When contributing to Monkeytype, it's good to know our best practices, tips, and tricks. First, Monkeytype is written in ~~JavaScript~~ TypeScript, CSS, and HTML (in order of language usage within the project); thus, we assume you are comfortable in these languages or have basic knowledge of them. Our backend is in NodeJS and we use MongoDB to store our user data. Firebase is used for authentication. Redis is used to store ephemeral data (daily leaderboards, jobs via BullMQ, OAuth state parameters). Furthermore, we use Prettier to format our code.
We have two separate contribution guides based on what you're looking to contribute. If you're simply looking to help us augment our language or quotes data, please refer to [CONTRIBUTING_BASIC.md](./CONTRIBUTING_BASIC.md). This guide will go over how to do so easily and without the need to set up a local development server.
If you're looking to make deeper code changes that affect functionality, or will require screenshots of the changes, please refer to [CONTRIBUTING_ADVANCED.md](./CONTRIBUTING_ADVANCED.md).
We use [Conventional Commits](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/) for our pull request titles (and commit messages on the master branch). Please follow the guidelines below when naming pull requests.
- Make sure the number of words in the file corresponds to the file name (for example: `languageName.json` is 200 words, `languageName_1k.json` is 1000 words, and so on)
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or problems let me know on [GitHub](https://github.com/Miodec), [Discord](https://discord.gg/monkeytype) in the `#development` channel, or ask a question on Monkeytype's [GitHub discussions](https://github.com/monkeytypegame/monkeytype/discussions) and a contributor will be happy to assist you.