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Come back soon!\"\\n\\t\\telse\\n\\t\\t\\tputs \"Goodbye #{@names}. Come back soon!\"\\n\\t\\tend\\n\\tend\\nend", + "source": "ruby-lang.org - Quickstart page 3", + "length": 727, + "id": 2 + }, + { + "text": "Point = Struct.new(:x, :y)\\n\\nRect = Struct.new(:x1, :y1, :x2, :y2) do\\n\\tdef contains?(point)\\n\\t\\tpoint.x.between?(x1,x2) && point.y.between?(y1,y2)\\n\\tend\\nend\\n\\nb = Rect.new(0,0,2,5).contains?(Point.new(0,0))", + "source": "programming-idioms.org - Check if point is inside rectangle", + "length": 213, + "id": 3 + }, + { + "text": "i = 0\\nloop do\\n\\tputs \"i is #{i}\"\\n\\ti += 1\\n\\tbreak if i == 10\\nend", + "source": "theodinproject.com - Ruby loops", + "length": 69, + "id": 4 + }, + { + "text": "def even_odd(number)\\n\\tif number % 2 == 0\\n\\t\\t\"That is an even number.\"\\n\\telse\\n\\t\\t\"That is an odd number.\"\\n\\tend\\nend", + "source": "theodinproject.com - Ruby methods", + "length": 123, + "id": 5 + }, + { + "text": "class PostsController < ApplicationController\\n\\tdef create\\n\\t\\t@post = Post.new(allowed_post_params)\\n\\t\\tif @post.save\\n\\t\\t\\tredirect_to post_path(@post.id)\\n\\t\\telse\\n\\t\\t\\trender :new, status: :unprocessable_entity\\n\\t\\tend\\n\\tend\\n\\n\\tprivate\\n\\n\\tdef allowed_post_params\\n\\t\\tparams.require(:post).permit(:title,:body,:author_id)\\n\\tend\\nend", + "source": "theodinproject.com - Ruby on Rails controllers", + "length": 349, + "id": 6 + }, + { + "text": "def geeks (*var)\\n\\tputs \"Number of parameters is: #{var.length}\"\\n\\n\\tfor i in 0...var.length\\n\\t\\tputs \"Parameters are: #{var[i]}\"\\n\\tend\\nend", + "source": "GeeksforGeeks - Ruby | Methods", + "length": 144, + "id": 7 + }, + { + "text": "def RecursiveSum(arrayofNumbers)\\n\\treturn 0 if arrayofNumbers.empty?\\n\\n\\tsum = arrayofNumbers.pop\\n\\treturn sum + RecursiveSum(arrayofNumbers)\\nend", + "source": "GeeksforGeeks - Recursion in Ruby", + "length": 149, + "id": 8 + }, + { + "text": "def RecursiveFactorial(number)\\n\\tif (0..1).include?(number)\\n\\t\\treturn 1\\n\\tend\\n\\n\\tnumber * RecursiveFactorial(number - 1)\\nend", + "source": "GeeksforGeeks - Recursion in Ruby", + "length": 131, + "id": 9 + }, + { + "text": "def Fibonacci(number)\\n\\tif number < 2\\n\\t\\tnumber\\n\\telse\\n\\t\\tFibonacci(number - 1) + Fibonacci(number - 2)\\n\\tend\\nend", + "source": "GeeksforGeeks - Recursion in Ruby", + "length": 121, + "id": 10 + }, + { + "text": "class Language\\n\\tattr_reader :language_name\\n\\tattr_writer :topic_name\\n\\tattr_reader :topic_name\\n\\n\\tdef initialize(language_name, topic_name)\\n\\t\\t@language_name = language_name\\n\\t\\t@topic_name = topic_name\\n\\tend\\nend", + "source": "GeeksforGeeks - Object-Oriented Programming in Ruby | Set 1", + "length": 223, + "id": 11 + }, + { + "text": "def contains_vowel(str)\\n\\tstr =~ /[aeiou]/\\nend", + "source": "GeeksforGeeks - Ruby | Regular Expressions", + "length": 48, + "id": 12 + }, + { + "text": "class CreateArticles < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0]\\n\\tdef change\\n\\t\\tcreate_table :articles do |t|\\n\\t\\t\\tt.string :title\\n\\t\\t\\tt.text :body\\n\\n\\t\\t\\tt.timestamps\\n\\t\\tend\\n\\tend\\nend", + "source": "guides.rubyonrails.org - Getting Started: Database Migrations", + "length": 186, + "id": 13 + }, + { + "text": "class ArticlesController < ApplicationController\\n\\tdef index\\n\\t\\t@articles = Article.all\\n\\tend\\n\\n\\tdef show\\n\\t\\t@article = Article.find(params[:id])\\n\\tend\\nend", + "source": "guides.rubyonrails.org - Getting Started: Showing a Single Article", + "length": 165, + "id": 14 + }, + { + "text": "class CommentsController < ApplicationController\\n\\tdef create\\n\\t\\t@article = Article.find(params[:article_id])\\n\\t\\t@comment = @article.comments.create(comment_params)\\n\\t\\tredirect_to article_path(@article)\\n\\tend\\n\\n\\tprivate\\n\\t\\tdef comment_params\\n\\t\\t\\tparams.require(:comment).permit(:commenter, :body)\\n\\t\\tend\\nend", + "source": "guides.rubyonrails.org - Getting Started: Generating a Controller", + "length": 325, + "id": 15 + }, + { + "text": "def bubble_sort(a)\\n\\tn = a.length\\n\\tfor i in 0...n-1\\n\\t\\tswapped = false\\n\\t\\tfor j in 0...n-i-1\\n\\t\\t\\tif a[j] > a[j+1]\\n\\t\\t\\t\\ttemp = a[j]\\n\\t\\t\\t\\ta[j] = a[j+1]\\n\\t\\t\\t\\ta[j+1] = temp\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tswapped = true\\n\\t\\t\\tend\\n\\t\\tend\\n\\t\\tif swapped == false\\n\\t\\t\\tbreak\\n\\t\\tend\\n\\tend\\n\\treturn a\\nend", + "source": "rubyalgo.github.io - bubble sort", + "length": 305, + "id": 16 + }, + { + "text": "def insertion_sort(a)\\n\\tfor i in 1...(a.length)\\n\\t\\tj = i\\n\\t\\twhile j > 0\\n\\t\\t\\tif a[j-1] > a[j]\\n\\t\\t\\t\\ttemp = a[j]\\n\\t\\t\\t\\ta[j] = a[j-1]\\n\\t\\t\\t\\ta[j-1] = temp\\n\\t\\t\\telse\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tbreak\\n\\t\\t\\tend\\n\\t\\t\\tj = j - 1\\n\\t\\tend\\n\\tend\\n\\treturn a\\nend", + "source": "rubyalgo.github.io - insertion sort", + "length": 255, + "id": 17 + }, + { + "text": "def binary_search(a, key)\\n\\tlo = 0\\n\\thi = a.length - 1\\n\\n\\twhile (lo <= hi)\\n\\t\\tmid = lo + ((hi - lo) / 2)\\n\\n\\t\\tif a[mid] == key\\n\\t\\t\\treturn mid\\n\\t\\telsif a[mid] < key\\n\\t\\t\\tlo = mid + 1\\n\\t\\telse\\n\\t\\t\\thi = mid - 1\\n\\t\\tend\\n\\tend\\n\\n\\treturn \"Value not found in array\"\\nend", + "source": "rubyalgo.github.io - binary search", + "length": 286, + "id": 18 + }, + { + "text": "def from_module(mod, candidate_rank = 0, start_line = nil)\\n\\tcandidate = Pry::WrappedModule(mod).candidate(candidate_rank)\\n\\tstart_line ||= candidate.line\\n\\tnew(candidate.source, start_line, :ruby)\\nend", + "source": "pry/pry gem sourcecode", + "length": 205, + "id": 19 + }, + { + "text": "def initialize(lines = [], start_line = 1, code_type = :ruby)\\n\\tlines = lines.lines if lines.is_a? String\\n\\t@lines = lines.each_with_index.map do |line, lineno|\\n\\t\\tLOC.new(line, lineno + start_line.to_i)\\n\\tend\\n\\t@code_type = code_type\\n\\n\\t@with_marker = @with_indentation = @with_line_numbers = nil\\nend", + "source": "pry/pry gem sourcecode", + "length": 310, + "id": 20 + }, + { + "text": "def repl\\n\\tloop do\\n\\t\\tcase val = read\\n\\t\\twhen :control_c\\n\\t\\t\\toutput.puts \"\"\\n\\t\\t\\tpry.reset_eval_string\\n\\t\\twhen :no_more_input\\n\\t\\t\\toutput.puts \"\" if output.tty?\\n\\t\\t\\tbreak\\n\\t\\telse\\n\\t\\t\\toutput.puts \"\" if val.nil? && output.tty?\\n\\t\\t\\treturn pry.exit_value unless pry.eval(val)\\n\\t\\tend\\n\\tend\\nend", + "source": "pry/pry gem sourcecode", + "length": 317, + "id": 21 + }, + { + "text": "def inject_local(name, value, binding)\\n\\tvalue = value.is_a?(Proc) ? value.call : value\\n\\tif binding.respond_to?(:local_variable_set)\\n\\t\\tbinding.local_variable_set name, value\\n\\telse # < 2.1\\n\\t\\tbegin\\n\\t\\t\\tPry.current[:pry_local] = value\\n\\t\\t\\tbinding.eval \"#{name} = ::Pry.current[:pry_local]\"\\n\\t\\tensure\\n\\t\\t\\tPry.current[:pry_local] = nil\\n\\t\\tend\\n\\tend\\nend", + "source": "pry/pry gem sourcecode", + "length": 373, + "id": 22 + }, + { + "text": "def process_yardoc_tag(comment, tag)\\n\\tin_tag_block = nil\\n\\tcomment.lines.map do |v|\\n\\t\\tif in_tag_block && v !~ /^\\S/\\n\\t\\t\\tPry::Helpers::Text.strip_color Pry::Helpers::Text.strip_color(v)\\n\\t\\telsif in_tag_block\\n\\t\\t\\tin_tag_block = false\\n\\t\\t\\tv\\n\\t\\telse\\n\\t\\t\\tin_tag_block = true if v =~ /^@#{tag}/\\n\\t\\t\\tv\\n\\t\\tend\\n\\tend.join\\nend", + "source": "pry/pry gem sourcecode", + "length": 345, + "id": 23 + }, + { + "text": "def load(*filenames)\\n\\twith(*filenames) do |f|\\n\\t\\tignoring_nonexistent_files do\\n\\t\\t\\tenv = Environment.new(f, true)\\n\\t\\t\\tinstrument(\"dotenv.load\", env: env) { env.apply }\\n\\t\\tend\\n\\tend\\nend", + "source": "bkeepers/dotenv gem sourcecode", + "length": 198, + "id": 24 + }, + { + "text": "def with(*filenames)\\n\\tfilenames << \".env\" if filenames.empty?\\n\\n\\tfilenames.reduce({}) do |hash, filename|\\n\\t\\thash.merge!(yield(File.expand_path(filename)) || {})\\n\\tend\\nend", + "source": "bkeepers/dotenv gem sourcecode", + "length": 179, + "id": 25 + }, + { + "text": "module Dotenv\\n\\tclass Error < StandardError; end\\n\\n\\tclass MissingKeys < Error # :nodoc:\\n\\t\\tdef initialize(keys)\\n\\t\\t\\tkey_word = \"key#{keys.size > 1 ? \"s\" : \"\"}\"\\n\\t\\t\\tsuper(\"Missing required configuration #{key_word}: #{keys.inspect}\")\\n\\t\\tend\\n\\tend\\nend", + "source": "bkeepers/dotenv gem sourcecode", + "length": 264, + "id": 26 + }, + { + "text": "def template_line(line)\\n\\tvar, value = line.split(\"=\")\\n\\ttemplate = var.gsub(EXPORT_COMMAND, \"\")\\n\\tis_a_comment = var.strip[0].eql?(\"#\")\\n\\tvalue.nil? || is_a_comment ? line : \"#{var}=#{template}\"\\nend", + "source": "bkeepers/dotenv gem sourcecode", + "length": 204, + "id": 27 + } + ] +}