defmodule LivebookWeb.AppSessionLiveTest do use LivebookWeb.ConnCase, async: true import Phoenix.LiveViewTest import Livebook.TestHelpers alias Livebook.{App, Apps, Notebook, Utils} test "shows a nonexisting message if the session does not exist", %{conn: conn} do slug = Utils.random_short_id() app_settings = %{ | slug: slug} notebook = %{ | app_settings: app_settings} {:ok, app_pid} = Apps.deploy(notebook) {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, ~p"/apps/#{slug}/nonexistent") assert render(view) =~ "This app session does not exist" assert render(view) =~ ~p"/apps/#{slug}" App.close(app_pid) end test "shows a nonexisting message if the session is deactivated", %{conn: conn} do slug = Utils.random_short_id() app_settings = %{ | slug: slug} notebook = %{ | app_settings: app_settings} Apps.subscribe() {:ok, app_pid} = Apps.deploy(notebook) assert_receive {:app_created, %{pid: ^app_pid}} assert_receive {:app_updated, %{pid: ^app_pid, sessions: [%{id: session_id, pid: session_pid}]}} Livebook.Session.app_deactivate(session_pid) assert_receive {:app_updated, %{pid: ^app_pid, sessions: [%{app_status: %{lifecycle: :deactivated}}]}} {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, ~p"/apps/#{slug}/#{session_id}") assert render(view) =~ "This app session does not exist" assert render(view) =~ ~p"/apps/#{slug}" App.close(app_pid) end test "redirects to homepage if the session gets deactivated", %{conn: conn} do slug = Utils.random_short_id() app_settings = %{ | slug: slug} notebook = %{ | app_settings: app_settings} Apps.subscribe() {:ok, app_pid} = Apps.deploy(notebook) assert_receive {:app_created, %{pid: ^app_pid}} assert_receive {:app_updated, %{pid: ^app_pid, sessions: [%{id: session_id, pid: session_pid}]}} {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, ~p"/apps/#{slug}/#{session_id}") Livebook.Session.app_deactivate(session_pid) flash = assert_redirect(view, ~p"/") assert flash["info"] == "Session has been closed" App.close(app_pid) end test "renders only rich output when output type is rich", %{conn: conn} do slug = Livebook.Utils.random_short_id() app_settings = %{ | slug: slug, output_type: :rich} notebook = %{ | app_settings: app_settings, sections: [ %{ | cells: [ %{ | source: source_for_output(%{ type: :terminal_text, text: "Printed output", chunk: false }) }, %{ | source: source_for_output(%{type: :plain_text, text: "Custom text", chunk: false}) } ] } ] } Livebook.Apps.subscribe() {:ok, app_pid} = Apps.deploy(notebook) assert_receive {:app_created, %{pid: ^app_pid} = app} assert_receive {:app_updated, %{pid: ^app_pid, sessions: [%{app_status: %{execution: :executed}}]}} {:ok, view, _} = conn |> live(~p"/apps/#{slug}") |> follow_redirect(conn) refute render(view) =~ "Printed output" assert render(view) =~ "Custom text" Livebook.App.close( end test "shows an error message when session errors", %{conn: conn, test: test} do slug = Livebook.Utils.random_short_id() app_settings = %{ | slug: slug} notebook = %{ | app_settings: app_settings, sections: [ %{ | cells: [ %{ | source: source_for_output(%{ type: :terminal_text, text: "Printed output", chunk: false }) }, %{ | id: "error-cell", source: """ # Fail on the first run unless :persistent_term.get(#{inspect(test)}, false) do :persistent_term.put(#{inspect(test)}, true) raise "oops" end """ } ] } ] } Livebook.Apps.subscribe() {:ok, app_pid} = Apps.deploy(notebook) assert_receive {:app_created, %{pid: ^app_pid} = app} assert_receive {:app_updated, %{ pid: ^app_pid, sessions: [%{id: session_id, app_status: %{execution: :error}}] }} {:ok, view, _} = conn |> live(~p"/apps/#{slug}") |> follow_redirect(conn) assert render(view) =~ "Printed output" assert render(view) =~ "Something went wrong" assert render(view) =~ ~p"/sessions/#{session_id}" <> "#cell-error-cell" view |> element("button", "Retry") |> render_click() assert_receive {:app_updated, %{pid: ^app_pid, sessions: [%{app_status: %{execution: :executed}}]}} Livebook.App.close( end test "shows the reprocessing button when there are changed inputs and no errors", %{conn: conn, test: test} do slug = Livebook.Utils.random_short_id() app_settings = %{ | slug: slug} Process.register(self(), test) input = %{ type: :input, ref: "ref1", id: "input1", destination: test, attrs: %{type: :number, default: 1, label: "Name", debounce: :blur} } notebook = %{ | app_settings: app_settings, sections: [ %{ | cells: [ %{ | source: source_for_output(input) }, %{ | source: source_for_input_read( }, %{ | id: "error-cell", source: """ # Fail on the first run unless :persistent_term.get(#{inspect(test)}, false) do :persistent_term.put(#{inspect(test)}, true) raise "oops" end """ } ] } ] } Livebook.Apps.subscribe() {:ok, app_pid} = Apps.deploy(notebook) assert_receive {:app_created, %{pid: ^app_pid} = app} assert_receive {:app_updated, %{ pid: ^app_pid, sessions: [%{pid: session_pid, app_status: %{execution: :error}}] }} Livebook.Session.set_input_value(session_pid,, 10) {:ok, view, _} = conn |> live(~p"/apps/#{slug}") |> follow_redirect(conn) # The button should not appear on error refute render(view) =~ "Some inputs have changed.\nClick this button to process with latest values." view |> element("button", "Retry") |> render_click() assert_receive {:app_updated, %{pid: ^app_pid, sessions: [%{app_status: %{execution: :executed}}]}} Livebook.Session.set_input_value(session_pid,, 20) Livebook.SessionHelpers.wait_for_session_update(session_pid) assert render(view) =~ "Some inputs have changed.\nClick this button to process with latest values." Livebook.App.close( end end