Cristine Guadelupe 4dd28388a5
Bulk actions for sessions (#939)
* Initial implementation to close multiple sessions

* Sessions: bulk actions with components

* Rename Disconnect sessions to Disconnect runtime

* Select all and disabled when nothing is selected

* Styled checkbox

* Renames toggle events

* Warning about not persisted notebooks

* Adds disconnect runtime option for a single session

* Edit sessions on right

* Fix: typos and plural

* Minor adjustments

* Removes the loop for rendering the menu

* Menus with fixed width

* Minor adjustments

* Pluralize as global helper

* Bulk actions form on client side

* Track bulk actions buttons state

* Fix: home live tests

* Doctests for pluralize

* Fix: bulk actions buttons losing state on session update

* Fix: format

* Minor adjustment on toggle_edit

* Review-based adjustments

* Reset the Edit state after single-session actions

* Minor adjustments

* Fixes bulk action events

* Submit the bulk action form directly

* Tests for bulk actions

* Indentation

* Update lib/livebook_web/live/home_live/close_session_component.ex

Co-authored-by: José Valim <>

Co-authored-by: José Valim <>
2022-01-28 17:45:04 -03:00

94 lines
3.1 KiB

defmodule LivebookWeb.Router do
use LivebookWeb, :router
import Phoenix.LiveDashboard.Router
pipeline :browser do
plug :accepts, ["html"]
plug :fetch_session
plug :fetch_live_flash
plug :put_root_layout, {LivebookWeb.LayoutView, :root}
plug :protect_from_forgery
plug :put_secure_browser_headers
pipeline :auth do
plug LivebookWeb.AuthPlug
plug LivebookWeb.UserPlug
pipeline :js_output_assets do
plug :put_secure_browser_headers
scope "/", LivebookWeb do
pipe_through [:js_output_assets]
get "/sessions/assets/:hash/*file_parts", SessionController, :show_cached_asset
get "/sessions/:id/assets/:hash/*file_parts", SessionController, :show_asset
live_session :default, on_mount: LivebookWeb.CurrentUserHook do
scope "/", LivebookWeb do
pipe_through [:browser, :auth]
live "/", HomeLive, :page
live "/home/user-profile", HomeLive, :user
live "/home/import/:tab", HomeLive, :import
live "/home/sessions/:session_id/close", HomeLive, :close_session
live "/home/sessions/edit_sessions/:action", HomeLive, :edit_sessions
live "/settings", SettingsLive, :page
live "/settings/user-profile", SettingsLive, :user
live "/settings/add-file-system", SettingsLive, :add_file_system
live "/settings/detach-file-system/:file_system_index", SettingsLive, :detach_file_system
live "/explore", ExploreLive, :page
live "/explore/user-profile", ExploreLive, :user
live "/explore/notebooks/:slug", ExploreLive, :notebook
live "/sessions/:id", SessionLive, :page
live "/sessions/:id/user-profile", SessionLive, :user
live "/sessions/:id/shortcuts", SessionLive, :shortcuts
live "/sessions/:id/settings/runtime", SessionLive, :runtime_settings
live "/sessions/:id/settings/file", SessionLive, :file_settings
live "/sessions/:id/bin", SessionLive, :bin
get "/sessions/:id/export/download/:format", SessionController, :download_source
live "/sessions/:id/export/:tab", SessionLive, :export
live "/sessions/:id/cell-settings/:cell_id", SessionLive, :cell_settings
live "/sessions/:id/cell-upload/:cell_id", SessionLive, :cell_upload
live "/sessions/:id/delete-section/:section_id", SessionLive, :delete_section
get "/sessions/:id/images/:image", SessionController, :show_image
live "/sessions/:id/*path_parts", SessionLive, :catch_all
# Public authenticated URLs that people may be directed to
scope "/", LivebookWeb do
pipe_through [:browser, :auth]
live "/import", HomeLive, :public_import
scope "/" do
pipe_through [:browser, :auth]
live_dashboard "/dashboard",
metrics: LivebookWeb.Telemetry,
home_app: {"Livebook", :livebook},
ecto_repos: []
# Public URLs without authentication
scope "/", LivebookWeb do
pipe_through :browser
get "/health", HealthController, :index
scope "/authenticate", LivebookWeb do
pipe_through :browser
get "/", AuthController, :index
post "/", AuthController, :authenticate