diff --git a/frontend/src/ts/commandline/index.ts b/frontend/src/ts/commandline/index.ts
index 0bc831393..963422ef2 100644
--- a/frontend/src/ts/commandline/index.ts
+++ b/frontend/src/ts/commandline/index.ts
@@ -327,85 +327,66 @@ function trigger(command: string): void {
-//todo rewrite this mess
-function addChildCommands(
- unifiedCommands: MonkeyTypes.Command[],
- commandItem: MonkeyTypes.Command | MonkeyTypes.CommandsSubgroup,
- parentCommandDisplay = "",
- parentCommand?: MonkeyTypes.CommandsSubgroup
-): void {
- let commandItemDisplay = (commandItem as MonkeyTypes.Command).display;
- if ((commandItem as MonkeyTypes.Command)?.input !== true) {
- commandItemDisplay = (commandItem as MonkeyTypes.Command).display.replace(
- /\s?\.\.\.$/g,
- ""
- );
- }
- let icon = ``;
- if (
- (commandItem as MonkeyTypes.Command).configValue !== undefined &&
- Config[parentCommand?.configKey as keyof MonkeyTypes.Config] ===
- (commandItem as MonkeyTypes.Command).configValue
- ) {
- icon = ``;
- }
- if (
- (commandItem as MonkeyTypes.Command).noIcon ||
- (commandItem as MonkeyTypes.Command).input === true
- ) {
- icon = "";
- }
- if (parentCommandDisplay) {
- commandItemDisplay =
- parentCommandDisplay + " > " + icon + commandItemDisplay;
- }
- if ((commandItem as MonkeyTypes.Command).subgroup) {
- const command = commandItem as MonkeyTypes.Command;
- if (command.subgroup?.beforeList) command.subgroup.beforeList();
- try {
- (
- (commandItem as MonkeyTypes.Command)
- ?.subgroup as MonkeyTypes.CommandsSubgroup
- ).list?.forEach((cmd) => {
- (commandItem as MonkeyTypes.CommandsSubgroup).configKey = (
- (commandItem as MonkeyTypes.Command)
- .subgroup as MonkeyTypes.CommandsSubgroup
- ).configKey;
- addChildCommands(
- unifiedCommands,
- cmd,
- commandItemDisplay,
- commandItem as MonkeyTypes.CommandsSubgroup
- );
- });
- // commandItem.exec();
- // const currentCommandsIndex = CommandlineLists.current.length - 1;
- // CommandlineLists.current[currentCommandsIndex].list.forEach((cmd) => {
- // if (cmd.alias === undefined) cmd.alias = commandItem.alias;
- // addChildCommands(unifiedCommands, cmd, commandItemDisplay);
- // });
- // CommandlineLists.current.pop();
- } catch (e) {}
- } else {
- const tempCommandItem: MonkeyTypes.Command = {
- ...(commandItem as MonkeyTypes.Command),
+function getCommands(
+ command: MonkeyTypes.Command,
+ parentCommand?: MonkeyTypes.Command
+): MonkeyTypes.Command[] {
+ const ret: MonkeyTypes.Command[] = [];
+ if (command.subgroup) {
+ const currentCommand = {
+ ...command,
+ subgroup: {
+ ...command.subgroup,
+ list: [],
+ },
+ for (const cmd of command.subgroup.list) {
+ ret.push(...getCommands(cmd, currentCommand));
+ }
+ } else {
if (parentCommand) {
- (tempCommandItem as MonkeyTypes.Command).icon = (
- parentCommand as unknown as MonkeyTypes.Command
- ).icon;
+ const parentCommandDisplay = parentCommand.display.replace(
+ /\s?\.\.\.$/g,
+ ""
+ );
+ let configIcon = "";
+ const parentKey = parentCommand.subgroup?.configKey;
+ const currentValue = command.configValue;
+ if (parentKey !== undefined && currentValue !== undefined) {
+ if (
+ (command.configValueMode === "include" &&
+ (Config[parentKey] as unknown[]).includes(currentValue)) ||
+ Config[parentKey] === currentValue
+ ) {
+ configIcon = ``;
+ } else {
+ configIcon = ``;
+ }
+ }
+ const displayString =
+ parentCommandDisplay +
+ " > " +
+ (command.noIcon ? "" : configIcon) +
+ command.display;
+ const newCommand = {
+ ...command,
+ display: displayString,
+ icon: parentCommand.icon,
+ alias: (parentCommand.alias ?? "") + " " + (command.alias ?? ""),
+ visible: (parentCommand.visible ?? true) && (command.visible ?? true),
+ available: (): boolean => {
+ return (
+ (parentCommand?.available?.() ?? true) &&
+ (command?.available?.() ?? true)
+ );
+ },
+ };
+ ret.push(newCommand);
+ } else {
+ ret.push(command);
- if (parentCommandDisplay) tempCommandItem.display = commandItemDisplay;
- //@ts-ignore
- if (parentCommand?.available) {
- //@ts-ignore
- tempCommandItem.available = parentCommand.available;
- }
- unifiedCommands.push(tempCommandItem);
+ return ret;
function generateSingleListOfCommands(): {
@@ -413,9 +394,10 @@ function generateSingleListOfCommands(): {
list: MonkeyTypes.Command[];
} {
const allCommands: MonkeyTypes.Command[] = [];
- CommandlineLists.commands.list.forEach((c) =>
- addChildCommands(allCommands, c)
- );
+ for (const command of CommandlineLists.commands.list) {
+ allCommands.push(...getCommands(command));
+ }
return {
title: "All Commands",
list: allCommands,