defmodule LiveBook.Notebook do @moduledoc """ Data structure representing a notebook. A notebook is just the representation and roughly maps to a file that the user can edit. A notebook *session* is a living process that holds a specific notebook instance and allows users to collaboratively apply changes to this notebook. A notebook is divided into a set of isolated *sections*. """ defstruct [:name, :version, :sections, :metadata] alias LiveBook.Notebook.{Section, Cell} @type t :: %__MODULE__{ name: String.t(), version: String.t(), sections: list(Section.t()), metadata: %{atom() => term()} } @version "1.0" @doc """ Returns a blank notebook. """ @spec new() :: t() def new() do %__MODULE__{ name: "Untitled notebook", version: @version, sections: [], metadata: %{} } end @doc """ Finds notebook section by id. """ @spec fetch_section(t(), :: {:ok, Section.t()} | :error def fetch_section(notebook, section_id) do Enum.find_value(notebook.sections, :error, fn section -> == section_id && {:ok, section} end) end @doc """ Finds notebook cell by `id` and the corresponding section. """ @spec fetch_cell_and_section(t(), :: {:ok, Cell.t(), Section.t()} | :error def fetch_cell_and_section(notebook, cell_id) do for( section <- notebook.sections, cell <- section.cells, == cell_id, do: {cell, section} ) |> case do [{cell, section}] -> {:ok, cell, section} [] -> :error end end @doc """ Finds a cell being `offset` from the given cell within the same section. """ @spec fetch_cell_sibling(t(),, integer()) :: {:ok, Cell.t()} | :error def fetch_cell_sibling(notebook, cell_id, offset) do with {:ok, cell, section} <- fetch_cell_and_section(notebook, cell_id) do idx = Enum.find_index(section.cells, &(&1 == cell)) sibling_idx = idx + offset if sibling_idx >= 0 and sibling_idx < length(section.cells) do {:ok,, sibling_idx)} else :error end end end @doc """ Inserts `section` at the given `index`. """ @spec insert_section(t(), integer(), Section.t()) :: t() def insert_section(notebook, index, section) do sections = List.insert_at(notebook.sections, index, section) %{notebook | sections: sections} end @doc """ Inserts `cell` at the given `index` within section identified by `section_id`. """ @spec insert_cell(t(),, integer(), Cell.t()) :: t() def insert_cell(notebook, section_id, index, cell) do sections =, fn section -> if == section_id do %{section | cells: List.insert_at(section.cells, index, cell)} else section end end) %{notebook | sections: sections} end @doc """ Deletes section with the given id. """ @spec delete_section(t(), :: t() def delete_section(notebook, section_id) do sections = Enum.reject(notebook.sections, &(& == section_id)) %{notebook | sections: sections} end @doc """ Deletes cell with the given id. """ @spec delete_cell(t(), :: t() def delete_cell(notebook, cell_id) do sections =, fn section -> %{section | cells: Enum.reject(section.cells, &(& == cell_id))} end) %{notebook | sections: sections} end @doc """ Updates cell with the given function. """ @spec update_cell(t(),, (Cell.t() -> Cell.t())) :: t() def update_cell(notebook, cell_id, fun) do sections =, fn section -> cells =, fn cell -> if == cell_id, do: fun.(cell), else: cell end) %{section | cells: cells} end) %{notebook | sections: sections} end @doc """ Updates section with the given function. """ @spec update_section(t(),, (Section.t() -> Section.t())) :: t() def update_section(notebook, section_id, fun) do sections =, fn section -> if == section_id, do: fun.(section), else: section end) %{notebook | sections: sections} end @doc """ Returns a list of Elixir cells that the given cell depends on. The cells are ordered starting from the most direct parent. """ @spec parent_cells(t(), :: list(Cell.t()) def parent_cells(notebook, cell_id) do with {:ok, _, section} <- LiveBook.Notebook.fetch_cell_and_section(notebook, cell_id) do # A cell depends on all previous cells within the same section. section.cells |> Enum.take_while(&(& != cell_id)) |> Enum.reverse() |> Enum.filter(&(&1.type == :elixir)) else _ -> [] end end @doc """ Returns a list of Elixir cells that depend on the given cell. The cells are ordered starting from the most direct child. """ @spec child_cells(t(), :: list(Cell.t()) def child_cells(notebook, cell_id) do with {:ok, _, section} <- LiveBook.Notebook.fetch_cell_and_section(notebook, cell_id) do # A cell affects all the cells below it within the same section. section.cells |> Enum.drop_while(&(& != cell_id)) |> Enum.drop(1) |> Enum.filter(&(&1.type == :elixir)) else _ -> [] end end end