import "../css/app.css"; import "remixicon/fonts/remixicon.css"; import "katex/dist/katex.min.css"; import "@fontsource/inter"; import "@fontsource/inter/500.css"; import "@fontsource/inter/600.css"; import "@fontsource/red-hat-text"; import "@fontsource/jetbrains-mono"; import "phoenix_html"; import { Socket } from "phoenix"; import { LiveSocket } from "phoenix_live_view"; import hooks from "./hooks"; import { morphdomOptions } from "./dom"; import { loadUserData } from "./lib/user"; import { loadAppAuthToken } from "./lib/app"; import { settingsStore } from "./lib/settings"; import { registerTopbar, registerGlobalEventHandlers } from "./events"; import { cookieOptions } from "./lib/utils"; import { loadConfirmOptOutIds, registerGlobalEventHandlersForConfirm, } from "./confirm"; function connect() { const csrfToken = document .querySelector("meta[name='csrf-token']") .getAttribute("content"); const liveSocket = new LiveSocket( window.LIVEBOOK_BASE_URL_PATH + "/live", Socket, { params: (liveViewName) => { return { _csrf_token: csrfToken, // Pass the most recent user data to the LiveView in `connect_params` user_data: loadUserData(), app_auth_token: loadAppAuthToken(), confirm_opt_out_ids: loadConfirmOptOutIds(), }; }, hooks: hooks, dom: morphdomOptions, } ); // Show progress bar on live navigation and form submits registerTopbar(); // Handle custom events dispatched with JS.dispatch/3 registerGlobalEventHandlers(); registerGlobalEventHandlersForConfirm(); // Reflect global configuration in attributes to enable CSS rules settingsStore.getAndSubscribe((settings) => { document.body.setAttribute("data-editor-theme", settings.editor_theme); }); // Connect if there are any LiveViews on the page liveSocket.connect(); // Expose liveSocket on window for web console debug logs and latency simulation: // >> liveSocket.enableDebug() // >> liveSocket.enableLatencySim(1000) // enabled for duration of browser session // >> liveSocket.disableLatencySim() window.liveSocket = liveSocket; } // When Livebook runs in a cross-origin iframe the browser may restrict access // to cookies. Without cookies access, the session is not stored, so CSRF tokens // are invalid. Consequently, LV keeps reloading the page, as we try to connect // the socket with invalid token. To work around this we tell the user to open // Livebook outside the iframe. // // The behaviour varies across browsers and browsing modes (regular and private). // A few examples (at the time of writing): // // * Safari by default blocks all cross-origin cookies. This is controlled by // the "Prevent cross-site tracking" option // // * Chrome in incognito mode blocks all cross-origin cookies, can be relaxed // on per-site basis // // * Firefox implements state partitioning (1) and it is enabled for storage // by default since Firefox 103 (2). With storage partitioning, the embedded // site gets a separate storage bucket scoped by the top-level origin, so // the site generally works as expected // // * Brave also implements storage partitioning (3) // // To detect whether cookies are allowed, we check if we can programmatically // set a cookie. // // Also see the proposal (4), which may streamline this in the future. // // (1): // (2): // (3): // (4): if (hasCookiesAccess()) { connect(); } else { const overlayEl = document.createElement("div"); overlayEl.innerHTML = `
Action required
It looks like Livebook does not have access to cookies. This usually happens when it runs in an iframe. To make sure the app is fully functional open it in a new tab directly. Alternatively you can relax security settings for this page to allow third-party cookies.
`; overlayEl.querySelector("#open-app").href = window.location; document.body.appendChild(overlayEl); } function hasCookiesAccess() { document.cookie = `lb:probe_cookie=;path=/${cookieOptions()}`; return document.cookie .split("; ") .some((cookie) => cookie.startsWith(`lb:probe_cookie=`)); }