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defmodule Livebook.ZTA.LivebookTeamsTest do
use Livebook.TeamsIntegrationCase, async: true
alias Livebook.ZTA.LivebookTeams
setup %{test: test, node: node} do
{_agent_key, org, deployment_group, team} = create_agent_team_hub(node)
# we wait until the agent_connected is received by livebook
hub_id = team.id
deployment_group_id = to_string(deployment_group.id)
org_id = to_string(org.id)
assert_receive {:agent_joined,
%{hub_id: ^hub_id, org_id: ^org_id, deployment_group_id: ^deployment_group_id}}
start_supervised!({LivebookTeams, name: test, identity_key: team.id})
{:ok, deployment_group: deployment_group, team: team}
describe "authenticate/3" do
test "renders HTML with JavaScript redirect", %{conn: conn, test: test} do
conn = init_test_session(conn, %{})
assert {conn, nil} = LivebookTeams.authenticate(test, conn, [])
assert conn.halted
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "window.location.href = "
test "gets the user information from Livebook Teams",
%{conn: conn, node: node, test: test} do
# Step 1: Get redirected to Livebook Teams
conn = init_test_session(conn, %{})
{conn, nil} = LivebookTeams.authenticate(test, conn, [])
[_, location] = Regex.run(~r/URL\("(.*?)"\)/, html_response(conn, 200))
uri = URI.parse(location)
assert uri.path == "/identity/authorize"
assert %{"code" => code} = URI.decode_query(uri.query)
erpc_call(node, :allow_auth_request, [code])
# Step 2: Emulate the redirect back with the code for validation
conn =
build_conn(:get, "/", %{teams_identity: "", code: code})
|> init_test_session(%{})
assert {conn, %{id: _id, name: _, email: _, payload: %{"access_token" => _}} = metadata} =
LivebookTeams.authenticate(test, conn, [])
assert redirected_to(conn, 302) == "/"
# Step 3: Confirm the token/metadata is valid for future requests
conn =
build_conn(:get, "/")
|> init_test_session(%{identity_data: metadata})
assert {%{halted: false}, ^metadata} = LivebookTeams.authenticate(test, conn, [])
test "redirects to Livebook Teams with invalid access token",
%{conn: conn, test: test} do
identity_data = %{
id: "11",
name: "Ada Lovelace",
payload: %{"access_token" => "1234567890"},
email: "user95387220@example.com"
conn = init_test_session(conn, %{identity_data: identity_data})
assert {conn, nil} = LivebookTeams.authenticate(test, conn, [])
assert conn.halted
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "window.location.href = "
test "shows an error when the user does not belong to the org", %{conn: conn, test: test} do
# Step 1: Emulate a request coming from Teams saying the user does belong to the org
conn = init_test_session(conn, %{})
params_from_teams = %{
"teams_identity" => "",
"failed_reason" => "you do not belong to this org"
conn = %Plug.Conn{conn | params: params_from_teams}
{conn, nil} = LivebookTeams.authenticate(test, conn, [])
session = Plug.Conn.get_session(conn)
assert conn.status == 302
# Step 2: follow the redirect keeping the session set in previous request
conn = build_conn(:get, redirected_to(conn))
conn = init_test_session(conn, session)
{conn, nil} = LivebookTeams.authenticate(test, conn, [])
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~
"Failed to authenticate with Livebook Teams: you do not belong to this org"
describe "logout/2" do
test "revoke access token from Livebook Teams", %{conn: conn, node: node, test: test} do
# Step 1: Get redirected to Livebook Teams
conn = init_test_session(conn, %{})
{conn, nil} = LivebookTeams.authenticate(test, conn, [])
[_, location] = Regex.run(~r/URL\("(.*?)"\)/, html_response(conn, 200))
uri = URI.parse(location)
assert uri.path == "/identity/authorize"
assert %{"code" => code} = URI.decode_query(uri.query)
erpc_call(node, :allow_auth_request, [code])
# Step 2: Emulate the redirect back with the code for validation
conn =
build_conn(:get, "/", %{teams_identity: "", code: code})
|> init_test_session(%{})
assert {conn, %{id: _id, name: _, email: _, payload: %{"access_token" => _}} = metadata} =
LivebookTeams.authenticate(test, conn, [])
assert redirected_to(conn, 302) == "/"
# Step 3: Confirm the token/metadata is valid for future requests
conn =
build_conn(:get, "/")
|> init_test_session(%{identity_data: metadata})
assert {%{halted: false}, ^metadata} = LivebookTeams.authenticate(test, conn, [])
# Step 4: Revoke the token and the metadata will be invalid for future requests
user =
|> Livebook.Users.User.new()
|> Livebook.Users.User.changeset(metadata)
|> Ecto.Changeset.apply_changes()
conn =
build_conn(:get, "/")
|> init_test_session(%{identity_data: metadata})
|> assign(:current_user, user)
assert LivebookTeams.logout(test, conn) == :ok
# Step 5: If we try to revoke again, it should fail
assert {:error, _} = LivebookTeams.logout(test, conn)
# Step 6: It we try to authenticate again, it should redirect to Teams
{conn, nil} = LivebookTeams.authenticate(test, conn, [])
assert conn.halted
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "window.location.href = "