# about Monkey-type is a minimalistic typing test, featuring many test modes, an account system to save your typing speed history and user configurable features like themes, a smooth caret and more. # keybinds You can use `tab` and `enter` (or just `tab` if you have quick tab mode enabled) to restart the typing test. Open the command line by pressing `esc` - there you can access all the functionality you need without touching your mouse. # stats - wpm - total amount of characters in the correctly typed words, divided by 5 - acc - percentage of correctly pressed keys - key - correct characters / incorrect characters. Calculated after the test has ended # bug report or feature request If you encounter a bug, or have a feature request - send me a message on Reddit, create an issue on GitHub or send me a message using the command line `esc`. # credits montydrei for the name suggestion everyone who provided valuable feedback on the original reddit post for the prototype of this website # support If you wish to support further development and feeling extra awesome, you can do so [here](https://www.paypal.me/jackbartnik).