defmodule LivebookWeb.SessionLive.ShortcutsComponent do use LivebookWeb, :live_component @shortcuts %{ insert_mode: [ %{seq: "esc", desc: "Switch back to navigation mode"}, %{seq: "ctrl + enter", desc: "Evaluate cell and stay in insert mode"} ], navigation_mode: [ %{seq: "?", desc: "Open this help modal"}, %{seq: "j", desc: "Focus next cell"}, %{seq: "k", desc: "Focus previous cell"}, %{seq: "J", desc: "Move cell down"}, %{seq: "K", desc: "Move cell up"}, %{seq: "i", desc: "Switch to insert mode"}, %{seq: "n", desc: "Insert Elixir cell below"}, %{seq: "m", desc: "Insert Markdown cell below"}, %{seq: "N", desc: "Insert Elixir cell above"}, %{seq: "M", desc: "Insert Markdown cell above"}, %{seq: "dd", desc: "Delete cell"}, %{seq: "ee", desc: "Evaluate cell"}, %{seq: "es", desc: "Evaluate section"}, %{seq: "ej", desc: "Evaluate cells below"}, %{seq: "ex", desc: "Cancel cell evaluation"} ] } @impl true def mount(socket) do {:ok, assign(socket, shortcuts: @shortcuts)} end @impl true def render(assigns) do ~L"""

Keyboard shortcuts

Livebook highly embraces keyboard navigation to improve your productivity. It operates in one of two modes similarly to the Vim text editor. In navigation mode you move around the notebook and execute commands, whereas in the insert mode you have editor focus and directly modify the given cell content.

<%= render_shortcuts_section("Navigation mode", @shortcuts.navigation_mode, @platform) %> <%= render_shortcuts_section("Insert mode", @shortcuts.insert_mode, @platform) %>
""" end defp render_shortcuts_section(title, shortcuts, platform) do {left, right} = split_in_half(shortcuts) assigns = %{title: title, left: left, right: right, platform: platform} ~L"""

<%= @title %>

<%= render_shortcuts_section_table(@left, @platform) %>
<%= render_shortcuts_section_table(@right, @platform) %>
""" end defp render_shortcuts_section_table(shortcuts, platform) do assigns = %{shortcuts: shortcuts, platform: platform} ~L""" <%= for shortcut <- @shortcuts do %> <% end %>
<%= if(@platform == :mac, do: seq_for_mac(shortcut.seq), else: shortcut.seq) %> <%= shortcut.desc %>
""" end defp seq_for_mac(seq) do seq |> String.replace("ctrl", "cmd") |> String.replace("alt", "option") end defp split_in_half(list) do half_idx = list |> length() |> Kernel.+(1) |> div(2) Enum.split(list, half_idx) end end