import { isMacOS, isEditableElement, clamp, selectElementContent, smoothlyScrollToElement, setFavicon, cancelEvent, } from "../lib/utils"; import { getAttributeOrDefault } from "../lib/attribute"; import KeyBuffer from "./key_buffer"; import { globalPubSub } from "../lib/pub_sub"; import monaco from "../cell/live_editor/monaco"; /** * A hook managing the whole session. * * Serves as a coordinator handling all the global session events. * Note that each cell has its own hook, so that LV keeps track * of cells being added/removed from the DOM. We do however need * to communicate between this global hook and cells and for * that we use a simple local pubsub that the hooks subscribe to. * * Configuration: * * * `data-autofocus-cell-id` - id of the cell that gets initial * focus once the notebook is loaded * * ## Shortcuts * * This hook registers session shortcut handlers, * see `LivebookWeb.SessionLive.ShortcutsComponent` * for the complete list of available shortcuts. * * ## Navigation * * This hook handles focusing section titles, cells and moving the focus around, * this is done purely on the client side because it is event-intensive * and specific to this client only. The UI changes are handled by * setting `data-js-*` attributes and using CSS accordingly (see assets/css/js_interop.css). * Navigation changes are also broadcasted to all cell hooks via PubSub. * * ## Location tracking and following * * Location describes where the given client is within * the notebook (in which cell, and where specifically in that cell). * When multiple clients are connected, they report own location to * each other whenever it changes. We then each the location to show * cursor and selection indicators. * * Additionally the current user may follow another client from the clients list. * In such case, whenever a new location comes from that client we move there automatically * (i.e. we focus the same cells to effectively mimic how the followed client moves around). * * Initially we load basic information about connected clients using `"session_init"` * and then update this information whenever clients join/leave/update. * This way location reports include only client pid, as we already have * the necessary hex_color/name locally. */ const Session = { mounted() { this.props = getProps(this); this.state = { focusedId: null, focusedCellType: null, insertMode: false, keyBuffer: new KeyBuffer(), clientsMap: {}, lastLocationReportByClientPid: {}, followedClientPid: null, }; // Set initial favicon based on the current status setFavicon(faviconForEvaluationStatus(this.props.globalStatus)); // Load initial data this.pushEvent("session_init", {}, ({ clients }) => { clients.forEach((client) => { this.state.clientsMap[] = client; }); }); // DOM events this.handleDocumentKeyDown = (event) => { handleDocumentKeyDown(this, event); }; document.addEventListener("keydown", this.handleDocumentKeyDown, true); this.handleDocumentMouseDown = (event) => { handleDocumentMouseDown(this, event); }; document.addEventListener("mousedown", this.handleDocumentMouseDown); this.handleDocumentFocus = (event) => { handleDocumentFocus(this, event); }; // Note: the focus event doesn't bubble, so we register for the capture phase document.addEventListener("focus", this.handleDocumentFocus, true); this.handleDocumentClick = (event) => { handleDocumentClick(this, event); }; document.addEventListener("click", this.handleDocumentClick); this.handleDocumentDoubleClick = (event) => { handleDocumentDoubleClick(this, event); }; document.addEventListener("dblclick", this.handleDocumentDoubleClick); getSectionsList().addEventListener("click", (event) => { handleSectionsListClick(this, event); handleCellIndicatorsClick(this, event); }); getClientsList().addEventListener("click", (event) => { handleClientsListClick(this, event); }); getSectionsListToggle().addEventListener("click", (event) => { toggleSectionsList(this); }); getClientsListToggle().addEventListener("click", (event) => { toggleClientsList(this); }); getRuntimeInfoToggle().addEventListener("click", (event) => { toggleRuntimeInfo(this); }); getNotebook().addEventListener("scroll", (event) => { updateSectionListHighlight(); }); getCellIndicators().addEventListener("click", (event) => { handleCellIndicatorsClick(this, event); }); window.addEventListener( "phx:page-loading-stop", () => { initializeFocus(this); }, { once: true } ); // DOM setup updateSectionListHighlight(); // Server events this.handleEvent("cell_inserted", ({ cell_id: cellId }) => { handleCellInserted(this, cellId); }); this.handleEvent( "cell_deleted", ({ cell_id: cellId, sibling_cell_id: siblingCellId }) => { handleCellDeleted(this, cellId, siblingCellId); } ); this.handleEvent("cell_restored", ({ cell_id: cellId }) => { handleCellRestored(this, cellId); }); this.handleEvent("cell_moved", ({ cell_id }) => { handleCellMoved(this, cell_id); }); this.handleEvent("section_inserted", ({ section_id }) => { handleSectionInserted(this, section_id); }); this.handleEvent("section_deleted", ({ section_id }) => { handleSectionDeleted(this, section_id); }); this.handleEvent("section_moved", ({ section_id }) => { handleSectionMoved(this, section_id); }); this.handleEvent("cell_upload", ({ cell_id, url }) => { handleCellUpload(this, cell_id, url); }); this.handleEvent("client_joined", ({ client }) => { handleClientJoined(this, client); }); this.handleEvent("client_left", ({ client_pid }) => { handleClientLeft(this, client_pid); }); this.handleEvent("clients_updated", ({ clients }) => { handleClientsUpdated(this, clients); }); this.handleEvent( "location_report", ({ client_pid, focusable_id, selection }) => { const report = { focusableId: focusable_id, selection: decodeSelection(selection), }; handleLocationReport(this, client_pid, report); } ); this._unsubscribeFromSessionEvents = globalPubSub.subscribe( "session", (event) => { handleSessionEvent(this, event); } ); }, updated() { const prevProps = this.props; this.props = getProps(this); if (this.props.globalStatus !== prevProps.globalStatus) { setFavicon(faviconForEvaluationStatus(this.props.globalStatus)); } }, destroyed() { this._unsubscribeFromSessionEvents(); document.removeEventListener("keydown", this.handleDocumentKeyDown, true); document.removeEventListener("mousedown", this.handleDocumentMouseDown); document.removeEventListener("focus", this.handleDocumentFocus, true); document.removeEventListener("click", this.handleDocumentClick); document.removeEventListener("dblclick", this.handleDocumentDoubleClick); setFavicon("favicon"); }, }; function getProps(hook) { return { autofocusCellId: getAttributeOrDefault( hook.el, "data-autofocus-cell-id", null ), globalStatus: getAttributeOrDefault(hook.el, "data-global-status", null), }; } function faviconForEvaluationStatus(evaluationStatus) { if (evaluationStatus === "evaluating") return "favicon-evaluating"; if (evaluationStatus === "stale") return "favicon-stale"; return "favicon"; } /** * Data of a specific LV client. * * @typedef Client * @type {Object} * @property {String} pid * @property {String} hex_color * @property {String} name */ /** * A report of the current location sent by one of the other clients. * * @typedef LocationReport * @type {Object} * @property {String|null} focusableId * @property {monaco.Selection|null} selection */ // DOM event handlers /** * Handles session keybindings. * * Make sure to keep the shortcuts help modal up to date. */ function handleDocumentKeyDown(hook, event) { if (event.repeat) { return; } const cmd = isMacOS() ? event.metaKey : event.ctrlKey; const alt = event.altKey; const shift = event.shiftKey; const key = event.key; const keyBuffer = hook.state.keyBuffer; if (hook.state.insertMode) { keyBuffer.reset(); if (key === "Escape") { const monacoInputOpen = !!".monaco-inputbox"); const editor =".monaco-editor.focused"); const completionBoxOpen = !!( editor && editor.querySelector(".editor-widget.parameter-hints-widget.visible") ); const signatureDetailsOpen = !!( editor && editor.querySelector(".editor-widget.suggest-widget.visible") ); // Ignore Escape if it's supposed to close some Monaco input // (like the find/replace box), or an intellisense widget if (!monacoInputOpen && !completionBoxOpen && !signatureDetailsOpen) { escapeInsertMode(hook); } } else if (cmd && shift && !alt && key === "Enter") { cancelEvent(event); queueFullCellsEvaluation(hook, true); } else if (cmd && !alt && key === "Enter") { cancelEvent(event); if (hook.state.focusedCellType === "elixir") { queueFocusedCellEvaluation(hook); } } else if (cmd && key === "s") { cancelEvent(event); saveNotebook(hook); } } else { // Ignore keystrokes on input fields if (isEditableElement( { keyBuffer.reset(); // Use Escape for universal blur if (key === "Escape") {; } return; } keyBuffer.push(event.key); if (cmd && key === "s") { cancelEvent(event); saveNotebook(hook); } else if (keyBuffer.tryMatch(["d", "d"])) { deleteFocusedCell(hook); } else if (cmd && shift && !alt && key === "Enter") { queueFullCellsEvaluation(hook, true); } else if (keyBuffer.tryMatch(["e", "a"])) { queueFullCellsEvaluation(hook, false); } else if ( keyBuffer.tryMatch(["e", "e"]) || (cmd && !alt && key === "Enter") ) { if (hook.state.focusedCellType === "elixir") { queueFocusedCellEvaluation(hook); } } else if (keyBuffer.tryMatch(["e", "s"])) { queueFocusedSectionEvaluation(hook); } else if (keyBuffer.tryMatch(["s", "s"])) { toggleSectionsList(hook); } else if (keyBuffer.tryMatch(["s", "u"])) { toggleClientsList(hook); } else if (keyBuffer.tryMatch(["s", "r"])) { toggleRuntimeInfo(hook); } else if (keyBuffer.tryMatch(["s", "b"])) { showBin(hook); } else if (keyBuffer.tryMatch(["e", "x"])) { cancelFocusedCellEvaluation(hook); } else if (keyBuffer.tryMatch(["0", "0"])) { restartRuntime(hook); } else if (keyBuffer.tryMatch(["Escape", "Escape"])) { setFocusedEl(hook, null); } else if (keyBuffer.tryMatch(["?"])) { showShortcuts(hook); } else if ( keyBuffer.tryMatch(["i"]) || ( === document.body && hook.state.focusedId && key === "Enter") ) { cancelEvent(event); enterInsertMode(hook); } else if (keyBuffer.tryMatch(["j"])) { moveFocus(hook, 1); } else if (keyBuffer.tryMatch(["k"])) { moveFocus(hook, -1); } else if (keyBuffer.tryMatch(["J"])) { moveFocusedCell(hook, 1); } else if (keyBuffer.tryMatch(["K"])) { moveFocusedCell(hook, -1); } else if (keyBuffer.tryMatch(["n"])) { insertCellBelowFocused(hook, "elixir"); } else if (keyBuffer.tryMatch(["N"])) { insertCellAboveFocused(hook, "elixir"); } else if (keyBuffer.tryMatch(["m"])) { insertCellBelowFocused(hook, "markdown"); } else if (keyBuffer.tryMatch(["M"])) { insertCellAboveFocused(hook, "markdown"); } } } /** * Focuses/blurs a cell when the user clicks somewhere. * * Note: we use mousedown event to more reliably focus editor * (e.g. if the user starts selecting some text within the editor) */ function handleDocumentMouseDown(hook, event) { // If the click is outside the notebook element, keep the focus as is if (!`[data-element="notebook"]`)) { if (hook.state.insertMode) { setInsertMode(hook, false); } return; } // Find the focusable element, if one was clicked const focusableEl =`[data-focusable-id]`); const focusableId = focusableEl ? focusableEl.dataset.focusableId : null; const insertMode = editableElementClicked(event, focusableEl); if (focusableId !== hook.state.focusedId) { setFocusedEl(hook, focusableId, { scroll: false, focusElement: false }); } // If a cell action is clicked, keep the insert mode as is if (`[data-element="actions"]`)) { return; } // Depending on whether the click targets editor or input disable/enable insert mode if (hook.state.insertMode !== insertMode) { setInsertMode(hook, insertMode); } } function editableElementClicked(event, element) { if (element) { const editableElement = element.querySelector( `[data-element="editor-container"], [data-element="heading"]` ); return editableElement.contains(; } return false; } /** * Focuses a focusable element if the user "tab"s anywhere into it. */ function handleDocumentFocus(hook, event) { const focusableEl = &&`[data-focusable-id]`); if (focusableEl) { const focusableId = focusableEl.dataset.focusableId; if (focusableId !== hook.state.focusedId) { setFocusedEl(hook, focusableId, { scroll: false, focusElement: false }); } } } /** * Enters insert mode when markdown edit action is clicked. */ function handleDocumentClick(hook, event) { if (`[data-element="enable-insert-mode-button"]`)) { setInsertMode(hook, true); } } /** * Enters insert mode when a markdown cell is double-clicked. */ function handleDocumentDoubleClick(hook, event) { const markdownCell = `[data-element="cell"][data-type="markdown"]` ); if (markdownCell && hook.state.focusedId && !hook.state.insertMode) { setInsertMode(hook, true); } } /** * Handles section link clicks in the section list. */ function handleSectionsListClick(hook, event) { const sectionButton = `[data-element="sections-list-item"]` ); if (sectionButton) { const sectionId = sectionButton.getAttribute("data-section-id"); const section = getSectionById(sectionId); section.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "start" }); } } /** * Handles client link clicks in the clients list. */ function handleClientsListClick(hook, event) { const clientListItem = `[data-element="clients-list-item"]` ); if (clientListItem) { const clientPid = clientListItem.getAttribute("data-client-pid"); const clientLink =`[data-element="client-link"]`); if (clientLink) { handleClientLinkClick(hook, clientPid); } const clientFollowToggle = `[data-element="client-follow-toggle"]` ); if (clientFollowToggle) { handleClientFollowToggleClick(hook, clientPid, clientListItem); } } } function handleClientLinkClick(hook, clientPid) { mirrorClientFocus(hook, clientPid); } function handleClientFollowToggleClick(hook, clientPid, clientListItem) { const followedClientListItem = document.querySelector( `[data-element="clients-list-item"][data-js-followed]` ); if (followedClientListItem) { followedClientListItem.removeAttribute("data-js-followed"); } if (clientPid === hook.state.followedClientPid) { hook.state.followedClientPid = null; } else { clientListItem.setAttribute("data-js-followed", "true"); hook.state.followedClientPid = clientPid; mirrorClientFocus(hook, clientPid); } } function mirrorClientFocus(hook, clientPid) { const locationReport = hook.state.lastLocationReportByClientPid[clientPid]; if (locationReport && locationReport.focusableId) { setFocusedEl(hook, locationReport.focusableId); } } /** * Handles button clicks within cell indicators section. */ function handleCellIndicatorsClick(hook, event) { const button =`[data-element="focus-cell-button"]`); if (button) { const cellId = button.getAttribute("data-target"); setFocusedEl(hook, cellId); } } /** * Focuses cell or any other element based on the current * URL and hook attributes. */ function initializeFocus(hook) { const hash = window.location.hash; if (hash) { const htmlId = hash.replace(/^#/, ""); const element = document.getElementById(htmlId); if (element) { const focusableEl = element.closest("[data-focusable-id]"); if (focusableEl) { setFocusedEl(hook, focusableEl.dataset.focusableId); } else { // Explicitly scroll to the target element // after the loading finishes element.scrollIntoView(); } } } else if (hook.props.autofocusCellId) { setFocusedEl(hook, hook.props.autofocusCellId, { scroll: false }); setInsertMode(hook, true); } } /** * Handles the main notebook area being scrolled. */ function updateSectionListHighlight() { const currentListItem = document.querySelector( `[data-element="sections-list-item"][data-js-is-viewed]` ); if (currentListItem) { currentListItem.removeAttribute("data-js-is-viewed"); } // Consider a section being viewed if it is within the top 35% of the screen const viewedSection = getSections() .reverse() .find((section) => { const { top } = section.getBoundingClientRect(); const scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop; return top <= scrollTop + window.innerHeight * 0.35; }); if (viewedSection) { const sectionId = viewedSection.getAttribute("data-section-id"); const listItem = document.querySelector( `[data-element="sections-list-item"][data-section-id="${sectionId}"]` ); listItem.setAttribute("data-js-is-viewed", "true"); } } // User action handlers (mostly keybindings) function toggleSectionsList(hook) { toggleSidePanelContent(hook, "sections-list"); } function toggleClientsList(hook) { toggleSidePanelContent(hook, "clients-list"); } function toggleRuntimeInfo(hook) { toggleSidePanelContent(hook, "runtime-info"); } function toggleSidePanelContent(hook, name) { if (hook.el.getAttribute("data-js-side-panel-content") === name) { hook.el.removeAttribute("data-js-side-panel-content"); } else { hook.el.setAttribute("data-js-side-panel-content", name); } } function showBin(hook) { hook.pushEvent("show_bin", {}); } function saveNotebook(hook) { hook.pushEvent("save", {}); } function deleteFocusedCell(hook) { if (hook.state.focusedId && isCell(hook.state.focusedId)) { hook.pushEvent("delete_cell", { cell_id: hook.state.focusedId }); } } function queueFocusedCellEvaluation(hook) { if (hook.state.focusedId && isCell(hook.state.focusedId)) { hook.pushEvent("queue_cell_evaluation", { cell_id: hook.state.focusedId, }); } } function queueFullCellsEvaluation(hook, includeFocused) { const forcedCellIds = includeFocused && hook.state.focusedId && isCell(hook.state.focusedId) ? [hook.state.focusedId] : []; hook.pushEvent("queue_full_evaluation", { forced_cell_ids: forcedCellIds, }); } function queueFocusedSectionEvaluation(hook) { if (hook.state.focusedId) { const sectionId = getSectionIdByFocusableId(hook.state.focusedId); if (sectionId) { hook.pushEvent("queue_section_evaluation", { section_id: sectionId, }); } } } function cancelFocusedCellEvaluation(hook) { if (hook.state.focusedId && isCell(hook.state.focusedId)) { hook.pushEvent("cancel_cell_evaluation", { cell_id: hook.state.focusedId, }); } } function restartRuntime(hook) { hook.pushEvent("restart_runtime", {}); } function showShortcuts(hook) { hook.pushEvent("show_shortcuts", {}); } function enterInsertMode(hook) { if (hook.state.focusedId) { setInsertMode(hook, true); } } function escapeInsertMode(hook) { setInsertMode(hook, false); } function moveFocus(hook, offset) { const focusableId = nearbyFocusableId(hook.state.focusedId, offset); setFocusedEl(hook, focusableId); } function moveFocusedCell(hook, offset) { if (hook.state.focusedId && isCell(hook.state.focusedId)) { hook.pushEvent("move_cell", { cell_id: hook.state.focusedId, offset }); } } function insertCellBelowFocused(hook, type) { if (hook.state.focusedId) { insertCellBelowFocusableId(hook, hook.state.focusedId, type); } else { const focusableIds = getFocusableIds(); if (focusableIds.length > 0) { insertCellBelowFocusableId( hook, focusableIds[focusableIds.length - 1], type ); } } } function insertCellAboveFocused(hook, type) { if (hook.state.focusedId) { const prevFocusableId = nearbyFocusableId(hook.state.focusedId, -1); insertCellBelowFocusableId(hook, prevFocusableId, type); } else { const focusableIds = getFocusableIds(); if (focusableIds.length > 0) { insertCellBelowFocusableId(hook, focusableIds[0], type); } } } function insertCellBelowFocusableId(hook, focusableId, type) { if (isCell(focusableId)) { hook.pushEvent("insert_cell_below", { type, cell_id: focusableId }); } else if (isSection(focusableId)) { hook.pushEvent("insert_cell_below", { type, section_id: focusableId }); } else if (isNotebook(focusableId)) { const sectionIds = getSectionIds(); if (sectionIds.length > 0) { hook.pushEvent("insert_cell_below", { type, section_id: sectionIds[0] }); } } } function setFocusedEl( hook, focusableId, { scroll = true, focusElement = true } = {} ) { hook.state.focusedId = focusableId; if (focusableId) { const el = getFocusableEl(focusableId); if (isCell(focusableId)) { hook.state.focusedCellType = el.getAttribute("data-type"); } if (focusElement) { // Focus the primary content in the focusable element, this is important for screen readers const contentEl = el.querySelector(`[data-element="cell-body"]`) || el.querySelector(`[data-element="heading"]`) || el; contentEl.focus({ preventScroll: true }); } } else { hook.state.focusedCellType = null; } globalPubSub.broadcast("navigation", { type: "element_focused", focusableId: focusableId, scroll, }); setInsertMode(hook, false); } function setInsertMode(hook, insertModeEnabled) { hook.state.insertMode = insertModeEnabled; if (insertModeEnabled) { hook.el.setAttribute("data-js-insert-mode", "true"); } else { hook.el.removeAttribute("data-js-insert-mode"); sendLocationReport(hook, { focusableId: hook.state.focusedId, selection: null, }); } globalPubSub.broadcast("navigation", { type: "insert_mode_changed", enabled: insertModeEnabled, }); } // Server event handlers function handleCellInserted(hook, cellId) { setFocusedEl(hook, cellId); if (["markdown", "elixir"].includes(hook.state.focusedCellType)) { setInsertMode(hook, true); } } function handleCellDeleted(hook, cellId, siblingCellId) { if (hook.state.focusedId === cellId) { setFocusedEl(hook, siblingCellId); } } function handleCellRestored(hook, cellId) { setFocusedEl(hook, cellId); } function handleCellMoved(hook, cellId) { if (hook.state.focusedId === cellId) { globalPubSub.broadcast("cells", { type: "cell_moved", cellId }); } } function handleSectionInserted(hook, sectionId) { const section = getSectionById(sectionId); const headlineEl = section.querySelector(`[data-element="section-headline"]`); const { focusableId } = headlineEl.dataset; setFocusedEl(hook, focusableId); setInsertMode(hook, true); selectElementContent(document.activeElement); } function handleSectionDeleted(hook, sectionId) { // Clear focus if the element no longer exists if (hook.state.focusedId && !getFocusableEl(hook.state.focusedId)) { setFocusedEl(hook, null); } } function handleSectionMoved(hook, sectionId) { const section = getSectionById(sectionId); smoothlyScrollToElement(section); } function handleCellUpload(hook, cellId, url) { if (hook.state.focusedId !== cellId) { setFocusedEl(hook, cellId); } if (!hook.state.insertMode) { setInsertMode(hook, true); } globalPubSub.broadcast("cells", { type: "cell_upload", cellId, url }); } function handleClientJoined(hook, client) { hook.state.clientsMap[] = client; } function handleClientLeft(hook, clientPid) { const client = hook.state.clientsMap[clientPid]; if (client) { delete hook.state.clientsMap[clientPid]; broadcastLocationReport(client, { focusableId: null, selection: null }); if ( === hook.state.followedClientPid) { hook.state.followedClientPid = null; } } } function handleClientsUpdated(hook, updatedClients) { updatedClients.forEach((client) => { hook.state.clientsMap[] = client; }); } function handleLocationReport(hook, clientPid, report) { const client = hook.state.clientsMap[clientPid]; hook.state.lastLocationReportByClientPid[clientPid] = report; if (client) { broadcastLocationReport(client, report); if ( === hook.state.followedClientPid && report.focusableId !== hook.state.focusedId ) { setFocusedEl(hook, report.focusableId); } } } // Session event handlers function handleSessionEvent(hook, event) { if (event.type === "cursor_selection_changed") { sendLocationReport(hook, { focusableId: event.focusableId, selection: event.selection, }); } } /** * Broadcast new location report coming from the server to all the cells. */ function broadcastLocationReport(client, report) { globalPubSub.broadcast("navigation", { type: "location_report", client, report, }); } /** * Sends local location report to the server. */ function sendLocationReport(hook, report) { const numberOfClients = Object.keys(hook.state.clientsMap).length; // Only send reports if there are other people to send to if (numberOfClients > 1) { hook.pushEvent("location_report", { focusable_id: report.focusableId, selection: encodeSelection(report.selection), }); } } function encodeSelection(selection) { if (selection === null) return null; return [ selection.selectionStartLineNumber, selection.selectionStartColumn, selection.positionLineNumber, selection.positionColumn, ]; } function decodeSelection(encoded) { if (encoded === null) return null; const [ selectionStartLineNumber, selectionStartColumn, positionLineNumber, positionColumn, ] = encoded; return new monaco.Selection( selectionStartLineNumber, selectionStartColumn, positionLineNumber, positionColumn ); } // Helpers function nearbyFocusableId(focusableId, offset) { const focusableIds = getFocusableIds(); if (focusableIds.length === 0) { return null; } const idx = focusableIds.indexOf(focusableId); if (idx === -1) { return focusableIds[0]; } else { const siblingIdx = clamp(idx + offset, 0, focusableIds.length - 1); return focusableIds[siblingIdx]; } } function isCell(focusableId) { const el = getFocusableEl(focusableId); return el.dataset.element === "cell"; } function isSection(focusableId) { const el = getFocusableEl(focusableId); return el.dataset.element === "section-headline"; } function isNotebook(focusableId) { const el = getFocusableEl(focusableId); return el.dataset.element === "notebook-headline"; } function getFocusableEl(focusableId) { return document.querySelector(`[data-focusable-id="${focusableId}"]`); } function getFocusableIds() { const elements = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(`[data-focusable-id]`)); return => el.getAttribute("data-focusable-id")); } function getSectionIdByFocusableId(focusableId) { const el = getFocusableEl(focusableId); const section = el.closest(`[data-element="section"]`); return section && section.getAttribute("data-section-id"); } function getSectionIds() { const sections = getSections(); return => section.getAttribute("data-section-id")); } function getSections() { return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(`[data-element="section"]`)); } function getSectionById(sectionId) { return document.querySelector( `[data-element="section"][data-section-id="${sectionId}"]` ); } function getSectionsList() { return document.querySelector(`[data-element="sections-list"]`); } function getClientsList() { return document.querySelector(`[data-element="clients-list"]`); } function getCellIndicators() { return document.querySelector(`[data-element="notebook-indicators"]`); } function getNotebook() { return document.querySelector(`[data-element="notebook"]`); } function getSectionsListToggle() { return document.querySelector(`[data-element="sections-list-toggle"]`); } function getClientsListToggle() { return document.querySelector(`[data-element="clients-list-toggle"]`); } function getRuntimeInfoToggle() { return document.querySelector(`[data-element="runtime-info-toggle"]`); } export default Session;