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defmodule LivebookWeb.NotebookComponents do
use LivebookWeb, :html
@doc """
Renders a learn notebook card.
attr :notebook_info, :map, required: true
def learn_notebook_card(assigns) do
class="flex flex-col border-2 border-gray-100 hover:border-gray-200 rounded-2xl"
<div class="flex items-center justify-center p-6 border-b-2 border-gray-100 rounded-t-2xl h-[150px]">
class="max-h-full max-w-[75%]"
alt={"#{@notebook_info.title} logo"}
<div class="px-6 py-4 bg-gray-100 rounded-b-2xl grow">
<span class="text-gray-800 font-semibold"><%= @notebook_info.title %></span>
<p class="mt-2 text-sm text-gray-600">
<%= @notebook_info.details.description %>
@doc """
Resolves the given image source into a URL.
@spec learn_img_src(Livebook.Notebook.Learn.image_source()) :: String.t()
def learn_img_src({:url, url}), do: url
def learn_img_src({:static, filename}), do: ~p"/images/#{filename}"
@doc """
Renders an icon for the given cell.
attr :cell_type, :atom, required: true
attr :language, :atom, default: nil
def cell_icon(assigns)
def cell_icon(%{cell_type: :code, language: :elixir} = assigns) do
<div class="flex w-6 h-6 bg-purple-100 rounded items-center justify-center">
<svg width="11" height="15" viewBox="0 0 11 15" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
d="M5.7784 3.58083C7.4569 5.87527 9.67878 5.70652 10.0618 9.04833C10.1147 12.9425 8.03684
14.27 6.55353 14.6441C4.02227 15.3635 1.7644 14.2813 0.875648 11.8316C-0.83154 7.89408 2.36684
1.41746 4.42502 0.0668945C4.60193 1.32119 5.05745 2.51995 5.75815 3.57521L5.7784 3.58083Z"
def cell_icon(%{cell_type: :code, language: :erlang} = assigns) do
<div class="flex w-6 h-6 bg-red-100 rounded items-center justify-center">
<svg width="18" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 15 10">
<g fill="#a90533">
<path d="M2.4 10A7.7 7.7 0 0 1 .5 4.8c0-2 .6-3.6 1.6-4.8H0v10ZM13 10c.5-.6 1-1.2 1.4-2l-2.3-1.2c-.8 1.4-2 2.6-3.6 2.6-2.3 0-3.2-2-3.2-4.8H14V4c0-1.6-.3-3-1-4H15v10h-2Zm0 0" />
<path d="M5.5 2.3c.1-1.2 1-2 2.1-2s1.9.8 2 2Zm0 0" />
def cell_icon(%{cell_type: :markdown} = assigns) do
<div class="flex w-6 h-6 bg-blue-100 rounded items-center justify-center">
<svg width="16" height="14" viewBox="0 0 16 14" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
d="M1.25 0.25H14.75C14.9489 0.25 15.1397 0.329018 15.2803 0.46967C15.421 0.610322 15.5 0.801088
15.5 1V13C15.5 13.1989 15.421 13.3897 15.2803 13.5303C15.1397 13.671 14.9489 13.75 14.75 13.75H1.25C1.05109
13.75 0.860322 13.671 0.71967 13.5303C0.579018 13.3897 0.5 13.1989 0.5 13V1C0.5 0.801088 0.579018 0.610322
0.71967 0.46967C0.860322 0.329018 1.05109 0.25 1.25 0.25ZM4.25 9.625V6.625L5.75 8.125L7.25
6.625V9.625H8.75V4.375H7.25L5.75 5.875L4.25 4.375H2.75V9.625H4.25ZM12.5 7.375V4.375H11V7.375H9.5L11.75
9.625L14 7.375H12.5Z"
def cell_icon(%{cell_type: :smart} = assigns) do
<div class="flex w-6 h-6 bg-red-100 rounded items-center justify-center">
<.remix_icon icon="flashlight-line text-red-900" />