defmodule LivebookWeb.StaticPlug.File do defstruct [:content, :digest] @type t :: %__MODULE__{content: binary(), digest: String.t()} end defmodule LivebookWeb.StaticPlug.Provider do @type segments :: list(String.t()) @type compression :: :gzip | nil @doc """ Returns file data for the given path (given as list of segments) and compression type. """ @callback get_file(segments(), compression()) :: LivebookWeb.StaticPlug.File.t() | nil @doc """ Parses static files location usually passed as the `:from` option when configuring provider. See `Plug.Static` for more details. """ @spec static_path({atom(), binary()} | atom() | binary()) :: binary() def static_path(from) def static_path({app, path}) when is_atom(app) and is_binary(path) do Path.join(Application.app_dir(app), path) end def static_path(path) when is_binary(path), do: path def static_path(app) when is_atom(app), do: static_path({app, "priv/static"}) end defmodule LivebookWeb.StaticPlug do # This is a simplified version of `Plug.Static` meant # to serve static files using the given provider. # # ## Options # # * `:file_provider` (**required**) - a module implementing `LivebookWeb.StaticPlug.Provider` # behaviour, responsible for resolving file requests # # * `:at`, `:gzip`, `:headers` - same as `Plug.Static` @behaviour Plug import Plug.Conn @allowed_methods ~w(GET HEAD) @impl true def init(opts) do file_provider = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :file_provider) %{ file_provider: file_provider, at: opts |> Keyword.fetch!(:at) |> Plug.Router.Utils.split(), gzip?: Keyword.get(opts, :gzip, false), headers: Keyword.get(opts, :headers, []) } end @impl true def call( %Plug.Conn{method: method} = conn, %{file_provider: file_provider, at: at, gzip?: gzip?} = options ) when method in @allowed_methods do segments = subset(at, conn.path_info) case encoding_with_file(conn, file_provider, segments, gzip?) do {encoding, file} -> serve_static(conn, encoding, file, segments, options) :error -> conn end end def call(conn, _options) do conn end defp serve_static(conn, content_encoding, file, segments, options) do case put_cache_header(conn, file) do {:stale, conn} -> filename = List.last(segments) content_type = MIME.from_path(filename) conn |> put_resp_header("content-type", content_type) |> maybe_add_encoding(content_encoding) |> maybe_add_vary(options) |> merge_resp_headers(options.headers) |> send_resp(200, file.content) |> halt() {:fresh, conn} -> conn |> maybe_add_vary(options) |> send_resp(304, "") |> halt() end end defp maybe_add_encoding(conn, nil), do: conn defp maybe_add_encoding(conn, ce), do: put_resp_header(conn, "content-encoding", ce) # If we serve gzip at any moment, we need to set the proper vary # header regardless of whether we are serving gzip content right now. # See: defp maybe_add_vary(conn, %{gzip?: true}) do update_in(conn.resp_headers, &[{"vary", "Accept-Encoding"} | &1]) end defp maybe_add_vary(conn, _options), do: conn defp put_cache_header(conn, file) do etag = etag_for_file(file) conn = conn |> put_resp_header("cache-control", "public") |> put_resp_header("etag", etag) if etag in get_req_header(conn, "if-none-match") do {:fresh, conn} else {:stale, conn} end end defp etag_for_file(file) do <> end defp encoding_with_file(conn, file_provider, segments, gzip?) do cond do file = gzip? and accept_encoding?(conn, "gzip") && file_provider.get_file(segments, :gzip) -> {"gzip", file} file = file_provider.get_file(segments, nil) -> {nil, file} true -> :error end end defp accept_encoding?(conn, encoding) do encoding? = &String.contains?(&1, [encoding, "*"]) Enum.any?(get_req_header(conn, "accept-encoding"), fn accept -> accept |> Plug.Conn.Utils.list() |> Enum.any?(encoding?) end) end defp subset([h | expected], [h | actual]), do: subset(expected, actual) defp subset([], actual), do: actual defp subset(_, _), do: [] end