setMenuBar(frame, menubar) menu = :wxMenuBar.oSXGetAppleMenu(menubar) menu |> :wxMenu.findItem(@wx_id_osx_hide) |> :wxMenuItem.setItemLabel("Hide #{app_name}\tCtrl+H") menu |> :wxMenu.findItem(@wx_id_exit) |> :wxMenuItem.setItemLabel("Quit #{app_name}\tCtrl+Q") end defp os() do case :os.type() do {:unix, :darwin} -> :macos {:win32, _} -> :windows end end defp windows_to_wx("") do send(__MODULE__, {:new_file, ''}) end defp windows_to_wx("livebook://" <> _ = url) do send(__MODULE__, {:open_url, String.to_charlist(url)}) end defp windows_to_wx(path) do path = path |> String.replace("\\", "/") |> String.to_charlist() send(__MODULE__, {:open_file, path}) end end end