#!/bin/bash -l set -euo pipefail # check if required variables are set : "${CODER_SESSION_TOKEN:?CODER_SESSION_TOKEN not set or empty}" echo "CODER_SESSION_TOKEN is set." : "${CODER_URL:?CODER_URL not set or empty}" echo "CODER_URL is set." : "${CODER_TEMPLATE_ID:?CODER_TEMPLATE_ID not set or empty}" echo "CODER_TEMPLATE_ID: ${CODER_TEMPLATE_ID}" # Set default values if variables are empty CODER_TEMPLATE_DIR=${CODER_TEMPLATE_DIR:-$CODER_TEMPLATE_ID} echo "CODER_TEMPLATE_DIR is set to ${CODER_TEMPLATE_DIR}" # Construct push command push_command="coder templates push ${CODER_TEMPLATE_NAME} --directory ./${CODER_TEMPLATE_DIR}" --message ${CODER_TEMPLATE_MESSAGE} # Append --create flag to the push command if CODER_TEMPLATE_CREATE is true if [ "${CODER_TEMPLATE_CREATE}" = "true" ]; then push_command+=" --create" fi # Add version to the push command if specified if [ -n "${CODER_TEMPLATE_VERSION_NAME}" ]; then push_command+=" --name ${CODER_TEMPLATE_VERSION_NAME}" fi # Add activate flag to the push command if it is false if [ "${CODER_TEMPLATE_ACTIVATE}" = "false" ]; then push_command+=" --activate=false" fi # Add confirmation flag to the push command push_command+=" --yes" # Execute the push command ${push_command} echo "A new version of ${CODER_TEMPLATE_DIR} is pushed to ${CODER_URL} successfully."