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It's legal to omit the 0 in the "\e[0m" sequence to reduce the number of bytes needed to reset the terminal. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#CSI_(Control_Sequence_Introducer)_sequences and a simple explanation and the cited reference for a more involved one.
249 lines
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249 lines
8.3 KiB
defmodule Livebook.ANSI.Modifier do
@moduledoc false
defmacro defmodifier(modifier, code, terminator \\ "m") do
quote bind_quoted: [modifier: modifier, code: code, terminator: terminator] do
defp ansi_prefix_to_modifier(unquote("#{code}#{terminator}") <> rest) do
{:ok, unquote(modifier), rest}
defmodule LivebookWeb.ANSI do
@moduledoc false
import Livebook.ANSI.Modifier
# modifier ::
# :reset
# | {:font_weight, :bold | :light | :reset}
# | {:font_style, :italic | :reset}
# | {:text_decoration, :underline | :line_through | :overline | :reset}
# | {:foreground_color, color() | :reset}
# | {:background_color, color() | :reset}
# | :ignored
# color :: atom() | {:grayscale24, 0..23} | {:rgb6, 0..5, 0..5, 0..5}
@doc """
Takes a string with ANSI escape codes and build a HTML safe string
with `span` tags having classes corresponding to the escape codes.
Any HTML in the string is escaped.
## Options
* `:renderer` - a function used to render styled HTML content.
The function receives HTML styles string and HTML-escaped content (iodata).
By default the renderer wraps the whole content in a single `<span>` tag with the given style.
Note that the style may be an empty string for plain text.
@spec ansi_string_to_html(String.t(), keyword()) :: Phoenix.HTML.safe()
def ansi_string_to_html(string, opts \\ []) do
renderer = Keyword.get(opts, :renderer, &default_renderer/2)
[head | ansi_prefixed_strings] = String.split(string, "\e[")
{:safe, head_html} = Phoenix.HTML.html_escape(head)
head_html = renderer.("", head_html)
# Each pair has the form of {modifiers, html_content}
{pairs, _} =
Enum.map_reduce(ansi_prefixed_strings, %{}, fn string, modifiers ->
{modifiers, rest} =
case ansi_prefix_to_modifier(string) do
{:ok, modifier, rest} ->
modifiers = add_modifier(modifiers, modifier)
{modifiers, rest}
{:error, _rest} ->
{modifiers, "\e[" <> string}
{:safe, content} = Phoenix.HTML.html_escape(rest)
{{modifiers, content}, modifiers}
pairs = Enum.filter(pairs, fn {_modifiers, content} -> content not in ["", []] end)
tail_html = pairs_to_html(pairs, renderer)
Phoenix.HTML.raw([head_html, tail_html])
# Below goes a number of `ansi_prefix_to_modifier` function definitions,
# that take a string like "32msomething" (starting with ANSI code without the leading "\e[")
# and parse the prefix into the corresponding modifier.
# The function returns either {:ok, modifier, rest} or {:error, rest}
defmodifier(:reset, 0)
# When the code is missing (i.e., "\e[m"), it is 0 for reset.
defmodifier(:reset, "")
@colors [:black, :red, :green, :yellow, :blue, :magenta, :cyan, :white]
for {color, index} <- Enum.with_index(@colors) do
defmodifier({:foreground_color, color}, 30 + index)
defmodifier({:background_color, color}, 40 + index)
defmodifier({:foreground_color, :"light_#{color}"}, 90 + index)
defmodifier({:background_color, :"light_#{color}"}, 100 + index)
defmodifier({:foreground_color, :reset}, 39)
defmodifier({:background_color, :reset}, 49)
defmodifier({:font_weight, :bold}, 1)
defmodifier({:font_weight, :light}, 2)
defmodifier({:font_style, :italic}, 3)
defmodifier({:text_decoration, :underline}, 4)
defmodifier({:text_decoration, :line_through}, 9)
defmodifier({:font_weight, :reset}, 22)
defmodifier({:font_style, :reset}, 23)
defmodifier({:text_decoration, :reset}, 24)
defmodifier({:text_decoration, :overline}, 53)
defmodifier({:text_decoration, :reset}, 55)
defp ansi_prefix_to_modifier("38;5;" <> string) do
with {:ok, color, rest} <- bit8_prefix_to_color(string) do
{:ok, {:foreground_color, color}, rest}
defp ansi_prefix_to_modifier("48;5;" <> string) do
with {:ok, color, rest} <- bit8_prefix_to_color(string) do
{:ok, {:background_color, color}, rest}
defp bit8_prefix_to_color(string) do
case Integer.parse(string) do
{n, "m" <> rest} when n in 0..255 ->
color = color_from_code(n)
{:ok, color, rest}
_ ->
{:error, string}
ignored_codes = [5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 25, 27, 51, 52, 54]
for code <- ignored_codes do
defmodifier(:ignored, code)
defmodifier(:ignored, 1, "A")
defmodifier(:ignored, 1, "B")
defmodifier(:ignored, 1, "C")
defmodifier(:ignored, 1, "D")
defmodifier(:ignored, 2, "J")
defmodifier(:ignored, 2, "K")
defmodifier(:ignored, "", "H")
defp ansi_prefix_to_modifier(string), do: {:error, string}
defp color_from_code(code) when code in 0..7 do
Enum.at(@colors, code)
defp color_from_code(code) when code in 8..15 do
color = Enum.at(@colors, code - 8)
defp color_from_code(code) when code in 16..231 do
rgb_code = code - 16
b = rgb_code |> rem(6)
g = rgb_code |> div(6) |> rem(6)
r = rgb_code |> div(36)
{:rgb6, r, g, b}
defp color_from_code(code) when code in 232..255 do
level = code - 232
{:grayscale24, level}
defp add_modifier(modifiers, :ignored), do: modifiers
defp add_modifier(_modifiers, :reset), do: %{}
defp add_modifier(modifiers, {key, :reset}), do: Map.delete(modifiers, key)
defp add_modifier(modifiers, {key, value}), do: Map.put(modifiers, key, value)
# Converts a list of {modifiers, html_content} pairs
# into HTML with appropriate styling.
defp pairs_to_html(pairs, iodata \\ [], renderer)
defp pairs_to_html([], iodata, _renderer), do: iodata
defp pairs_to_html([{modifiers, content1}, {modifiers, content2} | pairs], iodata, renderer) do
# Merge content with the same modifiers, so we don't produce unnecessary tags
pairs_to_html([{modifiers, [content1, content2]} | pairs], iodata, renderer)
defp pairs_to_html([{modifiers, content} | pairs], iodata, renderer) do
style = modifiers_to_css(modifiers)
rendered = renderer.(style, content)
pairs_to_html(pairs, [iodata, rendered], renderer)
def default_renderer("", content) do
def default_renderer(style, content) do
[~s{<span style="#{style}">}, content, ~s{</span>}]
defp modifiers_to_css(modifiers) do
|> Enum.map(&modifier_to_css/1)
|> Enum.join()
defp modifier_to_css({:font_weight, :bold}), do: "font-weight: 600;"
defp modifier_to_css({:font_weight, :light}), do: "font-weight: 200;"
defp modifier_to_css({:font_style, :italic}), do: "font-style: italic;"
defp modifier_to_css({:text_decoration, :underline}), do: "text-decoration: underline;"
defp modifier_to_css({:text_decoration, :line_through}), do: "text-decoration: line-through;"
defp modifier_to_css({:text_decoration, :overline}), do: "text-decoration: overline;"
defp modifier_to_css({:foreground_color, color}), do: "color: #{color_to_css(color)};"
defp modifier_to_css({:background_color, color}),
do: "background-color: #{color_to_css(color)};"
defp color_to_css(:black), do: "var(--ansi-color-black)"
defp color_to_css(:light_black), do: "var(--ansi-color-light-black)"
defp color_to_css(:red), do: "var(--ansi-color-red)"
defp color_to_css(:light_red), do: "var(--ansi-color-light-red)"
defp color_to_css(:green), do: "var(--ansi-color-green)"
defp color_to_css(:light_green), do: "var(--ansi-color-light-green)"
defp color_to_css(:yellow), do: "var(--ansi-color-yellow)"
defp color_to_css(:light_yellow), do: "var(--ansi-color-light-yellow)"
defp color_to_css(:blue), do: "var(--ansi-color-blue)"
defp color_to_css(:light_blue), do: "var(--ansi-color-light-blue)"
defp color_to_css(:magenta), do: "var(--ansi-color-magenta)"
defp color_to_css(:light_magenta), do: "var(--ansi-color-light-magenta)"
defp color_to_css(:cyan), do: "var(--ansi-color-cyan)"
defp color_to_css(:light_cyan), do: "var(--ansi-color-light-cyan)"
defp color_to_css(:white), do: "var(--ansi-color-white)"
defp color_to_css(:light_white), do: "var(--ansi-color-light-white)"
defp color_to_css({:rgb6, r, g, b}) do
r = div(255 * r, 5)
g = div(255 * g, 5)
b = div(255 * b, 5)
"rgb(#{r}, #{g}, #{b})"
defp color_to_css({:grayscale24, level}) do
value = div(255 * level, 23)
"rgb(#{value}, #{value}, #{value})"