import Config # Configures the endpoint config :livebook, LivebookWeb.Endpoint, url: [host: "localhost"], pubsub_server: Livebook.PubSub, live_view: [signing_salt: "livebook"] # Configures Elixir's Logger config :logger, :console, format: "$time $metadata[$level] $message\n", metadata: [:request_id] # Use Jason for JSON parsing in Phoenix config :phoenix, :json_library, Jason # Add mime type to upload notebooks with `Phoenix.LiveView.Upload` config :mime, :types, %{ "text/plain" => ["livemd"] } # Sets the default storage backend config :livebook, :storage, Livebook.Storage.Ets # Sets the default authentication mode to token config :livebook, :authentication_mode, :token # Sets the default runtime to ElixirStandalone. # This is the desired default most of the time, # but in some specific use cases you may want # to configure that to the Embedded or Mix runtime instead. # Also make sure the configured runtime has # a synchronous `init` function that takes the # configured arguments. config :livebook, :default_runtime, {Livebook.Runtime.ElixirStandalone, []} # A list of custom plugs in the following format: # # [{plug_module :: module(), opts :: keyword()}] # # The plugs are called directly before the Livebook router. config :livebook, :plugs, [] # A list of additional notebooks to include in the Explore sections. # # Note that the notebooks are loaded and embedded in a compiled module, # so the paths are accessed at compile time only. # # ## Example # # config :livebook, :explore_notebooks, [ # %{ # # Required notebook path # path: "/path/to/notebook.livemd", # # Optional notebook identifier for URLs, as in /explore/notebooks/{slug} # # By default the slug is inferred from file name, so there is no need to set it # slug: "my-notebook" # # Optional list of images # image_paths: [ # # This image can be sourced as images/myimage.jpg in the notebook # "/path/to/myimage.jpg" # ], # # Optional details for the notebook card. If omitted, the notebook # # is hidden in the UI, but still accessible under /explore/notebooks/{slug} # details: %{ # cover_path: "/path/to/logo.png", # description: "My custom notebook that showcases some amazing stuff." # } # }, # %{ # path: "/path/to/other_notebook.livemd" # } # ] # config :livebook, :explore_notebooks, [] # Import environment specific config. This must remain at the bottom # of this file so it overrides the configuration defined above. import_config "#{Mix.env()}.exs"