Jonatan Kłosko 4493a60380
Improve runtimes UI (#655)
* Show reconnect for all runtime types when applicable

* Make it clear which runtime is the default

* Show Mix.install restart suggestion only for standalone runtimes

* Fix tests not to rely on the default runtime tab
2021-10-28 19:41:07 +02:00

21 lines
611 B

defmodule Livebook.Runtime.NoopRuntime do
@moduledoc false
# A runtime that doesn't do any actual evaluation,
# thus not requiring any underlying resources.
defstruct []
def new(), do: %__MODULE__{}
defimpl Livebook.Runtime do
def connect(_), do: make_ref()
def disconnect(_), do: :ok
def evaluate_code(_, _, _, _, _ \\ []), do: :ok
def forget_evaluation(_, _), do: :ok
def drop_container(_, _), do: :ok
def handle_intellisense(_, _, _, _, _), do: :ok
def duplicate(_), do: {:ok,}
def standalone?(_runtime), do: false