const _ = require("lodash"); const joi = require("joi"); const MonkeyError = require("../handlers/error"); /** * This utility checks that the server's configuration matches * the criteria. */ function validateConfiguration(options) { const { criteria, invalidMessage } = options; return (req, res, next) => { const configuration = req.context.configuration; const validated = criteria(configuration); if (!validated) { throw new MonkeyError( 503, invalidMessage ?? "This service is currently unavailable." ); } next(); }; } /** * This utility serves as an alternative to wrapping express handlers with try/catch statements. * Any routes that use an async handler function should wrap the handler with this function. * Without this, any errors thrown will not be caught by the error handling middleware, and * the app will hang! */ function asyncHandlerWrapper(handler) { return async (req, res, next) => { try { const handlerData = await handler(req, res); if (!res.headersSent) { if (handlerData) { res.json(handlerData); } else { res.sendStatus(204); } } next(); } catch (error) { next(error); } }; } function requestValidation(validationSchema) { /** * In dev environments, as an alternative to token authentication, * you can pass the authentication middleware by having a user id in the body. * Inject the user id into the schema so that validation will not fail. */ if (process.env.MODE === "dev") { validationSchema.body = { uid: joi.any(), ...(validationSchema.body ?? {}), }; } const { validationErrorMessage } = validationSchema; const normalizedValidationSchema = _.omit( validationSchema, "validationErrorMessage" ); return (req, res, next) => { _.each(normalizedValidationSchema, (schema, key) => { const joiSchema = joi.object().keys(schema); const { error } = joiSchema.validate(req[key] ?? {}); if (error) { const errorMessage = error.details[0].message; throw new MonkeyError( 400, validationErrorMessage ?? `Invalid request: ${errorMessage}` ); } }); next(); }; } module.exports = { validateConfiguration, asyncHandlerWrapper, requestValidation, };