import conventionalChangelog from "conventional-changelog"; import { exec } from "child_process"; // const stream = conventionalChangelog( // { // preset: { // name: "conventionalcommits", // types: [ // { type: "feat", section: "Features" }, // { type: "impr", section: "Improvements" }, // { type: "fix", section: "Fixes" }, // ], // }, // }, // undefined, // undefined, // undefined, // { // headerPartial: "", // } // ); // let log = ""; // for await (const chunk of stream) { // log += chunk; // } // log = log.replace(/^\*/gm, "-"); // console.log(log); // console.log(header + log + footer); //i might come back to the approach below at some point const lineDelimiter = "thisismylinedelimiterthatwilldefinitelynotappearintheactualcommitmessage"; const logDelimiter = "thisismylogdelimiterthatwilldefinitelynotappearintheactualcommitmessage"; async function getLog() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { exec( `git log --oneline $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 @^)..@ --pretty="format:${lineDelimiter}%H${logDelimiter}%h${logDelimiter}%s${logDelimiter}%b"`, (err, stdout, stderr) => { if (err) { reject(err); } resolve(stdout); } ); }); } function itemIsAddingQuotes(item) { const scopeIsQuote = item.scope?.includes("quote") || item.scope?.includes("quotes") || item.message?.includes("quote"); const messageAdds = item.message.includes("add") || item.message.includes("added") || item.message.includes("adding") || item.message.includes("adds"); return scopeIsQuote && messageAdds; } function itemIsAddressingQuoteReports(item) { const scopeIsQuote = item.scope?.includes("quote") || item.scope?.includes("quotes"); const messageReport = item.message.includes("report") || item.message.includes("reports"); return scopeIsQuote && messageReport; } const titles = { feat: "Features", impr: "Improvements", fix: "Fixes", }; function getPrLink(pr) { const prNum = pr.replace("#", ""); return `[#${prNum}](${prNum})`; } function getCommitLink(hash, longHash) { return `[${hash}](${longHash})`; } function buildItems(items, mergeTypeAndScope = false) { let ret = ""; for (let item of items) { let scope = item.scope ? `**${item.scope}:** ` : ""; if (mergeTypeAndScope) { scope = `**${item.type}${item.scope ? `(${item.scope})` : ""}:** `; } const usernames = item.usernames.length > 0 ? ` (${item.usernames.join(", ")})` : ""; const pr = item.prs.length > 0 ? ` (${ => getPrLink(p)).join(", ")})` : ""; const hash = ` (${item.hashes .map((h) => getCommitLink(h.short, h.full)) .join(", ")})`; ret += `- ${scope}${item.message}${usernames}${pr}${hash}\n`; } return ret; } function buildSection(type, allItems) { let ret = `### ${titles[type]}\n\n`; const items = allItems.filter( (item) => item.type === type && !item.body.includes("!nuf") ); if (items.length === 0) { return ""; } return (ret += buildItems(items)); } function buildFooter(logs) { let out = "\n### Nerd stuff\n\nThese changes will not be visible to users, but are included for completeness and to credit contributors.\n\n"; const featLogs = logs.filter( (item) => item.type === "feat" && item.body.includes("!nuf") ); const imprLogs = logs.filter( (item) => item.type === "impr" && item.body.includes("!nuf") ); const fixLogs = logs.filter( (item) => item.type === "fix" && item.body.includes("!nuf") ); const styleLogs = logs.filter((item) => item.type === "style"); const docLogs = logs.filter((item) => item.type === "docs"); const refactorLogs = logs.filter((item) => item.type === "refactor"); const perfLogs = logs.filter((item) => item.type === "perf"); const ciLogs = logs.filter((item) => item.type === "ci"); const testLogs = logs.filter((item) => item.type === "test"); const buildLogs = logs.filter((item) => item.type === "build"); const choreLogs = logs.filter((item) => item.type === "chore"); const allOtherLogs = [ ...featLogs, ...imprLogs, ...fixLogs, ...styleLogs, ...docLogs, ...refactorLogs, ...perfLogs, ...ciLogs, ...testLogs, ...buildLogs, ...choreLogs, ]; //remove dupes based on hash const uniqueOtherLogs = allOtherLogs.filter( (item, index, self) => index === self.findIndex((t) => t.hashes[0].full === item.hashes[0].full) ); // console.log(uniqueOtherLogs); out += buildItems(uniqueOtherLogs, true); return out; } // function buildFooter(logs) { // const styleLogs = logs.filter((item) => item.type === "style"); // const docLogs = logs.filter((item) => item.type === "docs"); // const refactorLogs = logs.filter((item) => item.type === "refactor"); // const perfLogs = logs.filter((item) => item.type === "perf"); // const ciLogs = logs.filter((item) => item.type === "ci"); // const testLogs = logs.filter((item) => item.type === "test"); // const buildLogs = logs.filter((item) => item.type === "build"); // const otherStrings = []; // if (styleLogs.length > 0) { // otherStrings.push("style"); // } // if (docLogs.length > 0) { // otherStrings.push("documentation"); // } // if (refactorLogs.length > 0) { // otherStrings.push("refactoring"); // } // if (perfLogs.length > 0) { // otherStrings.push("performance"); // } // if (ciLogs.length > 0) { // otherStrings.push("CI"); // } // if (testLogs.length > 0) { // otherStrings.push("testing"); // } // if (buildLogs.length > 0) { // otherStrings.push("build"); // } // if (otherStrings.length === 0) { // return ""; // } // //build a string where otherStrings are joined by commas and the last one is joined by "and" // const finalString = // otherStrings.length > 1 // ? otherStrings.slice(0, -1).join(", ") + " and " + otherStrings.slice(-1) // : otherStrings[0]; // return `\n### Other\n\n- Various ${finalString} changes`; // } function convertStringToLog(logString) { let log = []; for (let line of logString) { if (line === "" || line === "\r" || line === "\n") continue; // console.log(line); //split line based on the format: d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c106 d2739e4f1 style: adjusted testConfig and modesNotice. //use regex to split // const [_, hash, shortHash, fullMessage] = line.split( // /(\w{40}) (\w{9,10}) (.*)/ // ); const [hash, shortHash, title, body] = line .split(logDelimiter) .map((s) => s.trim()); // console.log({ // hash, // shortHash, // title, // body, // }); //split message using regex based on fix(language): spelling mistakes in Nepali wordlist and quotes (sapradhan) (#4528) //scope is optional, username is optional, pr number is optional const [__, type, scope, message, message2, message3] = title.split( /^(\w+)(?:\(([^)]+)\))?:\s+(.+?)\s*(?:\(([^)]+)\))?(?:\s+\(([^)]+)\))?(?:\s+\(([^)]+)\))?$/ ); const usernames = message2 && message3 ? message2.split(", ") : []; let pr; if (message2 && message3) { pr = message3; } else if (message2 && !message3) { pr = message2; } const prs = pr ? pr.split(", ") : []; if (type && message) { log.push({ hashes: [ { short: shortHash, full: hash, }, ], type, scope, message, usernames: usernames || [], prs, body: body || "", }); } else { console.log({ hash, shortHash, title, body }); console.warn("skipping line due to invalid format: " + line); } } return log; } const header = "Thank you to all the contributors who made this release possible!"; async function main() { let logString = await getLog(); logString = logString.split(lineDelimiter); //test commits // const logString = [ // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c106 d2739e4f1 build: add new feature (miodec, someone) (#1234)", // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c106 d2739e4f1 build(scope): add new feature (#1234)", // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c106 d2739e4f1 chore: add new feature (#1234)", // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c106 d2739e4f1 chore(scope): add new feature (#1234)", // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c106 d2739e4f1 ci: add new feature (#1234)", // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c106 d2739e4f1 ci(scope): add new feature (#1234)", // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c106 d2739e4f1 docs: add new feature (#1234)", // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c106 d2739e4f1 docs(scope): add new feature (#1234)", // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c106 d2739e4f1 feat: add new feature (#1234)", // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c106 d2739e4f1 feat(scope): add new feature (#1234)", // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c106 d2739e4f1 impr: add new feature (#1234)", // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c106 d2739e4f1 impr(scope): add new feature (#1234)", // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c106 d2739e4f1 fix: add new feature (#1234)", // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c106 d2739e4f1 fix(score): add new feature (#1234)", // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c106 d2739e4f1 perf: add new feature (#1234)", // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c106 d2739e4f1 perf(scope): add new feature (#1234)", // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c106 d2739e4f1 refactor: add new feature (#1234)", // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c106 d2739e4f1 refactor(scope): add new feature (#1234)", // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c106 d2739e4f1 revert: add new feature (#1234)", // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c106 d2739e4f1 revert(scope): add new feature (#1234)", // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c106 d2739e4f1 style: add new feature (#1234)", // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c106 d2739e4f1 style(scope): add new feature (#1234)", // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c106 d2739e4f1 test: add new feature (#1234)", // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c106 d2739e4f1 test(scope): add new feature (#1234)", // ]; //test commits // logString = [ // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c101 d2739e4f1 fix: add new fix (#1234)", // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c102 d2739e4f1 fix(nuf something): add new fix nuf (#1234)", // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c103 d2739e4f1 test: add new test (#1234)", // "d2739e4f193137db4d86450f0d50b3489d75c104 d2739e4f1 test(blah): add new test blah (#1234)", // ]; let log = convertStringToLog(logString); const contributorCount = log .map((l) => { const filtered = l.usernames.filter((u) => { const lowerCased = u.toLowerCase(); return ( lowerCased !== "monkeytype-bot" && lowerCased !== "dependabot" && lowerCased !== "miodec" ); }); return filtered; }) .flat().length; let quoteAddCommits = log.filter((item) => itemIsAddingQuotes(item)); log = log.filter((item) => !itemIsAddingQuotes(item)); let quoteReportCommits = log.filter((item) => itemIsAddressingQuoteReports(item) ); log = log.filter((item) => !itemIsAddressingQuoteReports(item)); if (quoteAddCommits.length > 0) { log.push({ hashes: => item.hashes).flat(), type: "impr", scope: "quote", message: "add quotes in various languages", usernames: => item.usernames).flat(), prs: => item.prs).flat(), body: "", }); } if (quoteReportCommits.length > 0) { log.push({ hashes: => item.hashes).flat(), type: "fix", scope: "quote", message: "update or remove quotes reported by users", usernames: => item.usernames).flat(), prs: => item.prs).flat(), body: "", }); } let final = ""; if (contributorCount > 0) { final += header + "\n\n\n"; } const sections = []; for (const type of Object.keys(titles)) { const section = buildSection(type, log); if (section) { sections.push(section); } } final += sections.join("\n\n"); const footer = buildFooter(log); if (footer) { final += "\n" + footer; } console.log(final); } main();