
362 lines
7.8 KiB

// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
// See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
package main
import (
// EthrTestType represents the test type.
type EthrTestType uint32
const (
// Bandwidth represents the bandwidth test.
Bandwidth EthrTestType = iota
// Cps represents connections/s test.
// Pps represents packets/s test.
// Latency represents the latency test.
// EthrProtocol represents the network protocol.
type EthrProtocol uint32
const (
// TCP represents the tcp protocol.
TCP EthrProtocol = iota
// UDP represents the udp protocol.
// HTTP represents using http protocol.
// HTTPS represents using https protocol.
// ICMP represents the icmp protocol.
// EthrTestID represents the test id.
type EthrTestID struct {
// Protocol represents the protocol this test uses.
Protocol EthrProtocol
// Type represents the test type this test uses.
Type EthrTestType
// EthrMsgType represents the message type.
type EthrMsgType uint32
const (
// EthrInv represents the Inv message.
EthrInv EthrMsgType = iota
// EthrSyn represents the Syn message.
// EthrAck represents the Ack message.
// EthrFin represents the Fin message.
// EthrBgn represents the Bgn message.
// EthrEnd represents the End message.
// EthrMsgVer represents the message version.
type EthrMsgVer uint32
// EthrMsg represents the message entity.
type EthrMsg struct {
// Version represents the message version.
Version EthrMsgVer
// Type represents the message type.
Type EthrMsgType
// Syn represents the Syn value.
Syn *EthrMsgSyn
// Ack represents the Ack value.
Ack *EthrMsgAck
// Fin represents the Fin value.
Fin *EthrMsgFin
// Bgn represents the Bgn value.
Bgn *EthrMsgBgn
// End represents the End value.
End *EthrMsgEnd
// EthrMsgSyn represents the Syn entity.
type EthrMsgSyn struct {
// TestParam represents the test parameters.
TestParam EthrTestParam
// EthrMsgAck represents the Ack entity.
type EthrMsgAck struct {
// EthrMsgFin represents the Fin entity.
type EthrMsgFin struct {
// Message represents the message body.
Message string
// EthrMsgBgn represents the Bgn entity.
type EthrMsgBgn struct {
// UDPPort represents the udp port.
UDPPort string
// EthrMsgEnd represents the End entity.
type EthrMsgEnd struct {
// Message represents the message body.
Message string
// EthrTestParam represents the parameters used for the test.
type EthrTestParam struct {
// TestID represents the test id of this test.
TestID EthrTestID
// NumThreads represents how many threads are used for the test.
NumThreads uint32
// BufferSize represents the buffer size.
BufferSize uint32
// RttCount represents the rtt count.
RttCount uint32
type ethrTestResult struct {
data uint64
type ethrTest struct {
isActive bool
session *ethrSession
ctrlConn net.Conn
enc *gob.Encoder
dec *gob.Decoder
rcvdMsgs chan *EthrMsg
testParam EthrTestParam
testResult ethrTestResult
done chan struct{}
connList *list.List
type ethrConn struct {
test *ethrTest
conn net.Conn
elem *list.Element
fd uintptr
data uint64
retrans uint64
type ethrSession struct {
remoteAddr string
testCount uint32
tests map[EthrTestID]*ethrTest
var gSessions = make(map[string]*ethrSession)
var gSessionKeys = make([]string, 0)
var gSessionLock sync.RWMutex
func deleteKey(key string) {
i := 0
for _, x := range gSessionKeys {
if x != key {
gSessionKeys[i] = x
gSessionKeys = gSessionKeys[:i]
func newTest(remoteAddr string, conn net.Conn, testParam EthrTestParam, enc *gob.Encoder, dec *gob.Decoder) (*ethrTest, error) {
defer gSessionLock.Unlock()
var session *ethrSession
session, found := gSessions[remoteAddr]
if !found {
session = &ethrSession{}
session.remoteAddr = remoteAddr
session.tests = make(map[EthrTestID]*ethrTest)
gSessions[remoteAddr] = session
gSessionKeys = append(gSessionKeys, remoteAddr)
test, found := session.tests[testParam.TestID]
if found {
return nil, os.ErrExist
test = &ethrTest{}
test.session = session
test.ctrlConn = conn
test.enc = enc
test.dec = dec
test.rcvdMsgs = make(chan *EthrMsg)
test.testParam = testParam
test.done = make(chan struct{})
test.connList = list.New()
session.tests[testParam.TestID] = test
return test, nil
func deleteTest(test *ethrTest) {
defer gSessionLock.Unlock()
session := test.session
testID := test.testParam.TestID
// TODO fix this, we need to decide where to close this, inside this
// function or by the caller. The reason we may need it to be done by
// the caller is, because done is used for test done notification and
// there may be some time after done that consumers are still accessing it
// Since we have not added any refCounting on test object, we are doing
// hacky timeout based solution by closing "done" outside and sleeping
// for sufficient time. ugh!
// close(test.done)
// test.ctrlConn.Close()
// test.session = nil
// test.connList = test.connList.Init()
delete(session.tests, testID)
if session.testCount == 0 {
delete(gSessions, session.remoteAddr)
func getTest(remoteAddr string, proto EthrProtocol, testType EthrTestType) (test *ethrTest) {
test = nil
defer gSessionLock.RUnlock()
session, found := gSessions[remoteAddr]
if !found {
test, found = session.tests[EthrTestID{proto, testType}]
func (test *ethrTest) newConn(conn net.Conn) (ec *ethrConn) {
defer gSessionLock.Unlock()
ec = &ethrConn{}
ec.test = test
ec.conn = conn
ec.fd = getFd(conn)
ec.elem = test.connList.PushBack(ec)
func (test *ethrTest) delConn(conn net.Conn) {
for e := test.connList.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
ec := e.Value.(*ethrConn)
if ec.conn == conn {
func (test *ethrTest) connListDo(f func(*ethrConn)) {
defer gSessionLock.RUnlock()
for e := test.connList.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
ec := e.Value.(*ethrConn)
func watchControlChannel(test *ethrTest, waitForChannelStop chan bool) {
go func() {
for {
ethrMsg := recvSessionMsg(test.dec)
if ethrMsg.Type == EthrInv {
test.rcvdMsgs <- ethrMsg
ui.printDbg("%v", ethrMsg)
waitForChannelStop <- true
func recvSessionMsg(dec *gob.Decoder) (ethrMsg *EthrMsg) {
ethrMsg = &EthrMsg{}
err := dec.Decode(ethrMsg)
if err != nil {
ui.printDbg("Error receiving message on control channel: %v", err)
ethrMsg.Type = EthrInv
func sendSessionMsg(enc *gob.Encoder, ethrMsg *EthrMsg) error {
err := enc.Encode(ethrMsg)
if err != nil {
ui.printDbg("Error sending message on control channel. Message: %v, Error: %v", ethrMsg, err)
return err
func createAckMsg() (ethrMsg *EthrMsg) {
ethrMsg = &EthrMsg{Version: 0, Type: EthrAck}
func createFinMsg(message string) (ethrMsg *EthrMsg) {
ethrMsg = &EthrMsg{Version: 0, Type: EthrFin}
ethrMsg.Fin = &EthrMsgFin{}
ethrMsg.Fin.Message = message
func createSynMsg(testParam EthrTestParam) (ethrMsg *EthrMsg) {
ethrMsg = &EthrMsg{Version: 0, Type: EthrSyn}
ethrMsg.Syn = &EthrMsgSyn{}
ethrMsg.Syn.TestParam = testParam
func createBgnMsg(port string) (ethrMsg *EthrMsg) {
ethrMsg = &EthrMsg{Version: 0, Type: EthrBgn}
ethrMsg.Bgn = &EthrMsgBgn{}
ethrMsg.Bgn.UDPPort = port