defmodule LiveBook.EvaluatorTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: true alias LiveBook.Evaluator setup do {:ok, evaluator} = Evaluator.start_link() %{evaluator: evaluator} end describe "evaluate_code/4" do test "given a valid code returns evaluation result", %{evaluator: evaluator} do code = """ x = 1 y = 2 x + y """ Evaluator.evaluate_code(evaluator, self(), code, :code_1) assert_receive {:evaluation_response, :code_1, {:ok, 3}} end test "given no prev_ref does not see previous evaluation context", %{evaluator: evaluator} do Evaluator.evaluate_code(evaluator, self(), "x = 1", :code_1) assert_receive {:evaluation_response, :code_1, _} ignore_warnings(fn -> Evaluator.evaluate_code(evaluator, self(), "x", :code_2) assert_receive {:evaluation_response, :code_2, {:error, _kind, %CompileError{description: "undefined function x/0"}, _stacktrace}} end) end test "given prev_ref sees previous evaluation context", %{evaluator: evaluator} do Evaluator.evaluate_code(evaluator, self(), "x = 1", :code_1) assert_receive {:evaluation_response, :code_1, _} Evaluator.evaluate_code(evaluator, self(), "x", :code_2, :code_1) assert_receive {:evaluation_response, :code_2, {:ok, 1}} end test "given invalid prev_ref just uses default context", %{evaluator: evaluator} do Evaluator.evaluate_code(evaluator, self(), ":hey", :code_1, :code_nonexistent) assert_receive {:evaluation_response, :code_1, {:ok, :hey}} end test "captures standard output and sends it to the caller", %{evaluator: evaluator} do Evaluator.evaluate_code(evaluator, self(), ~s{IO.puts("hey")}, :code_1) assert_receive {:evaluation_stdout, :code_1, "hey\n"} end test "using standard input results in an immediate error", %{evaluator: evaluator} do Evaluator.evaluate_code(evaluator, self(), ~s{IO.gets("> ")}, :code_1) assert_receive {:evaluation_response, :code_1, {:ok, {:error, :enotsup}}} end test "returns error along with its kind and stacktrace", %{evaluator: evaluator} do code = """ List.first(%{}) """ Evaluator.evaluate_code(evaluator, self(), code, :code_1) assert_receive {:evaluation_response, :code_1, {:error, :error, %FunctionClauseError{}, [{List, :first, 1, _location}]}} end test "in case of an error returns only the relevant part of stacktrace", %{ evaluator: evaluator } do code = """ defmodule LiveBook.EvaluatorTest.Stacktrace.Math do def bad_math do result = 1 / 0 {:ok, result} end end defmodule LiveBook.EvaluatorTest.Stacktrace.Cat do def meow do LiveBook.EvaluatorTest.Stacktrace.Math.bad_math() :ok end end LiveBook.EvaluatorTest.Stacktrace.Cat.meow() """ ignore_warnings(fn -> Evaluator.evaluate_code(evaluator, self(), code, :code_1) expected_stacktrace = [ {LiveBook.EvaluatorTest.Stacktrace.Math, :bad_math, 0, [file: 'nofile', line: 3]}, {LiveBook.EvaluatorTest.Stacktrace.Cat, :meow, 0, [file: 'nofile', line: 10]} ] # Note: evaluating module definitions is relatively slow, so we use a higher wait timeout. assert_receive {:evaluation_response, :code_1, {:error, _kind, _error, ^expected_stacktrace}}, 1000 end) end end describe "forget_evaluation/2" do test "invalidates the given reference", %{evaluator: evaluator} do Evaluator.evaluate_code(evaluator, self(), "x = 1", :code_1) assert_receive {:evaluation_response, :code_1, _} Evaluator.forget_evaluation(evaluator, :code_1) ignore_warnings(fn -> Evaluator.evaluate_code(evaluator, self(), "x", :code_2, :code_1) assert_receive {:evaluation_response, :code_2, {:error, _kind, %CompileError{description: "undefined function x/0"}, _stacktrace}} end) end end # Helpers # Some of the code passed to Evaluator above is expected # to produce compilation warnings, so we ignore them. defp ignore_warnings(fun) do ExUnit.CaptureIO.capture_io(:stderr, fun) :ok end end