//this file should be concatenated at the top of the legacy js files import Chart from "chart.js"; import chartTrendline from "chartjs-plugin-trendline"; import chartAnnotation from "chartjs-plugin-annotation"; Chart.plugins.register(chartTrendline); Chart.plugins.register(chartAnnotation); import * as DB from "./db"; import * as Misc from "./misc"; import * as ResultFilters from "./result-filters"; import Config from "./config"; import * as SimplePopups from "./simple-popups"; import * as AccountController from "./account-controller"; import { toggleGlarses } from "./test-logic"; import "./caps-warning"; import "./support-popup"; import "./version-popup"; import "./input-controller"; import "./ready"; import "./about-page"; import "./pb-tables-popup"; import * as Account from "./account"; import * as TestStats from "./test-stats"; import * as Replay from "./replay"; import * as TestTimer from "./test-timer";