defmodule LivebookWeb.UserHelpers do import Phoenix.LiveView import Phoenix.LiveView.Helpers alias Livebook.Users.User @doc """ Renders user avatar, ## Options * `:class` - class added to the avatar box * `:text_class` - class added to the avatar text """ def render_user_avatar(user, opts \\ []) do assigns = %{ name:, hex_color: user.hex_color, class: Keyword.get(opts, :class, "w-full h-full"), text_class: Keyword.get(opts, :text_class) } ~L"""
<%= avatar_text(@name) %>
""" end defp avatar_text(nil), do: "?" defp avatar_text(name) do name |> String.split() |>, 0)) |> |> case do [initial] -> initial initials -> List.first(initials) <> List.last(initials) end end @doc """ Builds `Livebook.Users.User` with the given user id. Uses `user_data` from socket `connect_params` as initial attributes if the socket is connected. """ def build_current_user(current_user_id, socket) do connect_params = get_connect_params(socket) || %{} user_data = connect_params["user_data"] || %{} case User.change(%{ | id: current_user_id}, user_data) do {:ok, user} -> user {:error, _errors, user} -> user end end end