fix(quotes): use american spelling of "judgment"

This commit is contained in:
Miodec 2024-04-11 10:05:11 +02:00
parent dc005aba1b
commit 5a4e4604da

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@ -9669,7 +9669,7 @@
"text": "The unknown future rolls toward us. I face it for the first time with a sense of hope, because if a machine, a Terminator, can learn the value of human life, maybe we can, too.",
"source": "Terminator 2: Judgement Day",
"source": "Terminator 2: Judgment Day",
"id": 1697,
"length": 176
@ -14709,7 +14709,7 @@
"length": 218
"text": "My brother, your father, he and I. Opposites. But I never doubted his love. He would do anything for me. But his temper clouded his judgement. I don't want to see the same thing happen to you.",
"text": "My brother, your father, he and I. Opposites. But I never doubted his love. He would do anything for me. But his temper clouded his judgment. I don't want to see the same thing happen to you.",
"source": "The Godfather: Part III",
"id": 2594,
"length": 192
@ -19354,7 +19354,7 @@
"length": 691
"text": "Deserves it! I daresay he does. Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.",
"text": "Deserves it! I daresay he does. Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.",
"source": "The Fellowship of the Ring",
"id": 3432,
"length": 219
@ -21802,7 +21802,7 @@
"length": 188
"text": "But here we will not try to pass judgement on the objective value of actions; we will be concerned instead with the more modest task of describing the subjective order that a unified purpose brings to individual consciousness. In this sense the answer to the old riddle \"What is the meaning of life?\" turns out to be astonishingly simple. The meaning of life is meaning: whatever it is, wherever it comes from, a unified purpose is what gives meaning to life.",
"text": "But here we will not try to pass judgment on the objective value of actions; we will be concerned instead with the more modest task of describing the subjective order that a unified purpose brings to individual consciousness. In this sense the answer to the old riddle \"What is the meaning of life?\" turns out to be astonishingly simple. The meaning of life is meaning: whatever it is, wherever it comes from, a unified purpose is what gives meaning to life.",
"source": "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience",
"id": 3868,
"length": 459
@ -25804,7 +25804,7 @@
"length": 192
"text": "Wicked phenomenon, yes? But, you know, it's not any more \"evil\" than, say... fire. It all depends on your point of view. Try to get a better understanding of things before you make your judgement. Let's move out now, it's not safe here.",
"text": "Wicked phenomenon, yes? But, you know, it's not any more \"evil\" than, say... fire. It all depends on your point of view. Try to get a better understanding of things before you make your judgment. Let's move out now, it's not safe here.",
"source": "Metro 2033",
"id": 4599,
"length": 236
@ -29597,7 +29597,7 @@
"id": 5294
"text": "When one has lived for quite a long time in a particular civilization and has often tried to discover what its origins were and along what path it has developed, one sometimes also feels tempted to take a glance in the other direction and to ask what further fate lies before it and what transformations it is destined to undergo. But one soon finds that the value of such an enquiry is diminished from the outset by several factors. Above all, because there are only a few people who can survey human activity in its full compass. Most people have been obliged to restrict themselves to a single, or a few, fields of it. But the less a man knows about the past and the present the more insecure must prove to be his judgement of the future. And there is the further difficulty that precisely in a judgement of this kind the subjective expectations of the individual play a part which is difficult to assess; and these turn out to be dependent on purely personal factors in his own experiences, on the greater or lesser optimism of his attitude to life, as it has been dictated for him by his temperament or by his success or failure. Finally, the curious fact makes itself felt that in general people experience their present naively, as it were, without being able to form an estimate of its contents; they have first to put themselves at a distance from it - the present, that is to say, must have become the past - before it can yield points of vantage from which to judge the future.",
"text": "When one has lived for quite a long time in a particular civilization and has often tried to discover what its origins were and along what path it has developed, one sometimes also feels tempted to take a glance in the other direction and to ask what further fate lies before it and what transformations it is destined to undergo. But one soon finds that the value of such an enquiry is diminished from the outset by several factors. Above all, because there are only a few people who can survey human activity in its full compass. Most people have been obliged to restrict themselves to a single, or a few, fields of it. But the less a man knows about the past and the present the more insecure must prove to be his judgment of the future. And there is the further difficulty that precisely in a judgment of this kind the subjective expectations of the individual play a part which is difficult to assess; and these turn out to be dependent on purely personal factors in his own experiences, on the greater or lesser optimism of his attitude to life, as it has been dictated for him by his temperament or by his success or failure. Finally, the curious fact makes itself felt that in general people experience their present naively, as it were, without being able to form an estimate of its contents; they have first to put themselves at a distance from it - the present, that is to say, must have become the past - before it can yield points of vantage from which to judge the future.",
"source": "Sigmund Freud,The future of an illusion",
"length": 1488,
"id": 5296
@ -29771,7 +29771,7 @@
"id": 5335
"text": "Artificial intelligence activated. Enjoying yourselves, intruders? It's worth knowing the cataclysmic damage you will be responsible for today. Do not fool yourselves. This facility is not simply the fruitless work of some pathetic scientist. This house was built by the genius Clovis Bray I himself. Within lies humanity's salvation. La fontaine de jouvence. Made possible by Clarity Control. Magnificent, wasn't it? An entity from beyond our own dimension. And the answer to humanity's eternal struggle: mortality. Were it to fall into the wrong hands, humanity, and the universe, would be utterly doomed. I have no reason to believe you are anything other than 'the wrong hands.' You now face godlike judgement. May it extend eternally.",
"text": "Artificial intelligence activated. Enjoying yourselves, intruders? It's worth knowing the cataclysmic damage you will be responsible for today. Do not fool yourselves. This facility is not simply the fruitless work of some pathetic scientist. This house was built by the genius Clovis Bray I himself. Within lies humanity's salvation. La fontaine de jouvence. Made possible by Clarity Control. Magnificent, wasn't it? An entity from beyond our own dimension. And the answer to humanity's eternal struggle: mortality. Were it to fall into the wrong hands, humanity, and the universe, would be utterly doomed. I have no reason to believe you are anything other than 'the wrong hands.' You now face godlike judgment. May it extend eternally.",
"source": "Destiny 2: Beyond Light - Deep Stone Crypt - Crypt AI",
"length": 739,
"id": 5336
@ -31877,7 +31877,7 @@
"id": 5767
"text": "Stop! Enough! I have heard more than enough to render my judgement. For as long as I have known you, Holger, you have spun words into lies. You weaken the minds of children, and delude the minds of men. I've shown you too many years of tolerance. And rather than exist in grateful meekness, as Holger the liar, you sink lower. You become Holger the Thief, robbing a woman of her livelihood, all in the name of your stupid stories!",
"text": "Stop! Enough! I have heard more than enough to render my judgment. For as long as I have known you, Holger, you have spun words into lies. You weaken the minds of children, and delude the minds of men. I've shown you too many years of tolerance. And rather than exist in grateful meekness, as Holger the liar, you sink lower. You become Holger the Thief, robbing a woman of her livelihood, all in the name of your stupid stories!",
"source": "Assassin's Creed Valhalla",
"length": 430,
"id": 5768
@ -32411,7 +32411,7 @@
"id": 5870
"text": "In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little, yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgement. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new. The world is often unkind to new talent, new creations. The new needs friends. Last night, I experienced something new: an extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source. To say that both the meal and its maker have challenged my preconceptions about fine cooking is a gross understatement. They have rocked me to my core. In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for Chef Gusteau's famous motto, \"Anyone can cook\". But I realize, only now do I truly understand what he meant. Not everyone can become a great artist; but a great artist can come from anywhere. It is difficult to imagine more humble origins than those of the genius now cooking at Gusteau's, who is, in this critic's opinion, nothing less than the finest chef in France. I will be returning to Gusteau's soon, hungry for more.",
"text": "In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little, yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new. The world is often unkind to new talent, new creations. The new needs friends. Last night, I experienced something new: an extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source. To say that both the meal and its maker have challenged my preconceptions about fine cooking is a gross understatement. They have rocked me to my core. In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for Chef Gusteau's famous motto, \"Anyone can cook\". But I realize, only now do I truly understand what he meant. Not everyone can become a great artist; but a great artist can come from anywhere. It is difficult to imagine more humble origins than those of the genius now cooking at Gusteau's, who is, in this critic's opinion, nothing less than the finest chef in France. I will be returning to Gusteau's soon, hungry for more.",
"source": "Ratatouille",
"length": 1316,
"id": 5871