2020-11-25 21:34:21 +08:00
# monkeytype

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< img align = "left" alt = "JavaScript" width = "26px" src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/github/explore/80688e429a7d4ef2fca1e82350fe8e3517d3494d/topics/javascript/javascript.png" / >
< img align = "left" alt = "HTML5" width = "26px" src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/github/explore/80688e429a7d4ef2fca1e82350fe8e3517d3494d/topics/html/html.png" / >
< img align = "left" alt = "CSS3" width = "26px" src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/github/explore/80688e429a7d4ef2fca1e82350fe8e3517d3494d/topics/css/css.png" / >
< img align = "left" alt = "CSS3" width = "26px" src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/github/explore/80688e429a7d4ef2fca1e82350fe8e3517d3494d/topics/sass/sass.png" / >
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2020-05-15 02:03:05 +08:00
# about
2020-08-12 05:02:25 +08:00
2020-12-21 17:42:32 +08:00
Monkeytype is a minimalistic, customisable typing test, featuring many test modes, an account system to save your typing speed history and user-configurable features like themes, sounds, a smooth caret and more.
2020-05-15 02:03:05 +08:00
2020-05-15 21:45:44 +08:00
# features
2020-08-12 05:02:25 +08:00
2020-05-15 21:45:44 +08:00
- minimalistic design with no ads
- look at what you are typing
- focus mode
- different test modes
- punctuation mode
- themes
- live wpm
- smooth caret
- account system
- command line
2020-06-28 07:17:29 +08:00
- and much more
2020-05-15 21:45:44 +08:00
2020-07-08 04:15:48 +08:00
# discord bot
2020-08-12 05:02:25 +08:00
2020-12-21 17:42:32 +08:00
Recently, a Discord bot was added to autoassign roles on our server. You can find the code for it over at https://github.com/Miodec/monkey-bot
2020-07-08 04:15:48 +08:00
2020-05-15 02:03:05 +08:00
# bug report or feature request
2020-08-12 05:02:25 +08:00
2020-12-21 17:42:32 +08:00
If you encounter a bug, or have a feature request - send me a message on Reddit, create an issue, or join the [Discord server ](https://discord.com/invite/yENzqcB ).
2020-05-15 02:03:05 +08:00
2020-08-12 05:02:25 +08:00
# credits
2020-07-13 21:32:07 +08:00
Montydrei for the name suggestion
2020-11-02 23:06:58 +08:00
2020-07-13 21:32:07 +08:00
Everyone who provided valuable feedback on the original reddit post for the prototype of this website
2020-11-02 23:06:58 +08:00
2020-07-13 21:32:07 +08:00
Contributors that have helped with implementing various features, adding themes and more.
2020-05-15 02:07:07 +08:00
# support
2020-08-12 05:02:25 +08:00
2020-12-21 17:42:32 +08:00
If you wish to support further development and feel extra awesome, you can do so [here ](https://www.paypal.me/jackbartnik ).
2020-05-19 06:15:46 +08:00
2020-06-05 00:33:26 +08:00
# how to contribute
2020-08-12 05:02:25 +08:00
2020-10-14 22:21:38 +08:00
Refer to [CONTRIBUTING.md ](https://github.com/Miodec/monkeytype/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md )