{ "language": "test", "groups": [ [0, 100], [101, 300], [301, 600], [601, 9999] ], "quotes": [ { "text": "This is a quote", "source": "Miodec", "length": 15, "id": 1 }, { "text": "Another quote", "source": "Someone else", "length": 13, "id": 2 }, { "text": "Another quote", "source": "Someone else", "length": 13, "id": 3 }, { "text": "Another quote", "source": "Someone else", "length": 13, "id": 4 }, { "text": "This is a test quote", "source": "miodec", "length": 20, "id": 5 }, { "text": "This is a super awesome quote that it should just accept without complaining because its not that similar", "source": "miodec", "length": 105, "id": 6 }, { "text": "This is a super awesome quote that it should just accept without complaining because its not that similar", "source": "miodec", "length": 105, "id": 7 } ] }