defmodule LiveBook.Runtime.Standalone do defstruct [:node, :primary_pid, :init_ref] # A runtime backed by a standalone Elixir node managed by LiveBook. # # LiveBook is responsible for starting and terminating the node. # Most importantly we have to make sure the started node doesn't # stay in the system when the session or the entire LiveBook terminates. alias LiveBook.Utils @type t :: %__MODULE__{ node: node(), primary_pid: pid(), init_ref: reference() } @doc """ Starts a new Elixir node (i.e. a system process) and initializes it with LiveBook-specific modules and processes. The new node monitors the given owner process and terminates as soon as it terminates. It may also be terminated manually by using `Runtime.disconnect/1`. Note: to start the node it is required that `elixir` is a recognised executable within the system. """ @spec init(pid()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, :no_elixir_executable | :timeout} def init(owner_pid) do case System.find_executable("elixir") do nil -> {:error, :no_elixir_executable} elixir_path -> id = Utils.random_short_id() node = Utils.node_from_name("live_book_runtime_#{id}") # The new Elixir node receives a code to evaluate # and we have to pass the current pid there, but since pid # is not a type we can include directly in the code, # we temporarily register the current process under a name. waiter = :"live_book_waiter_#{id}" Process.register(self(), waiter) eval = child_node_eval(waiter, node()) |> Macro.to_string() # Here we create a port to start the system process in a non-blocking way.{:spawn_executable, elixir_path}, [ # Don't use stdio, so that the caller does not receive # unexpected messages if the process produces some output. :nouse_stdio, args: [ if(LiveBook.Config.shortnames?, do: "--sname", else: "--name"), to_string(node), "--eval", eval, # Minimize shedulers busy wait threshold, # so that they go to sleep immediately after evaluation. "--erl", "+sbwt none +sbwtdcpu none +sbwtdio none" ] ]) receive do {:node_started, init_ref, ^node, primary_pid} -> # Unregister the temporary name as it's no longer needed. Process.unregister(waiter) # Having the other process pid we can send the owner pid as a message. send(primary_pid, {:node_acknowledged, init_ref, owner_pid}) # There should be no problem initializing the new node :ok = LiveBook.Runtime.ErlDist.initialize(node) {:ok, %__MODULE__{node: node, primary_pid: primary_pid, init_ref: init_ref}} after 10_000 -> {:error, :timeout} end end end defp child_node_eval(waiter, parent_node) do # This is the code that's gonna be evaluated in the newly # spawned Elixir runtime. This is the primary process # and as soon as it finishes, the runtime terminates. quote do # Initiate communication with the waiting process on the parent node. init_ref = make_ref() send({unquote(waiter), unquote(parent_node)}, {:node_started, init_ref, node(), self()}) receive do {:node_acknowledged, ^init_ref, owner_pid} -> owner_ref = Process.monitor(owner_pid) # Wait until either the owner process terminates # or we receives an explicit stop request. receive do {:DOWN, ^owner_ref, :process, _object, _reason} -> :ok {:stop, ^init_ref} -> :ok end after 10_000 -> :timeout end end end end defimpl LiveBook.Runtime, for: LiveBook.Runtime.Standalone do alias LiveBook.Runtime.ErlDist def connect(runtime) do ErlDist.Manager.set_owner(runtime.node, self()) Process.monitor({ErlDist.Manager, runtime.node}) end def disconnect(runtime) do ErlDist.Manager.stop(runtime.node) # Instruct the other node to terminate send(runtime.primary_pid, {:stop, runtime.init_ref}) end def evaluate_code(runtime, code, container_ref, evaluation_ref, prev_evaluation_ref \\ :initial) do ErlDist.Manager.evaluate_code( runtime.node, code, container_ref, evaluation_ref, prev_evaluation_ref ) end def forget_evaluation(runtime, container_ref, evaluation_ref) do ErlDist.Manager.forget_evaluation(runtime.node, container_ref, evaluation_ref) end def drop_container(runtime, container_ref) do ErlDist.Manager.drop_container(runtime.node, container_ref) end end