import { parseHookProps } from "../lib/attribute"; const UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS = 100; /** * A hook used to display a counting timer. * * ## Props * * * `start` - the timestamp to count from * */ const Timer = { mounted() { this.props = this.getProps(); this.interval = setInterval(() => this.updateDOM(), UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS); }, updated() { this.props = this.getProps(); this.updateDOM(); }, destroyed() { clearInterval(this.interval); }, getProps() { return parseHookProps(this.el, ["start"]); }, updateDOM() { const elapsedMs = - new Date(this.props.start); const elapsedSeconds = elapsedMs / 1_000; this.el.innerHTML = `${elapsedSeconds.toFixed(1)}s`; }, }; export default Timer;