defmodule LivebookTest.Runtime.SingleEvaluator do @moduledoc false # A simple runtime backed by a single evaluator process # running on the local node. # # This allows for working code evaluation without # starting a standalone Elixir runtime, so is neat for testing. defstruct [:evaluator] def init() do with {:ok, evaluator} <- Livebook.Evaluator.start_link() do {:ok, %__MODULE__{evaluator: evaluator}} end end end defimpl Livebook.Runtime, for: LivebookTest.Runtime.SingleEvaluator do alias Livebook.Evaluator def connect(runtime) do Process.monitor(runtime.evaluator) end def disconnect(_runtime), do: :ok def evaluate_code( runtime, code, _container_ref, evaluation_ref, prev_evaluation_ref \\ :initial ) do Evaluator.evaluate_code(runtime.evaluator, self(), code, evaluation_ref, prev_evaluation_ref) :ok end def forget_evaluation(runtime, _container_ref, evaluation_ref) do Evaluator.forget_evaluation(runtime.evaluator, evaluation_ref) end def drop_container(_runtime, _container_ref), do: :ok end