fix(quote): quote reports

This commit is contained in:
Miodec 2023-11-20 15:16:55 +00:00
parent 2f4eb103da
commit 3a38996c58
3 changed files with 2 additions and 26 deletions

View file

@ -4219,12 +4219,6 @@
"id": 730,
"length": 205
"text": "Often, after the first years of marriage, the husband seems to lose interest in the wife. He reads the paper at the breakfast table, he doesn't answer when you talk to him. In short, he doesn't even know you're alive.",
"source": "I Love Lucy",
"id": 731,
"length": 217
"text": "You have two choices: you can keep running and hiding and blaming the world for your problems, or you can stand up for yourself and decide to be somebody important.",
"source": "Nothing Lasts Forever",
@ -15535,12 +15529,6 @@
"id": 2732,
"length": 197
"text": "It is not at all easy to draw a sharp line between cases where what is happening could be called \"addition\", and where some other word is wanted. If you think about the question, you will probably come up with some criterion involving separation of the objects in space, and making sure each one is clearly distinguishable from all the others. But then how could one count ideas? Or the number of gases comprising the atmosphere?",
"source": "Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid",
"id": 2733,
"length": 429
"text": "You know, at one time I used to break into pet shops to liberate the canaries. But I decided that was an idea way before its time. Zoos are full, prisons are overflowing... oh my, how the world still dearly loves a cage.",
"source": "Harold and Maude",
@ -30093,7 +30081,7 @@
"id": 5361
"text": "Dear Mario: Please come to the castle. I've baked a cake for you. Yours Truly - Princess Toadstool Peach.",
"text": "Dear Mario: Please come to the castle. I've baked a cake for you. Yours Truly - Princess Toadstool, Peach.",
"source": "Super Mario 64",
"length": 105,
"id": 5362
@ -32678,12 +32666,6 @@
"length": 618,
"id": 5882
"text": "We have professional social workers in our service centres and smart centres throughout Australia. Social workers can offer you personal counselling and support in difficult times, such as domestic and family violence, severe financial hardship, homelessness, loss and bereavement. They can refer you to other services and programs like housing, health, emergency relief, legal and/or counselling services and support groups.",
"source": "ABSTUDY Schooling A",
"length": 425,
"id": 5884
"text": "I didn't sweat at the time because I had suffered what I would describe as an overdose of adrenaline in the Falklands War, when I was shot at... it was almost impossible for me to sweat.",
"source": "Prince Andrew, BBC Interview",

View file

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
"id": 6
"text": "S-a dus, cu toate aceste, și după-amiazăzi la Lipova, s-a dus cum merge omul osândit să-și ia pedeapsa, dar s-a dus râzând, fiindcă era crescută de maica Aegidia, care mereu îi zicea: „Să râzi când îți vine să plângi și să plângi numai când vezi pe alții plângâng”.",
"text": "S-a dus, cu toate aceste, și după-amiazăzi la Lipova, s-a dus cum merge omul osândit să-și ia pedeapsa, dar s-a dus râzând, fiindcă era crescută de maica Aegidia, care mereu îi zicea: „Să râzi când îți vine să plângi și să plângi numai când vezi pe alții plângând”.",
"source": "Mara",
"length": 265,
"id": 7

View file

@ -2059,12 +2059,6 @@
"text": "Дон Пеппино проник в оболочку слова, выкопал из пещеры силу, которой могло обладать только слово, произнесённое публично и внятно. Он не поддавался интеллектуальной апатии человека, уверенного, что слово уже исчерпало все свои ресурсы и теперь годится только на заполнение воздушного пространства. Он воспринимал слово как нечто конкретное, как образованную атомами материю, созданную для вмешательства в ход вещей, как строительный раствор, как острие кирки. Дон Пеппино искал наиболее выразительные языковые средства, которые холодным душем окатили бы грязные помыслы. Молчание в этих краях не приравнивается к общепринятой круговой поруке, выражающейся в традиционных кепках-коппола и опущенном взгляде. Дело, скорее, в принципе \"это меня не касается\". Здесь, да и в других местах тоже, такое поведение привычно, люди реагируют на существующее положение вещей уходом в себя. Слово священника стало криком. Выверенным, высоким и резким, направленным на бронированное стекло с целью взорвать его.",
"length": 997
"id": 352,
"source": "Савьяно Роберто - Гоморра",
"text": "Как в случае с женщиной, когда, чтобы отбить всякую охоту думать о ней, достаточно назвать её про себя \"шлюхой\", так и обвинение священника в домогательстве сразу ставит на нём клеймо.",
"length": 184
"id": 353,
"source": "Симмонс Дэн - Падение Гипериона",