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# Monkeytype Self Hosting
<!-- TOC ignore:true -->
## Table of contents
<!-- TOC -->
- [Monkeytype Self Hosting](#monkeytype-self-hosting)
- [Table of contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
- [Quickstart](#quickstart)
- [Account System](#account-system)
- [Setup Firebase](#setup-firebase)
- [Update backend configuration](#update-backend-configuration)
- [Setup Recaptcha](#setup-recaptcha)
- [Enable daily leaderboards](#enable-daily-leaderboards)
- [Configuration files](#configuration-files)
- [env file](#env-file)
- [serviceAccountKey.json](#serviceaccountkeyjson)
- [backend-configuration.json](#backend-configurationjson)
<!-- /TOC -->
## Prerequisites
- you need `docker` and `docker-compose-plugin` installed. Follow the [docker documentation]( on how to do this.
## Quickstart
- create a new directory, e.g. `monkeytype` and open it.
- download the [docker-compose.yml](
- create an `.env` file, you can copy the content from the [example.env](
- download the [backend-configuration.json](
- run `docker compose up -d`
- After the command exits successfully you can access [http://localhost:8080](http://localhost:8080)
## Account System
User signup/login is disabled by default. To allow users to signup you'll need to setup a Firebase project.
Stop the running docker containers using `docker compose down` before making any changes.
### Setup Firebase
- create a [Firebase]( account
- create a [new Firebase project](
- name "monkeytype"
- uncheck "enable google analytics"
- enable authentication
- open the [firebase console]( and open your project
- go to `Authentication > Sign-in method`
- enable `Email/Password` and save
- generate service account
- open the project settings by clicking the `⚙` icon on the sidebar and `Project settings`
- go to `Service accounts`
- click `Generate new private key`. This will download a `.json` file.
- store the `.json` file as `serviceAccountKey.json`
- update the `docker-compose.yml` file and uncomment the first volume from the `monkeytype-backend` container
#uncomment to enable the account system, check the file
- type: bind
source: ./serviceAccountKey.json
target: /src/credentials/serviceAccountKey.json
read_only: true
- update the `.env` file
- open the [firebase console]( and open your project
- open the project settings by clicking the `⚙` icon on the sidebar and `Project settings`
- If there is no app in your project create a new web-app `</>`
- nickname `monkeytype`
- uncheck `set up firebase hosting`
- click `Register app`
- select your app and select `Config` for `SDK setup and configuration`
- it will display sth like this:
const firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "AAAAAAAA",
authDomain: "",
projectId: "monkeytype-00000",
storageBucket: "",
messagingSenderId: "90000000000",
appId: "1:90000000000:web:000000000000"
- update the `.env` file with the values above:
### Update backend configuration
- update the `backend-configuration.json` file and add/modify
"users": {
"signUp": true,
"profiles": {
"enabled": true
### Setup Recaptcha
- [create]( a new recaptcha token
- label: monkeytype
- type: v2
- domain: the domain of the frontend
- update the `.env` file with the site key from the previous step
RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY="your site key"
RECAPTCHA_SECRET="your secret key"
## Enable daily leaderboards
To enable daily leaderboards update the `backend-configuration.json` file and add/modify
"dailyLeaderboards": {
"enabled": true,
"maxResults": 250,
"leaderboardExpirationTimeInDays": 1,
"validModeRules": [
"language": "english",
"mode": "time",
"mode2": "15"
"language": "english",
"mode": "time",
"mode2": "60"
- language is one of the supported language
- mode can be `time` or `words`
- mode2 can be `15`,`30`,`60` or `120` if you picked `mode=time` or `10`,`25`,`50` or `100` if you picked `mode=words`.
## Configuration files
### env file
All settings are described in the [example.env]( file.
### serviceAccountKey.json
Contains your firebase config, only needed if you want to allow users to signup.
### backend-configuration.json
Configuration of the backend.
If you don't want to update this file manually you can
- open the backend url in your browser, e.g. `http://localhost:5005/configure/`
- adjust the settings and click `Save Changes`
- open the configuration in your browser, e.g. `http://localhost:5005/configuration`
- copy everything from `data` into the `backend-configuration.json` file.
Example output from `http://localhost:5005/configuration`:
"message": "Configuration retrieved",
"maintenance": false,
"results": {},
Example content from `backend-configuration.json`:
"maintenance": false,
"results": {},
If you have the `curl` and `jq` installed you can also run `curl -wO- http://localhost:5005/configuration | jq ".data" > backend-configuration.json` to update the configuration file.
_Note:_ The configuration is applied on container startup only. You have to restart the container for your changes to become active.