Cristine Guadelupe 6180bb1ff2
Track memory usage - visualization (#898)
* Utils to fetch and format system and node memory usage

* Order by memory

* Track memory on session

* Show memory usage on runtime sidebar

* Shows memory usage percentage on home

* Layout adjustments

* Sidebar design adjustments to match Figma

* Home design adjustments to show the memory information

* Move memory calculations to utils

* Shows disconnected notebooks as consuming 0mb on home

* Simplifies the data structure of memory usage

* Node memory tracker on runtime

* Clean up

* Renames node memory to runtime memory

* Standardizes the data structure of memory usage

* Sends evaluation_finished to the runtime to update the memory usage after an evaluation

* Fix: The evalutor does not notify when there is no notify_to option

* Adds a test with the notify_to option to the evaluator

* Documents the notify_to option

* Minor fixes on runtime and runtime_server

* Minor fixes on sessions

* Minor adjustments

* Updates docs and specs on Utils

* Minor adjustments on session_live

* Fix total memory used by sessions on home

* Put duplicated functions on helpers

* Better filter by memory

* Fix the tooltip text for memory information on sidebar

* Minor alignment adjustment on home
2022-01-21 19:24:47 -03:00

58 lines
1.7 KiB

defmodule LivebookWeb.SessionHelpers do
import Phoenix.LiveView
alias LivebookWeb.Router.Helpers, as: Routes
@doc """
Creates a new session, redirects on success,
puts an error flash message on failure.
Accepts the same options as `Livebook.Sessions.create_session/1`.
@spec create_session(Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t(), keyword()) :: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()
def create_session(socket, opts \\ []) do
# Revert persistence options to default values if there is
# no file attached to the new session
opts =
if opts[:notebook] != nil and opts[:file] == nil do
Keyword.update!(opts, :notebook, &Livebook.Notebook.reset_persistence_options/1)
case Livebook.Sessions.create_session(opts) do
{:ok, session} ->
push_redirect(socket, to: Routes.session_path(socket, :page,
{:error, reason} ->
put_flash(socket, :error, "Failed to create session: #{reason}")
@doc """
Formats the given list of notebook import messages and puts
into the warning flash.
@spec put_import_warnings(Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t(), list(String.t())) ::
def put_import_warnings(socket, messages)
def put_import_warnings(socket, []), do: socket
def put_import_warnings(socket, messages) do
list =
|> message -> ["- ", message] end)
|> Enum.intersperse("\n")
flash =
"We found problems while importing the file and tried to autofix them:\n" | list
put_flash(socket, :warning, flash)
def uses_memory?(%{runtime: %{total: total}}) when total > 0, do: true
def uses_memory?(_), do: false