defmodule LivebookWeb.SettingsLive do use LivebookWeb, :live_view alias LivebookWeb.{LayoutHelpers, PageHelpers} on_mount LivebookWeb.SidebarHook @impl true def mount(_params, _session, socket) do if connected?(socket) do Livebook.Settings.subscribe() end {:ok, assign(socket, file_systems: Livebook.Settings.file_systems(), env_vars: Livebook.Settings.fetch_env_vars() |> Enum.sort(), env_var: nil, autosave_path_state: %{ file: autosave_dir(), dialog_opened?: false }, update_check_enabled: Livebook.UpdateCheck.enabled?(), page_title: "Livebook - Settings" )} end @impl true def render(assigns) do ~H"""

Here you can change global Livebook configuration. Keep in mind that this configuration gets persisted and will be restored on application launch.


<%= if app_name = Livebook.Config.app_service_name() do %> <.labeled_text label="Application"> <%= if app_url = Livebook.Config.app_service_url() do %> <%= app_name %> <% else %> <%= app_name %> <% end %> <% end %> <.labeled_text label="Livebook"> v<%= Application.spec(:livebook, :vsn) %> <.labeled_text label="Elixir"> v<%= System.version() %>
<%= live_redirect to: Routes.live_dashboard_path(@socket, :home), class: "button-base button-outlined-gray" do %> <.remix_icon icon="dashboard-2-line" class="align-middle mr-1" /> Open dashboard <% end %>


<.switch_checkbox name="update_check_enabled" label="Show banner when a new Livebook version is available" checked={@update_check_enabled} />


The directory to keep unsaved notebooks.

<.autosave_path_select state={@autosave_path_state} />

File systems

File systems are used to store notebooks. The local disk filesystem is visible only to the current machine, but alternative file systems are available, such as S3-based storages.

Environment variables

Environment variables are used to store global values and secrets. The global environment variables can be used on the entire Livebook application and is accessible only to the current machine.

<.live_component module={LivebookWeb.EnvVarsComponent} id="env-vars" env_vars={@env_vars} return_to={Routes.settings_path(@socket, :page)} add_env_var_path={Routes.settings_path(@socket, :add_env_var)} />

The configuration in this section changes only your Livebook experience and is saved in your browser.

Code editor

<.switch_checkbox name="editor_auto_completion" label="Show completion list while typing" checked={false} /> <.switch_checkbox name="editor_auto_signature" label="Show function signature while typing" checked={false} /> <.switch_checkbox name="editor_font_size" label="Increase font size" checked={false} /> <.switch_checkbox name="editor_high_contrast" label="Use high contrast theme" checked={false} /> <.switch_checkbox name="editor_markdown_word_wrap" label="Wrap words in Markdown" checked={false} />
<%= if @live_action == :add_file_system do %> <.modal id="add-file-system-modal" show class="w-full max-w-3xl" patch={Routes.settings_path(@socket, :page)} > <.live_component module={LivebookWeb.SettingsLive.AddFileSystemComponent} id="add-file-system" return_to={Routes.settings_path(@socket, :page)} /> <% end %> <%= if @live_action in [:add_env_var, :edit_env_var] do %> <.modal id="env-var-modal" show class="w-full max-w-3xl" on_close={JS.push("clear_env_var")} patch={Routes.settings_path(@socket, :page)} > <.live_component module={LivebookWeb.EnvVarComponent} id="env-var" env_var={@env_var} headline="Configure your application global environment variables." return_to={Routes.settings_path(@socket, :page)} /> <% end %> """ end defp autosave_path_select(%{state: %{file: nil}} = assigns), do: ~H"" defp autosave_path_select(%{state: %{dialog_opened?: true}} = assigns) do ~H"""
<.live_component module={LivebookWeb.FileSelectComponent} id="autosave-path-component" file={@state.file} extnames={[]} running_files={[]} submit_event={:set_autosave_path} file_system_select_disabled={true} >
""" end defp autosave_path_select(assigns) do ~H"""
""" end @impl true def handle_params(%{"env_var_id" => key}, _url, socket) do env_var = Livebook.Settings.fetch_env_var!(key) {:noreply, assign(socket, env_var: env_var)} end def handle_params(%{"file_system_id" => file_system_id}, _url, socket) do {:noreply, assign(socket, file_system_id: file_system_id)} end def handle_params(_params, _url, socket), do: {:noreply, assign(socket, env_var: nil)} @impl true def handle_event("cancel_autosave_path", %{}, socket) do {:noreply, update( socket, :autosave_path_state, &%{&1 | dialog_opened?: false, file: autosave_dir()} )} end def handle_event("set_autosave_path", %{}, socket) do path = socket.assigns.autosave_path_state.file.path Livebook.Settings.set_autosave_path(path) {:noreply, update( socket, :autosave_path_state, &%{&1 | dialog_opened?: false, file: autosave_dir()} )} end @impl true def handle_event("reset_autosave_path", %{}, socket) do {:noreply, update( socket, :autosave_path_state, &%{&1 | file: default_autosave_dir()} )} end def handle_event("open_autosave_path_select", %{}, socket) do {:noreply, update(socket, :autosave_path_state, &%{&1 | dialog_opened?: true})} end def handle_event("detach_file_system", %{"id" => file_system_id}, socket) do Livebook.Settings.remove_file_system(file_system_id) file_systems = Livebook.Settings.file_systems() {:noreply, assign(socket, file_systems: file_systems)} end def handle_event("save", %{"update_check_enabled" => enabled}, socket) do enabled = enabled == "true" Livebook.UpdateCheck.set_enabled(enabled) {:noreply, assign(socket, :update_check_enabled, enabled)} end def handle_event("save", %{"env_var" => attrs}, socket) do env_var = %Livebook.Settings.EnvVar{} case Livebook.Settings.set_env_var(socket.assigns.env_var || env_var, attrs) do {:ok, _} -> {:noreply, push_patch(socket, to: Routes.settings_path(socket, :page))} {:error, _changeset} -> {:noreply, socket} end end def handle_event("edit_env_var", %{"env_var" => key}, socket) do {:noreply, push_patch(socket, to: Routes.settings_path(socket, :edit_env_var, key))} end def handle_event("delete_env_var", %{"env_var" => key}, socket) do Livebook.Settings.unset_env_var(key) {:noreply, socket} end @impl true def handle_info({:file_systems_updated, file_systems}, socket) do {:noreply, assign(socket, file_systems: file_systems)} end def handle_info({:set_file, file, _info}, socket) do {:noreply, update(socket, :autosave_path_state, &%{&1 | file: file})} end def handle_info(:set_autosave_path, socket) do handle_event("set_autosave_path", %{}, socket) end def handle_info({:env_var_set, env_var}, socket) do idx = Enum.find_index(socket.assigns.env_vars, &(& == env_vars = if idx, do: List.replace_at(socket.assigns.env_vars, idx, env_var), else: [env_var | socket.assigns.env_vars] {:noreply, assign(socket, env_vars: Enum.sort(env_vars), env_var: nil)} end def handle_info({:env_var_unset, env_var}, socket) do env_vars = Enum.reject(socket.assigns.env_vars, &(& == {:noreply, assign(socket, env_vars: env_vars, env_var: nil)} end def handle_info(_message, socket), do: {:noreply, socket} defp autosave_dir() do if path = Livebook.Settings.autosave_path() do path |> Livebook.FileSystem.Utils.ensure_dir_path() |> Livebook.FileSystem.File.local() end end defp default_autosave_dir() do Livebook.Settings.default_autosave_path() |> Livebook.FileSystem.Utils.ensure_dir_path() |> Livebook.FileSystem.File.local() end end