if Mix.target() == :app do defmodule LivebookApp do @moduledoc false @name __MODULE__ @wxID_OPEN 5000 @wxID_EXIT 5006 @wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG 15 use GenServer def start_link(arg) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, arg, name: @name) end taskbar_icon_path = "rel/app/icon.png" @external_resource taskbar_icon_path @taskbar_icon File.read!(taskbar_icon_path) @impl true def init(_) do AppBuilder.init() os = AppBuilder.os() :wx.new() # TODO: instead of embedding the icon and copying to tmp, copy the file known location. # It's a bit tricky because it needs to support all the ways of running the app: # 1. MIX_TARGET=app mix phx.server # 2. mix app # 3. mix release app taskbar_icon_path = Path.join(System.tmp_dir!(), "icon.png") File.write!(taskbar_icon_path, @taskbar_icon) icon = :wxIcon.new(taskbar_icon_path, type: @wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG) menu_items = [ {"Open Browser", key: "ctrl+o", id: @wxID_OPEN}, {"Quit", key: "ctrl+q", id: @wxID_EXIT} ] taskbar = WxUtils.taskbar("Livebook", icon, menu_items) if os == :windows do :wxTaskBarIcon.connect(taskbar, :taskbar_left_down, callback: fn _, _ -> open_browser() end ) end {:ok, nil} end @impl true def handle_info(:open_app, state) do open_browser() {:noreply, state} end @impl true def handle_info({:open_file, path}, state) do path |> Livebook.Utils.notebook_open_url() |> open_browser() {:noreply, state} end @impl true def handle_info({:open_url, "livebook://" <> rest}, state) do "https://#{rest}" |> Livebook.Utils.notebook_import_url() |> open_browser() {:noreply, state} end @impl true def handle_info({:wx, @wxID_EXIT, _, _, _}, _state) do System.stop(0) end @impl true def handle_info({:wx, @wxID_OPEN, _, _, _}, state) do open_browser() {:noreply, state} end if Mix.env() == :dev do @impl true def handle_info(event, state) do IO.inspect(event) {:noreply, state} end end defp open_browser(url \\ LivebookWeb.Endpoint.access_url()) do Livebook.Utils.browser_open(url) end end defmodule WxUtils do @moduledoc false @wxID_ANY -1 def taskbar(title, icon, menu_items) do pid = self() os = AppBuilder.os() options = if os == :macos, do: [iconType: 1], else: [] # skip keyboard shortcuts menu_items = for item <- menu_items do {title, options} = item options = Keyword.delete(options, :key) {title, options} end taskbar = :wxTaskBarIcon.new( [ createPopupMenu: fn -> menu = menu(menu_items) # For some reason, on macOS the menu event must be handled in another process # but on Windows it must be either the same process OR we use the callback. case os do :macos -> env = :wx.get_env() Task.start_link(fn -> :wx.set_env(env) :wxMenu.connect(menu, :command_menu_selected) receive do message -> send(pid, message) end end) :windows -> :ok = :wxMenu.connect(menu, :command_menu_selected, callback: fn wx, _ -> send(pid, wx) end ) end menu end ] ++ options ) :wxTaskBarIcon.setIcon(taskbar, icon, tooltip: title) taskbar end def menu(items) do menu = :wxMenu.new() Enum.each(items, fn {title, options} -> id = Keyword.get(options, :id, @wxID_ANY) title = case Keyword.fetch(options, :key) do {:ok, key} -> title <> "\t" <> key :error -> title end :wxMenu.append(menu, id, title) end) menu end end end