import { generateOpenApi } from "@ts-rest/open-api"; import { contract } from "@monkeytype/contracts/index"; import { writeFileSync, mkdirSync } from "fs"; import { EndpointMetadata, PermissionId, } from "@monkeytype/contracts/schemas/api"; import type { OpenAPIObject, OperationObject } from "openapi3-ts"; import { RateLimitIds, getLimits, RateLimiterId, Window, } from "@monkeytype/contracts/rate-limit/index"; import { formatDuration } from "date-fns"; type SecurityRequirementObject = { [name: string]: string[]; }; export function getOpenApi(): OpenAPIObject { const openApiDocument = generateOpenApi( contract, { openapi: "3.1.0", info: { title: "Monkeytype API", description: "Documentation for the endpoints provided by the Monkeytype API server.\n\nNote that authentication is performed with the Authorization HTTP header in the format `Authorization: ApeKey YOUR_APE_KEY`\n\nThere is a rate limit of `30 requests per minute` across all endpoints with some endpoints being more strict. Rate limit rates are shared across all ape keys.", version: "2.0.0", termsOfService: "", contact: { name: "Support", email: "", }, "x-logo": { url: "", }, license: { name: "GPL-3.0", url: "", }, }, servers: [ { url: "", description: "Production server", }, ], components: { securitySchemes: { BearerAuth: { type: "http", scheme: "bearer", }, ApeKey: { type: "http", scheme: "ApeKey", }, }, }, tags: [ { name: "users", description: "User account data.", "x-displayName": "Users", "x-public": "yes", }, { name: "configs", description: "User specific configs like test settings, theme or tags.", "x-displayName": "User configs", "x-public": "no", }, { name: "presets", description: "User specific configuration presets.", "x-displayName": "User presets", "x-public": "no", }, { name: "results", description: "User test results", "x-displayName": "Test results", "x-public": "yes", }, { name: "ape-keys", description: "Ape keys provide access to certain API endpoints.", "x-displayName": "Ape Keys", "x-public": "no", }, { name: "public", description: "Public endpoints such as typing stats.", "x-displayName": "Public", "x-public": "yes", }, { name: "leaderboards", description: "All-time and daily leaderboards of the fastest typers.", "x-displayName": "Leaderboards", }, { name: "psas", description: "Public service announcements.", "x-displayName": "PSAs", "x-public": "yes", }, { name: "quotes", description: "Quote ratings and new quote submissions", "x-displayName": "Quotes", "x-public": "yes", }, { name: "admin", description: "Various administrative endpoints. Require user to have admin permissions.", "x-displayName": "Admin", "x-public": "no", }, { name: "configuration", description: "Server configuration", "x-displayName": "Server configuration", "x-public": "yes", }, { name: "development", description: "Development related endpoints. Only available on dev environment", "x-displayName": "Development", "x-public": "no", }, { name: "webhooks", description: "Endpoints for incoming webhooks.", "x-displayName": "Webhooks", "x-public": "yes", }, ], }, { jsonQuery: true, setOperationId: "concatenated-path", operationMapper: (operation, route) => { const metadata = route.metadata as EndpointMetadata; if (!operation.description?.trim()?.endsWith(".")) { operation.description += "."; } operation.description += "\n\n"; addAuth(operation, metadata); addRateLimit(operation, metadata); addRequiredConfiguration(operation, metadata); addTags(operation, metadata); return operation; }, } ); return openApiDocument; } function addAuth( operation: OperationObject, metadata: EndpointMetadata | undefined ): void { const auth = metadata?.authenticationOptions ?? {}; const permissions = getRequiredPermissions(metadata) ?? []; const security: SecurityRequirementObject[] = []; if (!auth.isPublic && !auth.isPublicOnDev) { security.push({ BearerAuth: permissions }); if (auth.acceptApeKeys === true) { security.push({ ApeKey: permissions }); } } const includeInPublic = auth.isPublic === true || auth.acceptApeKeys === true; operation["x-public"] = includeInPublic ? "yes" : "no"; = security; if (permissions.length !== 0) { operation.description += `**Required permissions:** ${permissions.join( ", " )}\n\n`; } } function getRequiredPermissions( metadata: EndpointMetadata | undefined ): Permission[] | undefined { if (metadata === undefined || metadata.requirePermission === undefined) return undefined; if (Array.isArray(metadata.requirePermission)) return metadata.requirePermission; return [metadata.requirePermission]; } function addTags( operation: OperationObject, metadata: EndpointMetadata | undefined ): void { if (metadata === undefined || metadata.openApiTags === undefined) return; operation.tags = Array.isArray(metadata.openApiTags) ? metadata.openApiTags : [metadata.openApiTags]; } function addRateLimit( operation: OperationObject, metadata: EndpointMetadata | undefined ): void { if (metadata === undefined || metadata.rateLimit === undefined) return; const okResponse = operation.responses["200"]; if (okResponse === undefined) return; operation.description += getRateLimitDescription(metadata.rateLimit); okResponse["headers"] = { ...okResponse["headers"], "x-ratelimit-limit": { schema: { type: "integer" }, description: "The number of allowed requests in the current period", }, "x-ratelimit-remaining": { schema: { type: "integer" }, description: "The number of remaining requests in the current period", }, "x-ratelimit-reset": { schema: { type: "integer" }, description: "The timestamp of the start of the next period", }, }; } function getRateLimitDescription(limit: RateLimiterId | RateLimitIds): string { const limits = getLimits(limit); let result = `**Rate limit:** This operation can be called up to ${ limits.limiter.max } times ${formatWindow(limits.limiter.window)} for regular users`; if (limits.apeKeyLimiter !== undefined) { result += ` and up to ${limits.apeKeyLimiter.max} times ${formatWindow( limits.apeKeyLimiter.window )} with ApeKeys`; } return result + ".\n\n"; } function formatWindow(window: Window): string { if (typeof window === "number") { const seconds = Math.floor(window / 1000); const duration = formatDuration({ hours: Math.floor(seconds / 3600), minutes: Math.floor(seconds / 60) % 60, seconds: seconds % 60, }); return `every ${duration}`; } return "per " + window; } function addRequiredConfiguration( operation: OperationObject, metadata: EndpointMetadata | undefined ): void { if (metadata === undefined || metadata.requireConfiguration === undefined) return; operation.description += `**Required configuration:** This operation can only be called if the [configuration](#tag/configuration/operation/configuration.get) for \`${metadata.requireConfiguration.path}\` is \`true\`.\n\n`; } //detect if we run this as a main if (require.main === module) { const args = process.argv.slice(2); if (args.length !== 1) { console.error("Provide filename."); process.exit(1); } const outFile = args[0] as string; //create directories if needed const lastSlash = outFile.lastIndexOf("/"); if (lastSlash > 1) { const dir = outFile.substring(0, lastSlash); mkdirSync(dir, { recursive: true }); } const openapi = getOpenApi(); writeFileSync(args[0] as string, JSON.stringify(openapi, null, 2)); }