index fc7adf568..8fe2e9ffa 100644
@@ -112,6 +112,8 @@ Before submitting a theme make sure...
- your theme has been added to the `_list` file and the `textColor` property is the theme's main color
- your theme is clear and readable with both `flip test colors` and `colorful mode` enabled and disabled
+(If you want to contribute themes but don't know how check [THEMES.md](https://github.com/teddinotteddy/monkeytype/blob/Theme-Documentation/THEMES.md)
#### Language Guidelines
- Do not include swear words
diff --git a/THEMES.md b/THEMES.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..804957580
--- /dev/null
+++ b/THEMES.md
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+### **Table of Contents**
+- [Forking the Repository](#forking-the-repository)
+- [Creating Themes](#creating-themes)
+- [Commiting Themes](#commiting-themes)
+- [Theme Guidelines](#theme-guidelines)
+### Forking the Repository
+First you will have to copy the repository also known as forking. Go the the [Monkeytype Repo](https://github.com/Miodec/monkeytype/) and then click the "fork" button.
+## Creating Themes
+After you have forked the repository you can now add your theme. (If you haven't already forked the repository yet refer to [here](#forking-the-repository))
+Create a file in ```./static/themes/```. Call it whatever you want but make sure that it is all lowercase and underscores for spaces. It should look something like this:
+Then Add this code to your file:
+:root {
+ --bg-color: #ffffff;
+ --main-color: #ffffff;
+ --caret-color: #ffffff;
+ --sub-color: #ffffff;
+ --text-color: #ffffff;
+ --error-color: #ffffff;
+ --error-extra-color: #ffffff;
+ --colorful-error-color: #ffffff;
+ --colorful-error-extra-color: #ffffff;
+ }
+Here is an image showing what all the colors correspond to:
+Now change the corresponding hex codes to match your theme. However you aren't done, you need to update one more file. Go to ```./static/themes/_list.json```.
+At the very end of the file add this code (Keep it inside the square brackets):
+ "name": "theme_name",
+ "bgColor": "#ffffff",
+ "mainColor": "#ffffff"
+Make sure the name you put is lowercase and has underscores for spaces. Add the text color and background color of your theme to the varibles.
+### Commiting Themes
+Once you have created your theme(s) you now need to create a pull request on the main Monkeytype repository. Go to the branch where you created your themes on GitHub.
+Then make sure your branch is up to date. Once it is up to date click contribute.
+Update branch:
+Create pull request:
+After that add some screenshots of your theme to the pull request. Click create pull request and if it gets approved
+then your new theme is on Monkeytype.
+## Theme Guidelines
+[Theme guidelines](https://github.com/Miodec/monkeytype/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#theme-guidelines)