Jonatan Kłosko 8217fdd118
Don't show explicitly ignored result (#94)
* Don't show explicitly ignored evaluation results

* Fix multiline ANSI formatting with virtualized lines

* Add reference to IEx.Helpers

* Fix typo
2021-03-20 16:48:23 +01:00

45 lines
1.5 KiB

defmodule LivebookWeb.Helpers do
import Phoenix.LiveView.Helpers
import Phoenix.HTML.Tag
@doc """
Renders a component inside the `Livebook.ModalComponent` component.
The rendered modal receives a `:return_to` option to properly update
the URL when the modal is closed.
def live_modal(socket, component, opts) do
path = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :return_to)
modal_opts = [id: :modal, return_to: path, component: component, opts: opts]
live_component(socket, LivebookWeb.ModalComponent, modal_opts)
@doc """
Determines user platform based on the given *User-Agent* header.
@spec platform_from_user_agent(Sting.t()) :: :linux | :mac | :windows | :other
def platform_from_user_agent(user_agent) when is_binary(user_agent) do
cond do
linux?(user_agent) -> :linux
mac?(user_agent) -> :mac
windows?(user_agent) -> :windows
true -> :other
defp linux?(user_agent), do: String.match?(user_agent, ~r/Linux/)
defp mac?(user_agent), do: String.match?(user_agent, ~r/Mac OS X/)
defp windows?(user_agent), do: String.match?(user_agent, ~r/Windows/)
defdelegate ansi_string_to_html(string, opts \\ []), to: LivebookWeb.ANSI
@doc """
Returns [Remix]( icon tag.
def remix_icon(name, attrs \\ []) do
icon_class = "ri-#{name}"
attrs = Keyword.update(attrs, :class, icon_class, fn class -> "#{icon_class} #{class}" end)
content_tag(:i, "", attrs)